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<glima> this is... weird
<glima> we should be checking for connman on Linux, no?
<glima> Kconfig.linux
<glima> ceolin: ^
<glima> i guess both of them
<ceolin> glima: need to see, but connman is only a backend, maybe this netctl points to connman
<ceolin> not sure
<glima> yeah, but it has to be *present* in order to work
<glima> otherwise you will be sending dbus calls to the void
<glima> and never get an answer
<glima> now if only kconfig language had an *and*
<Sachiel> ?
<Sachiel> it does
<glima> mm, &&
<glima> right?
<Sachiel> yup
<glima> works with if?
<Sachiel> yes
<glima> ♥
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<glima> who reviewed the arctangent node thing was on drugs, sorry
<glima> now to fix that mess
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<ederson> glima: is there an arctan node?
<glima> yes
<glima> but the way it's built is lotwutf
<glima> s/lot/lol
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<glima> ok, the commiter used an out-of-tree demonstration by making it an official soletta node
<glima> lovely
<ederson> ?
<glima> ederson: 1e374653e984b09dba6be1bd24a71a26f0711bed
<ederson> ah, it lives on a sample
<glima> yeah
<glima> the problem is that the category of the node should be float
<glima> having a separate module just for arctangent is overkill
<ceolin> glima: isn't it a sample ?
<glima> but then we lose that out-of-tree demonstration the guy did
<glima> it's sample and a node
<glima> willing to move it altogether to float.c
<ceolin> but it was made to build out-of-the-tree right ?
<glima> also out of tree, but our build system builds it too
<glima> and we get an
<ceolin> ok, i'm not sure if I understood the problem
<glima> i don't want to have to package a new module containing just an arctangent operation
<ederson> yeah - i understood that it's a sample of having a node out of tree
<glima> kind of ridiculous
<glima> if we follow this we might as well had one doing add/del/etc
<ederson> glima: yeah, we could, and it wouldn't make sense
<ceolin> are you packaging samples ?
<ederson> but, why do you have to package it, anyway?
<glima> ceolin: no, but modules
<glima> ederson: i have to handle all .so outputs on the build
<ceolin> so, you shouldn't be bothering with it
<glima> i don't want to have to skip it
<glima> ??
<glima> it's a sample with a new node!
<glima> (and module)
<glima> the sample isnt packaged, but the node is
<Sachiel> why?
<ceolin> glima: I know, but it is still a sample, don't build the samples when packaging and you will not have to deal with it
<glima> +++ b/src/samples/flow/tilt-angle/Kconfig
<glima> + depends on USE_FLOW
<glima> + tristate "Node type: arctangent"
<glima> @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
<glima> + default m
<glima> i could ditch it
<glima> but then, don`t we want the arctangent feature in the lib?
<Sachiel> do we?
<glima> sooner or later one could ask for it
<ceolin> well, we can add it later, I mean, if this doesn't make sense as it is now, you can improve and make a node and add to the lib. But currently is not a problem for the packaging task
<Sachiel> sooner or later one could ask for a module that orders pizza from dominos, go package one
<glima> ouch, samples have to be turned off one by one on the build, it seems
<glima> gotta have a global switch
<glima> doing that instead
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<glima> ederson: damn. if we follow the path of the arctangent node depending on the sample, we get a circular dependency, according to samples-check rule :/
<glima> i`ll use the global samples switch only, then
<ederson> glima: isn't the sample that needs to depend on the node?
<glima> yeah, moving back to that
<glima> good, new broken dep on samples found
<ederson> =D
<ceolin> btw, is anybody here against remove nodejs bindings ?
<glima> if done today/asap, nope :)
<glima> lots of corners to clean on the infra, ugh (semaphoneci ppa packages need love, etc)
<Sachiel> I am. I love nodejs bindings
<Sachiel> they are the reason of my existence
<ceolin> glima: remove it will mae everything easier
<glima> ceolin: sure
<ceolin> and btw, what is the hurry ? abut today
<ceolin> Sachiel: would like to maintaing them ?
<Sachiel> no need, I love them just as they are
<ceolin> *maintain
<ceolin> Sachiel: there are too many love in you, where is real Sachiel ?
<ceolin> there is
<Sachiel> I bought icecream with 42% discount, of course I'm full of love
<glima> ceolin: just tired of this, wanna finish soon :P
<glima> lol
<ceolin> Sachiel: are you becoming a couch potato ?
<Sachiel> nah, I walked there
<ceolin> :)
<ceolin> 92 files changed, 7699 deletions(-)
<ceolin> glima: ^
<glima> %jailson
<Sachiel> pffffffffffffffffffffffffff, all that for under 10k deletions...
<ceolin> will send the patch
<ceolin> Sachiel: it was incomplete
<glima> ederson: did make samples work at master for you?
<ederson> yes
<glima> ederson: it seems we fail on GEN build/stage/samples/flow/grove-kit/lcd/grove-lcd-autoscroll-gen.c
<glima> WRN:sol-fbp ./src/bin/sol-fbp-generator/main.c:741 get_node_data() nd->desc == NULL
<glima> ERR:sol-fbp ./src/bin/sol-fbp-generator/main.c:2207 resolve_node() Failed to resolve node lcd
<glima> how is that lcd(lcdchar) being resolved?
<glima> it seems just build/soletta_sysroot/usr/share/soletta/flow/descriptions/ is passed as -j
<ederson> well, here it generated this sample: GEN build/stage/samples/flow/grove-kit/lcd/grove-lcd-autoscroll-gen.c
<ederson> SMP build/stage/samples/flow/grove-kit/lcd/grove-lcd-autoscroll
<glima> wtf
<glima> care to make V=1, please?
<glima> danke
<glima> ederson: ok. make; make samples works
<glima> not make samples directly
<glima> adoro
<ederson> lol
<glima> ahhhh
<glima> aliases
<ederson> =D
<glima> ederson: can you plese check the new commit?
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