However, I am stuck at the moment of tangent arc creation.
I select inside corner of profile, sketch → tangent arc, and I get an error "To create tangent arc, select a point where two non-construction lines or circles in this group and workplane join"
Both inner lines connected to this point are in group g003-extrude
and does not have CONTRUCTION toggled on
I have no idea what was wrong, I've recreated the same sketch one more time and it works…
Is this possible, in solvespace, to extrude while simulataneously changing one contraing?
Like, let's say I've got a circle - and I want to extrude it into a cone.
unfortunately no, no frustums
I have no idea *how* to achieve this specific shape.
Imagine a pipe, with thick walls with empty space inside. This pipe is expanding near it's end and the inside and outside walls are connected by multiple „joints” - where this joint is some square-based shape.
Or differently - take a pipe with thick walls, expanding near end (so more or less a cone subtracted from bigger cone) and drill holes through walls, one next to another, each hole is parallel to wall.
So it seems like it's impossible with lathe.
yeah basically
And impossible with extrusion (because no frustums.
So this means it's impossible in solvespace?
it's a dual parametric function basically , followign a path and having a "morphing factor"
maybe it can be decomposed in another way
unfortunately our NURBS backend cannot do that
whitequark : is OpenNURBS implemented ?
i've not been diving into the code yet
but i'm likely to make a Wx GUI for solvespace in a near future :)
opennurbs is useless for solvespace, it doesn't provide booleans, much less frustums
also our current GUI is just fine
Ouch, that's sad!
I was hoping for something more „intuitive” than OpenSCAD.
whitequark : yes it does the job , but dur to personal reasons i'd like to give it a try
Where I need to write whole essays for comments about how stuff is expected to work.
And also making everything parametric is pain in ass.
Like, sometimes it's quite complicated to came out with idea how to make something fits into something.
The idea of constraints in solvespace seemed awesome.
otwieracz : even in FreeCAD or any OpenCascade related if you build yours constraints a bad way the solver will f**k up
the parametric models often need some playin to understand the good process
I've never used FreeCAD.
Actually, I've only used OpenSCAD.
But for „quick” protytping in my free time it's just painful often.
The cube-cutouts are using a custom style to hide them, so that the cutouts aren't obscured by the slightly fudged cube wireframes. You can turn them on by opening Line Styles -> s100-hidden-extrude-cubes and enabling the "show these objects on the screen" option
Which I just realized is entirely unneccesary, because that's what the show/hide group checkboxes are for...
Na: *something* like that
Na: except the holes should not be horizontal but vertical