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<iscaro> bsmelo, ping
<glima> package to fedora with (hopefully) final roundtrip submitted
<bdilly> glima, \o/
<bdilly> hehehe
<glima> :)
<iscaro> great
<acidx> dukenukemforever install soletta
<iscaro> acidx, know I understand why arch's package mnt is called pacman
<iscaro> we should create 'gg'
<glima> iscaro: make an alias
<Sachiel_Work> I have 'gg', is an alias for git grep
<iscaro> you should create one 'gg izi'
<iscaro> vcgomes, ^
<acidx> iscaro: you can actually make the progress bar look like pacman
<vcgomes> haha
<Sachiel_Work> ILoveCandy
<iscaro> acidx, really?
<iscaro> how?
<acidx> Sachiel_Work already said that ^
<iscaro> lol
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