moriarty, i think you have absolutely no market experience
i'm sitting on quite a huge cashpile
thanks to crypto
but you don't think there's profit taking happening right now
you think the entire industry is collapsing
even though you took profits...
hm, is there something up with core-testnet[1-3].stellar.org?
I get "peer rejected" errors starting up a testnet node
FRWB, this isn't profit taking bro
profit taking firstly doesn't happen across the board
this is mainly south korea banning its exchanges
we dropped from 820 billion to 720 billion
so far stayed stagnant, but i expect the drop might be a bit more when south korea starts pulling out
profit taking happens when a market goes up. this market went up, profit taking brings it back down. when there are more sellers than buyers the market goes down, sellers obviously own the coin, and if they got in any time before a month ago they are in the money
if the fundamentals coming out of korea were devastating you would see a huge market cap decline
and that's not the case
there is a 12% decline so far
720b down from 820b
you should read what i say :)
the article you linked doesn't mention market cap
oh what you wrote
i think that's pretty normal for crypto. have you ever seen another market that has 40-50% retracements constantly?
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