whitequark changed the topic of #solvespace to: SolveSpace--parametric 2d/3d CAD · latest version 2.3 · http://solvespace.com · code at https://github.com/solvespace/solvespace · logs at https://irclog.whitequark.org/solvespace
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otwieracz has joined #solvespace
<otwieracz> Hallo.
<otwieracz> I am trying to follow tutorial: http://solvespace.com/bracket.pl
<otwieracz> However, I am stuck at the moment of tangent arc creation.
<otwieracz> I select inside corner of profile, sketch → tangent arc, and I get an error "To create tangent arc, select a point where two non-construction lines or circles in this group and workplane join"
<otwieracz> Both inner lines connected to this point are in group g003-extrude
<otwieracz> and does not have CONTRUCTION toggled on
<ohsix> have the right workplane?
<otwieracz> How to check?
<otwieracz> I am total newbie in solvespace.
<otwieracz> I have no idea what was wrong, I've recreated the same sketch one more time and it works…
<otwieracz> Is this possible, in solvespace, to extrude while simulataneously changing one contraing?
<otwieracz> Like, let's say I've got a circle - and I want to extrude it into a cone.
<whitequark> unfortunately no, no frustums
<otwieracz> I have no idea *how* to achieve this specific shape.
<otwieracz> Imagine a pipe, with thick walls with empty space inside. This pipe is expanding near it's end and the inside and outside walls are connected by multiple „joints” - where this joint is some square-based shape.
<otwieracz> Or differently - take a pipe with thick walls, expanding near end (so more or less a cone subtracted from bigger cone) and drill holes through walls, one next to another, each hole is parallel to wall.
<otwieracz> So it seems like it's impossible with lathe.
<whitequark> yeah basically
<otwieracz> And impossible with extrusion (because no frustums.
<otwieracz> )
<otwieracz> So this means it's impossible in solvespace?
<whitequark> yeah
<NeonKing> it's a dual parametric function basically , followign a path and having a "morphing factor"
<NeonKing> maybe it can be decomposed in another way
<whitequark> unfortunately our NURBS backend cannot do that
<NeonKing> whitequark : is OpenNURBS implemented ?
<NeonKing> i've not been diving into the code yet
<NeonKing> but i'm likely to make a Wx GUI for solvespace in a near future :)
<whitequark> why?
<whitequark> opennurbs is useless for solvespace, it doesn't provide booleans, much less frustums
<whitequark> also our current GUI is just fine
<otwieracz> Ouch, that's sad!
<otwieracz> I was hoping for something more „intuitive” than OpenSCAD.
<NeonKing> whitequark : yes it does the job , but dur to personal reasons i'd like to give it a try
<otwieracz> Where I need to write whole essays for comments about how stuff is expected to work.
<NeonKing> s/dur/due
<otwieracz> And also making everything parametric is pain in ass.
<otwieracz> Like, sometimes it's quite complicated to came out with idea how to make something fits into something.
<otwieracz> The idea of constraints in solvespace seemed awesome.
<NeonKing> otwieracz : even in FreeCAD or any OpenCascade related if you build yours constraints a bad way the solver will f**k up
<NeonKing> the parametric models often need some playin to understand the good process
<otwieracz> I've never used FreeCAD.
<otwieracz> Actually, I've only used OpenSCAD.
<otwieracz> But for „quick” protytping in my free time it's just painful often.
<otwieracz> Drat, extremely sad! SolveSpace seemed perfect!
<NeonKing> otwieracz : nothing's perfect until you makes it perfect :p
<NeonKing> dual paramtetric functions might be hacked with some will
<NeonKing> also , trying and exploring other parameter stacks might help to the same result in a different way
<otwieracz> Well, I am able to lathe extending pipe with hollow walls.
<otwieracz> But I need to create two separate „volumes” inside this hollow walls
<otwieracz> Is there any way to apply booleans on two groups?
<otwieracz> Do you think such thing will be easier to achieve in FreeCAD?
<otwieracz> At least, it will be possible without „hacking”?
<otwieracz> I am asking because it seems like I am going to hit steep learning curve in FreeCAD.
<whitequark> personally I find freecad unusable
<NeonKing> FreeCAD pure heaviness in the bad sense
<NeonKing> Qt + OpenCascade , couldn't do more huge :D
<whitequark> i almost started my own cad but i found solvespace
<whitequark> qt is fine
<NeonKing> i don't like Qt
<whitequark> opencascade is 100% unholiness
<NeonKing> it is -really- havy
<NeonKing> pretty but heavy as f**k
<whitequark> that's not supported by evidence
<whitequark> if we're talking gtk3 and qt5 they have similar requirements
<otwieracz> OK, but there's more or less nothing else, right?
<whitequark> you need opengl 3 / opengles 2
<NeonKing> wich are included in the X server
<otwieracz> Unusable freecad, impossible in solvespace and nothing else?
<NeonKing> gtk3 is a way -less- heavier than Qt
<whitequark> nope, they aren't included in the X server
<whitequark> they need hardware features
<otwieracz> Hey - who cares?
<whitequark> shaders etc
<NeonKing> OpenGl functional in OpenBSD X server through DRM
<NeonKing> so gtk3 ends to be really light :)
<whitequark> X server just provides a way to communicate with the graphics part
<NeonKing> OpenBSD way of seeing things is a bit different
<whitequark> the OpenGL driver is usually mesa
<NeonKing> mesa is part of xenocara
<whitequark> running in the same process as your gtk3 or qt5 app
<whitequark> it has nothing to do with openbsd
<NeonKing> it's way different from Linux
<whitequark> there is nothing linux-specific in what i said
<whitequark> this is how gtk, qt, drm and x work on any platform
<NeonKing> xenocara bundles mesa
<NeonKing> xorg doesn't
<whitequark> mesa doesn't run in the context of the x server, it runs in the client application
<NeonKing> yes sure
<NeonKing> but Qt has a tons of dependancies
<NeonKing> meaning a ton of undesired stuff in memory
<whitequark> no?
<whitequark> do you know how mmap works
<NeonKing> yes , what's the point ?
<whitequark> so long as you never touch qtwebkit it isn't actually loaded
<whitequark> and in any case you don't need to build them in the first place
<whitequark> they're almost all optional
<whitequark> i've built qt for very resource constrained devices
<NeonKing> i won't give any support to Qt
<NeonKing> Qt is meant to be multi platform , not efficient
<whitequark> gtk is multiplatform too
<NeonKing> i really care about small memory footprints
<NeonKing> i just said that for same stuff , gtk3 will ask for less memory than a Qt equivalent
<NeonKing> and less HDD space
<NeonKing> moreover that Qt have GTK3 as dep .....
<whitequark> it doesn't
<NeonKing> it does
<whitequark> no it doesn't, go read the documentation
<whitequark> it optionally supports using gtk themes if you already have gtk
<whitequark> it's not necessary for qt to operate in any way whatsoever
<NeonKing> anyway , that's not the problem
<NeonKing> QT5 is a way more heavy than GTK
<whitequark> it's not my fault that your openbsd qt build system is written by someone incompetent, ok?
<NeonKing> wow , calm down
<whitequark> just facts
<whitequark> it's not a hard dependency and it shouldn't be represented as a hard dependency in the build system
<NeonKing> so we're incompte,t
<whitequark> please stop saying obviously false things, i am tired of this
<NeonKing> oh fuck off
<whitequark> you have clearly not even bothered to run ./configure -help
<whitequark> and read the output
<whitequark> so I presume yes
NeonKing has left #solvespace ["Closing Window"]
<otwieracz> oh dear
<whitequark> otwieracz: to answer your earlier question
<whitequark> there's no really advanced FOSS parametric CAD software
<whitequark> so I'm afraid you're stuck with autodesk 360 or something like that if you want complicated shapes like that
<whitequark> I'm sorry.
<whitequark> I wish I could afford to implement this but it would require far more manpower and money than I have.
<otwieracz> *probably* this is going to be possible in FreeCAD.
<whitequark> I'm not sure
<whitequark> last time I checked I don't think it worked properly
<whitequark> you can try it
<otwieracz> Or I might just keep with OpenSCAD…
<whitequark> sure
<whitequark> whatever helps you the most
<otwieracz> None. :)
<otwieracz> OK, FreeCAD is totally unusable.
<otwieracz> I mean, probably it's my fauly.
<otwieracz> But it acts unpredictable
<whitequark> it's not your fault
<otwieracz> It's like validation tool in one place actually generates warnings in different places
<otwieracz> And still, function which I am missing in solvespace (it's called „Loft”) does not work on complex shapes.
<otwieracz> So well, all the evening spent with result:
<otwieracz> NIL
<otwieracz> Am I able to subtract one grup from another in solvespace?
<whitequark> yes
<whitequark> not in an arbitrary order though
<otwieracz> Yeah, that was my feeling…
<Na> otwieracz: Are you trying to do something like this? https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3b0velHqkC1TUFKbWxSZWNjRGM
<Na> The cube-cutouts are using a custom style to hide them, so that the cutouts aren't obscured by the slightly fudged cube wireframes. You can turn them on by opening Line Styles -> s100-hidden-extrude-cubes and enabling the "show these objects on the screen" option
<Na> Which I just realized is entirely unneccesary, because that's what the show/hide group checkboxes are for...
<otwieracz> Na: *something* like that
<otwieracz> Na: except the holes should not be horizontal but vertical
<otwieracz> throughout whole height of object
<otwieracz> Hah!
<Na> \o/