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<bdilly> hi iscaro , asutosh is a student and he's interested to start to contribute to Soletta
<bdilly> I've just checked our bug tracker and it looks like all easy tasks were closed already
<bdilly> iscaro, do you have any task suggestion for asutosh ?
<bdilly> bottazzini, anything on dev-app side? asutosh is good with web development technologies. Could he help on something on dev-app?
<bottazzini> bdilly, sure thing... there are some tasks there that he can help us out.
<bottazzini> Here: https://github.com/solettaproject/soletta-dev-app/issues, I suggest him to get any task there.. the first ones are the best
<bottazzini> asutosh, do you have any preference?
<bottazzini> In the listed tasks?
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<iscaro> bdilly, let me take a look
<iscaro> bdilly, maybe he can create the UART node
<iscaro> it's not a hard task
<iscaro> however he should be able to test it
<iscaro> must*
<iscaro> s/should/must/
<iscaro> or maybe this one
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<iscaro> asutosh, hey I have a task for you. It's quite an easy task. Take a look here https://github.com/solettaproject/soletta/issues/2010
<iscaro> our UART infra is already implemented, we just a need a node type for that
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<iscaro> bsmelo, the docs are fine, I don't need that extra *
<iscaro> about the unsupported_content_format
<iscaro> indeed
<iscaro> My bad
<bsmelo> nice. it looks good to me and really seems to help
<iscaro> u sure?
<bsmelo> I'm just writing a snippet making hypothetical use of it to be sure
<iscaro> awesome
<iscaro> bsmelo, before merging the commit I will update that return code to UNSUPPORTED_....
<bsmelo> ok =]
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