whitequark changed the topic of #tinyqma to: design of an open hardware DDS-based QMA with a low-voltage dc/rf stage :: http://irclog.whitequark.org/tinyqma
I'm thinking of reusing A/C oil mist filters
I assume you mean commercial A/C unit filters, since I think the standard ones are about as good as what'd already be on a fridge.
this is specifically an oil separator
i've seen one you can disassemble somewhere but that place is out of stock methinks
yeah, the cheap AC units just use filter-driers in my experience (I can never remember the name for w/e reason)
and IMO it's not even worth trying
one of the things I wish I was in russia for is there's so much extremely cheap industrial/scientific/instrumentational equipment that you can get
I mean I just order online, but still.
russia does not have a lot of that
bespoke production in moscow, yes, to a degree, if it's not high-tech
industrial equipment, yes, if it's reasonably common, it is very cheap
the rest is nigh impossible to obtain
like "scientific"? lol our science is fucked. 80s tech is considered new
instrumentation is probably in even worse state than that
an individial cannot import an oscilloscope through customs. at all. this is forbidden by law.
and not even any kind of company can do that, i asked my previous employer and it was troubling apparently
so... russia is great for scooping up low-complexity but high-capital-investment kind of production, tools and products
which is the majority of advanced DIY
yeah, that's what I meant, and I imagine a lot of the advanced DIY arose out of necessity
also, importing an *oscilloscope* is forbidden? what.
(also I meant 80s scientific stuff in my comment - that's honestly still what you find more often than not in university labs)
I have no idea about scopes.
they're ostensibly for "industrial use only", I mean, wat? I can get a 8-pack of argon cylinders as an individual but not an oscilloscope?
now I'm curious how the hell one imports say, a 500MHz Bruker NMR unit
step 1: get fucked
step 2: get fucked really hard
step 3: try to bribe someone
well, I suppose no one would import argon cylinders, alright
I wonder what the customs officials'd do if they realised every CRT TV can be converted into a (crappy) analog 'scope with an absolute minimum of new parts
I can get... I dunno, a GM cryocooler, whatever
a turbomolecular pump.
the customs broker had the documents on it, though I wrote just "pump" in the declaration
or even "used pump", I don't recall
it's technically true :]
"it looks like some kind of pump, w/e let it through"
they are incredibly arbitrary
I could import a mini CNC mill but only via airmail
as opposed to EMS. I can't import it via EMS, but airmail is A-OK
because... ?????
that's just hilarious
clearly because if it's in airmail, the TSA will have made sure it's not a bomb
EMS goes via a plane too, right?
probably same plane
likely the same one
unless it's got its own private fleet (so basically dhl, ups or fedex) there's no reason for it to not go on the same flight as airmail
(fun fact: fedex is iirc the 9th largest airline in terms of fleet size)
oh and DHL has even more inane restrictions
as well as UPS. like no org can send me anything at all. via airmail? that's ok. via EMS? that's ok. but not UPS.
last time I had to go negotiate with customs and they just sent it back
granted, UPS are fuckers themselves in my experience, but that's just assholish
I am grateful that while I've had delays, I've never had to argue w/customs or had them send shit back.