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<SeanTAllen> asdf__: if you come back and see this. there's nothing directly right now to do that, but wallaroo's approach to state is rather different than Spark's so there might be a way to do what you are looking to accomplish. if you see this, i'd love to hear more about the problem you are trying to solve and i can work through possible designs with you.
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<asdf__> Thanks for your reply, I don't have a concrete problem yet. Just comparing different stream processing pipelines.
<SeanTAllen> asdf__ you're welcome. you can split state however you want in Wallaroo, so you have control over that.
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<asdf__> I've installed Wallaroo using the Docker method, is there any way I can get IDE support (e.g PyCharm) for wallaroo package?
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<SeanTAllen> asdf__ let me go get someone who might be able to help with that
<SeanTAllen> jonbrwn would be a better person to answer than me
<SeanTAllen> ive asked him to pop in to chat asdf__
<jonbrwn> hey @asdf__, the best way to get IDE support for the Wallaroo package in Docker would be to configure a remote Python SDK. If you're on the Professional Edition of PyCharm you can follow this:
<jonbrwn> if you have any questions about how to get that working do feel free to ask
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<asdf__> I tried installing from the Up script and got the following error. Any ideas?
<SeanTAllen> I'm not seeing an error there, can you highlight what it is asdf__ ?
<SeanTAllen> i'm seeing what looks like issues with your chrome and sbt installs when running `apt-get update`. Is that what you are referring to?
<asdf__> Yep, it cannot run apt-get update
<asdf__> I've had to to manually run apt update to get it to work
<SeanTAllen> so you can run apt-get update, but wallaroo-up gets an error you don't otherwise get?
<SeanTAllen> when running it?
<asdf__> Not sure if it's just a problem with my machine, but thought I'd point it out anyway for improving it if it's possible
<jonbrwn> @asdf__ looks like apt-get update is failing, might be helpful to run on your own and ensure you’re up to date and then re-running the Wallaroo Up script
<asdf__> Yh, manually running apt update and then running the Up script makes it work
<SeanTAllen> ah ok, that's good.
<SeanTAllen> how did you run it manually?
<asdf__> Just sudo apt update
<asdf__> The Up script was also run with sudo
<SeanTAllen> well, glad you have it sorted asdf__
<asdf__> Thanks for having the IRC, it's been really useful
<SeanTAllen> you're weclome
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