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<jordansz> hi everyone, soletta is only for existing boards right?
<jordansz> im looking for a opensource truly hardware board i can add some components on-board which seems hard to find
<glima> hi, jordansz
<glima> the framework is meant to be easily portable
<glima> what os are you targeting?
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<ceolin> jordansz: what you mean ? soletta is software, you can run it in any board you want (since there is a port or it's running linux)
<glima> as for i/o, you can always write new nodes to contemplate your board
<jordansz> i found that yes, seems like a really cool project but not really something for the novice? which i am
<glima> it depends on how far you want to go. again, what do you want to do?
<jordansz> well im trying to build an personal home security system as a challange i have multiple years dev and linux exp. mostly ruby on rails these days
<ceolin> jordansz: not really, fbp is quite easy to use (again if you are running in a supported board, if you it's not supported board you will need to know about the hw addresses to configure)
<jordansz> basically i look for a 'all in one solution' truly open hardware + sdk like soletta with tight integration
<jordansz> i also worked for an iot company they made everything inhouse ( crap )
<glima> well, you also happen to know c, you`re fine with soletta, i guess
<glima> *if you
<jordansz> yes i know c lua, etc. already a week long reading and investigating options
<jordansz> but wrong channel, my hardware requirement is a different channel question
<ceolin> jordansz: soletta has a good integration between hw and high level things like network ...
<jordansz> i plan to have hd cam + audio module + infrared + some other things that need to be onboard
<glima> we currently don't have nodes/packages for such high level data (audio/video)
<glima> but nothing that with a good design and use case could not be added
<ceolin> yep
<jordansz> the webide looks very cool i think i need something more 'out of the box' could you advise me any project like soletta that supports these things more out of the box and is more newbie usable?
<ceolin> jordansz: I dont know any framework for all your needs (soletta is supposed to fill this gap). I remember we have checked node-red and upm/mraa
<ceolin> you can check them and see if they work for you, otherwise soletta is waiting for help :)