oh I think you all mensioned you reset something so this account is no longer valid?
pixelbeat_ has joined #stellar-dev
so assuming the problem I'm having above is due to reset, then I will need new funded accounts to try. At one point I knew where the faucet for galaxy stellar was but I seem to have lost it
{ "type": "not_found", "title": "Resource Missing", "status": 404, "detail": "The resource at the url requested was not found. This is usually occurs for one of two reasons: The url requested is not valid, or no data in our database could be found with the parameters provided.", "instance": "horizon-testnet-001.prd.stellar001.internal.stellar-ops.com/hCYL7oezXs-196108" }
<bartek> @sacarlson yes, it was testnet reset. get some stellars to create an account at https://www.stellar.org/galaxy/
ok I thought I was look at the galaxy but failed to find the faucet
<bartek> it’s under: "Building on Stellar is easy. Create a test account in 3 steps.” you need to generate a new address but in the next step you can fund another one if you want
ya and the new account has fixed my other problem
seems even after adding the sequence number to my payment transaction I still get this return {"hash"=>"43befe24ce5c84b609a4c2ddf21f758757ad17fce1498b505b443f1d7e2b2cae", "result"=>"failed", "error"=>"0000000000000000fffffffb00000000"}
I'll pastebin the code I'm now running to get these results
<bartek> "The sequence number must be 1 greater than whatever the account's sequence number currently says in the ledger."
oh ha ok let me try add 1
ha ha it now works {"hash"=>"436d6b81f70f429e6b6450fcb2c4cf6c8f4c43b4301dd0294a4ae1ba28820eca", "result"=>"received", "error"=>nil}
oh I should have looked at that thanks
<scott> @sacarlson: as a rubyist you might also get some value out of the examples here: https://github.com/stellar/stellar_core_commander/tree/master/examples We use stellar_core_commander to drive a bunch of our acceptance tests for stellar-core and ppopulate test fixtures for horizon. Those examples have much more complicated and complete interactions with the network, and they can give you an idea about how to
<scott> until the next reset. The secret is in the source code for stellar-core, it can’t be protected. In the live net, we will move those funds to a private secret prior to launching it
I thought it just created a random pair from the seed, I didn't know you used that seed any other place
<scott> allmylifemyhearthasbeensearching is the raw seed for the master account
<scott> I’ll add some notes to the example
IC now I thought it was a bug as I didn't put the native in it
I have the example some what rewriten so that it works
<scott> yep, sorry about the misunderstanding: in general, those example scripts aren’t meant to be run directly, especially from the ruby-stellar-base repository where the sequence number cannot be loaded from the network. They’re meant for illustrative purposes on how to use the api for you own scripts.
well it was the best example for what I needed
I've added a utility that gets the sequence numbers
<scott> What I’m saying poorly (sorry, I’m fairly sick today); those examples are only meant to be workable against "http://localhost:39132”… once you change that host the state is unknown and as such breakages happen
well until you show me examples that are any better that do non_native_payment this will have to do. I've already have a working native send function using the same examples
this is the last step I need to have my p2p poker ported to your new horizon network
it seems I was wrong my native payment is not working
<scott> what was the destination address you were sending to?
@scott this is one of them gDdwC1bAR5KgquoKU5A2Zt8VXck4kL5U6fK1GnszD7kQt13udL
I guess you will also need the utilities to run this
<scott> not necessary, I’m just going to check the db.
ok but for anyone else this is the ./stellar_utilities.rb that's a part of the last pastebin http://pastebin.com/hC0Yup3A
<scott> There error is “payment_no_destination"
<scott> which makes sense, since you’re just trying to pay a random account. sorry I missed that
yes it's a new account that should be funded with the master has has funds
that has funds
<scott> When horizon is finished, by default a tx submission will wait around for consensus and return the final submission result, which will make things simpler to understand
<scott> Where do you fund the new random account? Your script doesn’t have that.
the master account was from the faucet
it checks out with funds
the random account destination is created with destination = Stellar::KeyPair.random
<scott> both accounts must exist, both payee and payer. In this instance, the master account exists, but the payee (the random keypair you generate) does not exist. You must first post a “create_account” transaction.
<scott> Stellar::KeyPair.random just rolls a random keypair… it doesn’t create an account for that keypair automatically in the ledger
oh I should read the create_account.rb I think it's also contained in the examples
I thought to activate an account you just deposited native 30 in it
oh so me not knowing that the other account existed already made me think my program worked
I found this tx = Stellar::Transaction.create_account({
{"type"=>"not_found", "title"=>"Resource Missing", "status"=>404, "detail"=>"The resource at the url requested was not found. This is usually occurs for one of two reasons: The url requested is not valid, or no data in our database could be found with the parameters provided.", "instance"=>"horizon-testnet-001.prd.stellar001.internal.stellar-ops.com/hCYL7oezXs-219531"}