luis changed the topic of #slime to: SLIME, the Superior Lisp Interaction Mode for Emacs | | |
<fiddlerwoaroof> I'd suggest the first message be a string literal
<fiddlerwoaroof> That way it can be read with a JSON parser or a lisp parser
<fiddlerwoaroof> (If the goal is to support other serialization formats)
<fiddlerwoaroof> Anyways, I've been wondering, does slime have hooks for "smarter" completions?
<fiddlerwoaroof> I'd like to be able to customize the completions so that (ql:quickload :<TAB>) shows me a list of quicklisp packages.
<fiddlerwoaroof> s/packages/systems/
<fiddlerwoaroof> (in-package :<TAB> could show a list of valid packages, etc...
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<fiddlerwoaroof> The basic idea I have would be to add a context parameter to the various completion fucntions in elisp/cl
<fiddlerwoaroof> Then turn SWANK::FUZZY-GENERATE-MATCHINGS into a generic function and specialize it on the context parameter in user code
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<luis> flip214: yes, you need to change the multithreaded swank so it doesn't do that for the first message.
<luis> fiddlerwoaroof: there may be something like that in SLIME, I seem to recall being able to tab complete pathnames, for instance.
<luis> fiddlerwoaroof: in any case, that's a great idea.
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<fiddlerwoaroof> What I'm not entirely sure about, is how to reliably detect the first element of the current form when input is not complete
<scymtym> eclector is probably not an acceptable dependency, but if it was, you could READ with automatic error recovery. that gives reasonable results in most cases, in particular for things like missing closing parenthesis
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<luis> We should definitely get eclector into SLIME at some point, perhaps under a different package name to avoid collision with other eclector uses. Lots of fun stuff that could be done with a nice reader.