luis changed the topic of #slime to: SLIME, the Superior Lisp Interaction Mode for Emacs | | |
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<luis> We're on opposite timezones, it seems, even though we're both in Europe, I think. :-)
<jackdaniel> isn't drmeister located in uS?
<ck_> yes.
<Shinmera> drmeister lives in Philadelphia
<Shinmera> He's just often up way too late.
<luis> And yet he's connected to an IRC server in London and I'm connected to an IRC server in New York. Crazy world.
<Shinmera> He uses irccloud, so there's that.
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<drmeister> Howdy ho
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<drmeister> luis: Are you online?
<luis> drmeister: I'm here.
<drmeister> I'm not quite sure what to do with compile-multiple-strings-for-emacs. It has access to position - but not line and column as I see it.
<drmeister> I'm assuming that it is a fixnum offset into the file and not an alist based on how it is being passed to swank-compile-string.
<drmeister> Would you have any thoughts on this?
<luis> drmeister: It looks like we could change slime-recompile-locations to compute line/column, but you don't have to do that right away if you don't the time/inclination. You could just not pass line/column in that case and backends need to be able to deal with nil.
<luis> drmeister: does that sounds reasonable?
<drmeister> That sounds reasonable.
<drmeister> So - then I'm done. I'll submit this as a pull request .
<drmeister> Ok - it works for clasp - and I was careful when adding the keyword arguments to the other implementations...
<drmeister> This is correct line information.
<drmeister> I submitted the pull request.
<luis> For CCL and SBCL a bug there should be caught by the test suite when you submit the pull request. :)
<drmeister> Sounds good.
<luis> drmeister: do you think my suggestion improves readability or should I just merge the pull request?
<drmeister> Hang on - in phone conference
<drmeister> luis: I followed your suggestion and pushed the changes to my fork. I think you should see them now in the pull request.
<drmeister> Thank you.
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