azonenberg changed the topic of #scopehal to: libscopehal, libscopeprotocols, and glscopeclient development and testing |,, | Logs:
<Error_404> azonenberg: have a small patch for xptools to add socket rx/tx timeouts, how do you want it?
<azonenberg> send a PR
<Error_404> done
<azonenberg> Error_404: are those linux only or portable?
<Error_404> oh shoot
<Error_404> pretty sure linux only
<azonenberg> I'm ok with you adding them as ifdef'd linux only for the short term i guess, as long as equivalent windows functionality can be added later
<azonenberg> that way it will still compile on windows if you dont use those functions
<azonenberg> and glscopeclient is currently linux specific, so a few more portability issues won't be the end of the world. I do want portability eventually though
<Error_404> fixing types and pushing that
<Error_404> done cc azonenberg
<azonenberg> Perfect
<azonenberg> Will look and merge as soon as i'm done soldering this probe
<azonenberg> also oooh i sized the pcb-to-shell fit PERFECTLY
<azonenberg> the little tail around the SMA basically friction-fits into the probe shell
<azonenberg> i might not even have to glue it
<_whitenotifier-3> [scopehal] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<_whitenotifier-3> [scopehal] azonenberg 7d9840b - Updated to latest xptools
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<azonenberg> Merged
<azonenberg> also new speed record for scopehal
<azonenberg> 52 FPS with 4k points on a single channel from a hdo9204
<azonenberg> mind you that is 52 frames with completely new waveform data each frame
<azonenberg> so 52 WFM/s
<azonenberg> can't wait till we build hardware that can push 100k points waveforms or more at that speed
<Error_404> azonenberg: pull request of shame submitted :p
<Error_404> thanks C, for providing type information about enums /s
<Error_404> also sigh, need to strip back and reimplement a lot of the virtualized lecroy classes, 'cause retrying reads isn't sufficient, we need to actually re-send the command
<Error_404> impossible to do w/o refactoring all instances of sendcommand unless I pivot to something like an optional expect/stored result
<azonenberg> hmmm
<azonenberg> great
<azonenberg> maybe might make sense to just make it be a separate driver rather than a subclass in the end? or what
<_whitenotifier-3> [scopehal] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<_whitenotifier-3> [scopehal] azonenberg aef5ecf - Updated to latest xptools
<azonenberg> vs Pico TA061 (commercial 1.5 GHz transmission line probe, $329 MSRP)
<azonenberg> The Pico claims 2 pF input capacitance, i think mine is a fair bit less but don't have instruments sensitive enough to measure single digit pF accurately
<Error_404> yes that's what I am thinking
<Error_404> well
<Error_404> to be fair, it shouldn't hurt anything if used for a lecroy target
<Error_404> but I will probably just kill the inheritance to LecroyOscilloscope to keep things reasonable
<Error_404> just will take some tinkering
* Error_404 grumbles
<Error_404> very nice
<Error_404> multech?
<azonenberg> my probe? yeah. On Rogers RO4350B
<monochroma> Error_404: siglent's network interface code:
<Error_404> t.t
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<Error_404> so, basically ended up implemented a layer of one-way commands and commands with an expected resp. could probably re-inherit the lecroy driver if it used a similar interface
<Error_404> and I likewise think it'll be a better interface going forward, but I'm not gonna try and convert everything to it
<Error_404> has resulted in much cleaner code for the siglent impl so far
<monochroma> we probably should have some better communication mechanisms, i don't think it's acceptable for the whole UI to lock up because of a communications fault
<monochroma> communication and UI seperation i mean
<azonenberg> monochroma: yeah right now the data acquisition thread is pretty separated
<azonenberg> but a few of the context menu functions etc do call methods on the scope that could potentially block
<monochroma> okay so we just need some timeouts i suppose
<azonenberg> yes agreed. We should try to avoid ever having unbounded blocking
<Error_404> I think there are some timed events too? basically anything from gtkmm that fights for the scope mutex will result in a lock if comms get blocked
<Error_404> would be nice to have a way to indicate up the stack that that has occured
<Error_404> but for now drawing more coherant boxes around communication layers is a start
<Error_404> will pay dividends when abstracting away transport
<azonenberg> Yes. One of the challenges i had early on was not even knowing what assumptions were valid
<azonenberg> because i hadn't looked at enough hardware yet
<Error_404> oh for sure
<Error_404> I think another thing is there is just necessarily a large bulk of code that isn't...very exciting. makes sense you'd want to get something working
<azonenberg> remember, scopeclient (not glscopeclient, the original GTK-only app) was originally a viewer for RED TIN
<Error_404> hehe
<azonenberg> and eventually i added support for my old ds1102d
<azonenberg> then dropped it because it was such a pain in the butt to get waveforms off of
<azonenberg> :p
<azonenberg> Some of this code goes that far back
<azonenberg> hence the 2012-2020 copyright header :p
<azonenberg> almost everything has been rewritten, and some of the original subversion history probably got squashed when i migrated to git circa 2015
<azonenberg> But that is the original legacy of it
<Error_404> hah, had no idea it talked to the ds1102
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