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<glima> dnf search soletta
<glima> created by dnf config-manager from 508 kB/s | 16 MB 00:31
<glima> Last metadata expiration check: 0:00:21 ago on Thu Sep 22 12:07:19 2016.
<glima> ======================================== N/S Matched: soletta ========================================
<glima> soletta.i686 : A framework for making IoT devices
<glima> had to reach a specific mirror
<glima> soletta.x86_64 : A framework for making IoT devices
<glima> finally
<glima> they propagate too slow
<glima> will update the wiki soon
<iscaro> <3
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<ederson> \o/
<bdilly> glima, wow, nice news!
<glima> :)
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