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<Amy1> How to print every value in statistical aggregates array?
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<fche> an array containing aggregates? like a[foo] <<< 1 ?
<fche> foreach (f in a) print(@count(a[f]))
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<Amy1> yes
<Amy1> but if a[foo] <<<1, a[foo] <<< 2, a[foo] <<<3
<fche> the 1 and 2 and 3 values are NOT stored
<Amy1> foreach (f in a) print(@count(a[f])) will print 3
<fche> only their aggregate characteristics (and only those that you ask for)
<Amy1> But I want to print 1, 2,3
<fche> that's not what aggregates are for
<fche> aggregates are for keeping statistics about an indefinitely large set of data
<Amy1> so aggregate can't print every value
<fche> if you want to store the individual values, use two-dimensional arrays
<Amy1> yeah, I know this.
<Amy1> how to sort aggregate according @sum ?
<fche> you mean elements of a[] ?
<Amy1> yeah
<fche> foreach (f in a @sum) { }
<Amy1> cool
<fche> yeah, glad someone thought of it (wasn't me :
<Amy1> Let me have a try.
<Amy1> source: foreach([key] in array @sum) {
<Amy1> saw: operator ')'
<Amy1> an error occurred
<fche> you need a + or - after @sum to say sorting direction
<Amy1> fche: thank you, very cool
<Amy1> so a[i]++ imply the "a[]" is an array not aggregate?
<fche> correct
<fche> well a is an array of scalar elements
<Amy1> cool
<Amy1> foo["tom"] = 23
<Amy1> so this also imply foo[] is an array not aggregate, right?
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<fche> it is not 'array vs. aggregate'
<fche> the concept is 'scalar vs. aggregate'
<fche> a scalar value or an aggregate value can be in an array
<Amy1> so foo is an array, right?
<fche> yes
<fche> and in the tom case, it is an array of integers
<Amy1> It seems that aggregate only has operator of "<<<"
<fche> correct. it is deliberately different
<Amy1> fche: thank you very much
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<derek0883> HI does anyone know how can I get dyninst-devel for ubuntu?
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<derek0883> stap --dyninst -p4 -e 'probe begin { printf("Hello World!\n"); exit() }'ERROR: --runtime=dyninst unavailable; this build lacks DYNINST feature
<derek0883> my stap doesn't have dyninst enabled
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<lindi-> derek0883: are you sure you need dyninst?
<lindi-> afaik userspace probing works with the kernel runtime as well
<derek0883> I want put some "MARK" in userspace app, then use that Mark with stap
<lindi-> sorry I don't know what those are :/
<derek0883> lindi- it is kind like static tracepoint in kernel, you can add to other userspace app, then recompile userspace app, you can trace it
<lindi-> derek0883: yep I guess you get more reliable access to specific variables? since with normal probes some variables could be optimized out
<derek0883> lindi- I'm trying to figure out what advantage it is. I'm new to this too!! :)
<lindi-> sure
<fche> derek0883, that doesn't need dyninst
<fche> just normal dyninst-style sys/sdt.h macros compiled into the userspace binary
<fche> stap's normal kernel runtime can use those
<fche> if you do want to use the dyninst backend (for example, for reasons of privilege or whatever), then yeah you'll need to get/build/install dyninst
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