whitequark changed the topic of #solvespace to: SolveSpace--parametric 2d/3d CAD · latest version 2.3 · http://solvespace.com · code at https://github.com/solvespace/solvespace · logs at https://irclog.whitequark.org/solvespace
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<linex> Hello
<whitequark> linex: hi
<linex> Is Solvespace something like FreeCAD ?
<whitequark> somewhat
<whitequark> solvespace is much more complete end-to-end (e.g. it has a fully functioning assembly feature, and last time I checked, freecad doesn't), but freecad uses a more powerful geometric engine (e.g. solvespace doesn't support lofting or chamfering, freecad does)
<linex> Interesting. Will give Solvepace a try
<linex> How long has solvespace been around ?
<whitequark> initial commit was in 2008
<whitequark> opensourced v2.0 is in 2013
<linex> I see. Is chamfering feature eventually coming to solvespace ? Is it one of the planned feature ?
<whitequark> not currently. we don't have the resources to develop such additions to the NURBS backend
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