does anybody see having output buried in the *inferior-lisp* buffer as a feature?
no, it's quite annoying in fact when dealing with FFI that prints to stderr/stdout
swank:*globally-redirect-io* doesn't help with that, though.
yeah, wish it did
merging *inferior-lisp* and the repl buffer would though. 🤔
not sure the built-in repl would appreciate it
another option would be to have the *inferior-lisp* buffer relay output to the repl buffer
luis, I see it as a good thing that separate streams are not by default aggregated into one
especially when the most common cases i've experienced of my own code's stream output ending up in *inferior-lisp* instead of the repl is that multiple threads are printing simultaneously
adlai: they'll be printing simultaneously into *inferior-lisp* won't they?
what's the difference?
luis, that is a question of when and how each thread was started
e.g., I start a program from the shell, then a few hours later, start swank and connect a slime-repl. I don't want global redirection in this case, although I think you are talking specifically about images started from M-x slime
Oh sure. That's how it works right now.
And in fact, the claim that M-x slime turns *globally-redirect-io* on is true. It's just not doing that on my work PC for some reason.
I mean in the case of remote connection merging the two isn't possible anyhow.
scymtym has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
Shinmera: do you see the output of (cffi:foreign-funcall "puts" :string "Hello" :int) anywhere?
Ah, it needs flushing. (cffi:foreign-funcall "fflush" :pointer (cffi:null-pointer) :int)
Shinmera: does this annoy you with Qt log message or something else?