I'm trying to get wallaroo set up, but pony is giving me compile errors on the alphabet example
so make fails :(
I have ponyc-wallaroolabs-19.2.14 and `ponyc examples/helloworld` (from the Ubuntu Installation instructions) works...
but in the wallaroo repo, `ponyc examples/pony/alphabet/` gives a bunch of syntax errors
sound familiar to anyone?
numberMumbler: Without seeing the errors specifically, it's likely that you're using the wrong Pony compiler. Wallaroo's releases 0.1.x require Wallaroo Labs' fork of the `ponyc` compiler.
Wallaroo's `master` branch no longer has requirement.
So, if you're very strictly following the examples in the online Wallaroo book, then using a Git tag or specific commit related to version 0.1.
The tedious extra steps required by the book to compile the Wallaroo fork of the Pony compiler is necessary.
In the next few days, 0.2 will be finished, and that compiler dependency will be removed.
Using `ponyc --version`can help debug.
right now, I'm only using make... master branch, and ponyc is from the wallaroo labs fork :-/
Ah, master branch cannot use the wallaroo labs fork any longer.
Congrats/condolences for falling into the gap.
I hope you're the only one, but it's tough to tell.
haha I win! :)
I've got to drop the computer and wander to downtown Minneapolis for a theater show. I hope your experiments go smoothly once you're using the new-proper compiler.