[solvespace] whitequark edited issue #256: "Show Degrees of Freedom" command highlights more points than degrees of freedom - https://git.io/fjBui
[solvespace] whitequark commented on issue #256: "Show Degrees of Freedom" command highlights more points than degrees of freedom - https://git.io/fjBuP
[solvespace] jwesthues commented on issue #256: "Show Degrees of Freedom" command highlights more points than degrees of freedom - https://git.io/fjBuM
[solvespace/solvespace] whitequark pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/fjBuH
[solvespace/solvespace] whitequark pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/fjBod
[solvespace/solvespace] whitequark 88879d3 - Show Degrees of Freedom → Show Underconstrained Points
q3k has joined #solvespace
[solvespace] whitequark commented on issue #256: "Show Degrees of Freedom" command highlights more points than degrees of freedom - https://git.io/fjBoF
[solvespace] whitequark closed issue #256: "Show Degrees of Freedom" command highlights more points than degrees of freedom - https://git.io/fjBui
[solvespace] whitequark commented on issue #356: "New Group -> Link Recent -> foo.slvs" fails with 'The linked file "" is not present.' - https://git.io/fjBXE
[solvespace] whitequark edited issue #356: Linking nonexistent files fails with a confusing error - https://git.io/fjBXu
[solvespace] rpavlik commented on issue #405: Regression: Hard to drag constraint labels - https://git.io/fjBXz
[solvespace] whitequark closed issue #405: Regression: Hard to drag constraint labels - https://git.io/fjlam
[solvespace/solvespace] whitequark pushed 2 commits to master [+0/-0/±4] https://git.io/fjB1I
[solvespace/solvespace] whitequark 09ca442 - Commit missing parts of cf2f0e5d.
[solvespace/solvespace] whitequark 406c55e - Instead of creating an exact copy of existing constraint, select it.
[solvespace] whitequark commented on issue #301: Adding a constraint identical to an existing one should be no-op instead of unsat - https://git.io/fjB1L
[solvespace] whitequark closed issue #301: Adding a constraint identical to an existing one should be no-op instead of unsat - https://git.io/fjB1t
[solvespace] whitequark edited issue #103: Ability to change the origin of a workplane - https://git.io/fjB1q