not sure what that should tell me though
this is an error on the build in the virtenv, no?
do I need to install special version of numpy? if so, which one?
Bertl_oO: "The catch is that both atlas and lapack provide liblapack.so.3. I assume from the naming that lapack is the canonical one and the one in atlas is intended to be an optimized one or something. The two are incompatible at the moment which is where the problem arises."
so get rid of atlas should help?
Bertl_oO: Dunno - but it seems like it is something to do with your system and atlas / lapack
how do I rerun the 'make env' so that it tries again?
i.e. how do I undo 'make env'?
Bertl_oO: "rm -rf env" ?
Bertl_oO: are you on step 5 and taking option 1 I assume?
Title: Support for shorthand to specify all pins on one edge · Issue #475 · verilog-to-routing/vtr-verilog-to-routing · GitHub (at github.com)
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hmm ... the xc7z020clg400 database build is still ongoing ... but I'm curious, how can I use the database (once it finishes) to figure out the frame address/location/mask from a given tile?
<kgugala> hi Bertl
<kgugala> you can check the tilegrid.json file within the db
yeah, I'm looking at that right now
but it only contains grid coordinates?
(looking at the xc7z010clg400-1 for now)
<kgugala> you can find there baseaddreses
<kgugala> in bits sections
<kgugala> (not every tile has it filled)
ah, I see, didn't scroll down far enough
<kgugala> :slightly_smiling_face:
so, for example, CLBLL_L_X16Y93 has an entry in the bits section
it says CLB_IO_CLK (what does that mean?)
and it reports two SLICEL sites (which looks like what I'm looking for)
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what does the 'frames: 36' mean?
how many frames there are in the bitstream for this type of column
you may want to check fuzzer 005-tilegrid
the json is generated by this fuzzer
hmm, so what does 'offset: 40' in a context of 36 frames mean?
the offset in a frame or the offset to the given baseaddress?
Title: Index of /Stuff/PRJXRAY/ (at vserver.13thfloor.at)
# zip 005-tilegrid-logs.zip 005-tilegrid/logs
<kgugala> can you filter them to contain only the most recent ones?
<kgugala> the out of space error was in the logs
click on 'Last Modified' and they will be sorted according to the date
<kgugala> you have a bunch of critical warnings in the logs
<kgugala> I see you run it for 7020
<kgugala> as @litghost said yestarday - the soft was not tested on this chip
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<kgugala> there is a bunch of critical warnings like:
<kgugala> Cannot loc instance 'idelay_IDELAY_X0Y2' at site IDELAY_X0Y2, Site IOB_X0Y2 is not bonded. Place terminal di[15] and connected instances in a site with a PAD
so how to get the database for 7020? what needs to be modified?
<kgugala> also in `stdout.2019-03-05T12:38:38.534252.log` at line 8833 Vivado fails
<kgugala> to get the database you have to set the part as you did and run fuzzers
note: I'm only interested in the frame addresses for tiles, specifically slices
<kgugala> since they were not tested on 7020 they may fail
<kgugala> as they did
how to fix them?
<kgugala> you'd need to dive a little into the fuzzer code and check what exactly is happening there
<kgugala> I assume that tailoring the settings in settings.sh file for Zynq will be required to get the 7020 to work
so it's a problem with the XRAY_ROI_* settings?
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Bertl: Tile grid ignored ROI to map all the base addresses. If you only care about slices, you can disable the IOB and IOB_INT tile fuzzers and file an issue.
Bertl: IDELAY's are only used by tilegrid when trying get addresses for IOB tiles and IOB INT tiles
how do I do that?
Bertl: Comment it out from the 005 makefile depedencies
Title: Create tool to patch blockram (BRAM) contents in bitstream · Issue #181 · SymbiFlow/prjxray · GitHub (at github.com)
Sorry, I don't parse that
frame address to memory locations
the correlation I mean
005 will output BRAM base addresses for BRAM configuration and BRAM data. We have used the both to create designs that use BRAM's outside of vivado, so I have pretty good confidence that it is work
excellent, any documentation available on this?
hmm, okay ... so what does 30_00 !30_01 30_02 !30_03 mean?
Bertl: That's the bits to set and clear. So set bit 30_00 and 30_02 and clear 30_01 and 30_03 The tuple is a coordinate of a specific bit for that tile.
okay, how does that map to the frame location?
let's say I have SLICE_X28Y68 in tile CLBLL_L_X20Y68
I know the base address is 0x00400A00 and the offset is 36
the slice(s) cover two words there (accroding to the database)