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<moos> hey
* MikeFair looks.
<moos> have a question regarding token offering on our plattform
<moos> Regulation-compatible
<moos> i am in germany
<MikeFair> I read your page; but I can't speak to regulations
<moos> and searching for a solution to bypass transactioncost
<moos> ok
<MikeFair> Bypass how so?
<MikeFair> Credit cards?
<moos> with intern tokens like in the gaming industry
<MikeFair> or some other transactions costs like VAT
<MikeFair> Stellar can definitely keep track of "Credits" that you've issued and allow people to trade those credits amongst themselves
<MikeFair> but I'm not sure if that's what you were after
<moos> yes
<MikeFair> You mentioned a Video-On-Demand service
<moos> yes
<moos> uses buy videos from other users with this credits
<moos> we will get a % of each sale
<moos> users can sell those credits to us for real money
<moos> fiat
<moos> of crypto
<MikeFair> How did they get credits to begin with (I'm asusming they bought them from you)
<moos> yes
<moos> there are so many games out there who are selling ingame tokens
<moos> it should be possible to do this
<MikeFair> So they come to you and purchase some credits; use the credits in the video on demand market; then the receivers of those credits (presumably the video producers) "cash out" with you
<moos> yes
<MikeFair> Yes, that sounds like exactly what Stellar was designed for
<moos> perfect
<MikeFair> I'm fairly new to the Stellar Universe, but this channel really doesn't have anyone else who speaks
<moos> ok
<MikeFair> I can't speak to the regulatory aspects; but technically this is very direct
<moos> where should I ask regarding regulatory? any idea?
<MikeFair> Probably the video game industry, your financial prosecutor/regulator (in the United States it's an organization called "FinCEN")
<moos> ok thanks for your help!
<moos> I will do this now
<MikeFair> Although what's interesting is you might be able to bypass fiat
<MikeFair> or create a relationship with an exchange
<moos> yes that would perhaps nice ase well. Or I will become an exchange :)
<MikeFair> You'd accept "XLM" (Lumens; which is the native currency of the platform) and send "VDC" (Video On Demand Currency)
<moos> Yes
<MikeFair> At some point you'd take back the VDC and could potentially just issue them back XLM
<moos> I wish you a nice day and week :) I will come back if I have found a solution
<moos> bye
<MikeFair> bye
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