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<agentzh> fche: it seems like stap does not bother using .debug files for userland stack unwinding? it just uses the elf sections .eh_frame and .eh_frame_hdr for that?
<fche> it can use .debug_frame if .eh_frame is not there
<fche> usually the binaries have one or the other, not both
<agentzh> ok, i see. thanks
<agentzh> fche: i wonder if it is required to use exactly the same version of gcc to build the stap kernel module as the one used to build the current running kernel.
<agentzh> or just using the same major series of gcc is fine.
<agentzh> like gcc 4.8.x or 5.x.
<fche> agentzh, generally it should be the same compiler, because the kernel configuration & header machinery sometimes does compiler version sensitive changes to structs etc., which break the abi
<fche> same rules as for building any out-of-tree module
<agentzh> yeah, i used to run into such ABI breakage in the past, hence the question.
<agentzh> wondering if the same gcc series wouldn't break that.
<agentzh> otherwise installing different versions of gcc for a lot of machines running stap is painful.
<agentzh> hopefully we can do some sort of "cross-compilation" here.
<agentzh> like stap -r DIR.
<fche> there is stap -B FOO_ to prefix compiler tools with something
<agentzh> yeah, that would be useful.
<agentzh> at least do not have to uninstall the default gcc.
<agentzh> but still we'll have to install a lot of different versions of gcc.
<agentzh> if we could just always use the latest version of gcc of the same series in a single distro, then it would be great.
<fche> run a stap compile server per distro
<fche> hm
<fche> we had earlier worked on a stap multi-compile-server prototype, whereby a single instance of stap-serverd would be able to spin up a docker buildroot for any arbitrary target os version, and run the build inside that
<fche> didn't quite finish it tho
<fche> you can see it in the source tree, httpd/ subdirectory