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<bsmelo> docs on GitHub pages is not working anymore:
<bsmelo> actually, /docs/ is, /c-api isn't
<iscaro> bdilly, ^
<bdilly> probably something wrong with our bot again
<bdilly> I'll take a look on it
<bdilly> thanks, bsmelo
<bdilly> ok, I think I fixed it already. let's wait some minutes to see if it'll update Soletta docs correctly
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<bsmelo> yeah, working again :)
<bdilly> cool
<bdilly> thanks
<ederson> with all those problems with bot, couldn't we have a bot that restarts bots?
<bdilly> not a problem related to restarting
<bdilly> it was an issue on the path of docs
<bdilly> doxygen was placing the version in the dirname
<bdilly> with the release it changed
<ederson> ahhh ok
<iscaro> ederson, systembots
<iscaro> something like systemd
<iscaro> :]
<ederson> botctl
<Sachiel> botctl conclua
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