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<fivo> Hey
<fivo> I am using slime with company. I installed the following plugin
<fivo> The plugin gives me completions for the libaries.
<fivo> Before I used the plugin company also completed local varaibles which it doesn't anymore.
<fivo> What is the current setup to sort of get the best of both worlds.
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<luis> fivo: I've never used slime-company or company, sorry. (I that sort of thing too distracting.) Perhaps you can open a feature request with slime-company to include that sort of thing. It'd probably involve extending this function:
<luis> fivo: and this might be a good start to grab the locals:
<fivo> luis: The thing is Shinmera uses slime-company in portacle and I just checked in portacle completions work also for local stuff.
<fivo> So I wonder if it's not some setup thing.
<luis> fivo: hmm. doesn't seem to have anything fancy.
<luis> Maybe Shinmera can chime in.
<fivo> luis: I asked him over at #shirakumo.
<luis> He may be out of order due to the Central European heat wave :D
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<Shinmera> luis is correct
<fivo> ok thanks, the issue was solved by grouping two company backends together.
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<luis> fivo: cool. Can you share what that looks like?