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<andrewrk> jzelinskie, here's the code that runs before main:
<andrewrk> and here's the default panic handler if you don't provide your own:
<andrewrk> (this happens if you trip a runtime safety check)
<andrewrk> that's all the runtime there is
<jzelinskie> nice
<andrewrk> even coroutines do not require a runtime
<andrewrk> although to be useful in practice, one ends up implementing an event loop in userland
<jzelinskie> i think someone asked this last night, but how powerful are enums?
<andrewrk> are you asking about tagged unions?
<jzelinskie> const tagged unions
<andrewrk> is that a c++ concept? what does the const do?
<jzelinskie> not cpp, more of a haskell style thing
<jzelinskie> e.g. myFavoriteOdds = { One: 1, Two: 2, Three: 3 }
<jzelinskie> hmm 2 isn't odd
<jzelinskie> you get the point though
<jzelinskie> basically being able to declare a type as a subset of another
<jzelinskie> into a type that only allows those values
<andrewrk> you can assign the tag value of an enum
<andrewrk> and you can specify the integer tag type of an enum
<jzelinskie> you know what you need that Joey's language has? a playground
<andrewrk> that sounds nice
<andrewrk> we have a docker image if that's helpful
<jzelinskie> yeah, but we can't link each other to runnable code snippets
<andrewrk> ah, godbolt style
<jzelinskie> yup
<jzelinskie> godbolt is pretty nuts though since i've only really used it for looking at asm
<jzelinskie> can you do zero copy C FFI?
<jzelinskie> i suppose it depends on the types, e.g. you'd get a "CString" from calling into C rather than a string, right?
<andrewrk> a "c string" is `&u8`, e.g. a pointer to a u8
<andrewrk> it's planned to introduce a pointer type that notes that there is a null value at the end
<andrewrk> because zig has no memory management, C FFI has no overhead
<jzelinskie> so basically everything from C FFI is &u8?
<MajorLag> every c string is
<MajorLag> other things are appropriate mappings. zig has c_int, c_long, etc to ensure you match the native abi
<jzelinskie> structs?
<MajorLag> are just structs
<andrewrk> `extern struct` guarantees C ABI
<jzelinskie> awesome
<andrewrk> same with union
<jzelinskie> i remember you saying that now
<andrewrk> we also have `packed struct` where you get exactly the fields you list, in exactly that order, no padding, and you can use integer types smaller than 8 bits to get bit fields
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<hobomatic> i don't think there is an issue for this, and i think this is a pretty minimal case, working from 0.2.0 on linux_x86_64:
<hobomatic> i know this isn't actually a good way to do this (endianness) and there is mem.readInt, but it seems like this should be possible
<hobomatic> but I am pretty stupid about machine numbers and alignment and packing and all that, so maybe not
<MajorLag> that's odd
<MajorLag> if you move the var to global scope it works. also `var n32 = *@ptrCast(&i32, @alignCast(@alignOf(i32), &n8[0]));` works.
<MajorLag> actually wait, no, in global scope it gives a different value.
<hobomatic> haha
<hobomatic> spooky
<MajorLag> yeah, it's definitely just hitting uninitialized memory when you put the var in global scope
<hobomatic> yeah for me it gives a different number and the test fails for some reason, i guess a segfault or something equivalent. No panic stacktrace like an assertion failure.
<hobomatic> (using var in global scope)
<hobomatic> yeah its a segfault when i run the test executable from zig-cache
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<MajorLag> it happens even if it is an array of a single u32. So I think var arrays must be special, probably have a size prefix or something?
<accidental> hey all, I'm going through documentation and don't think this is possible, but is there a way to define an implicit cast?
<MajorLag> and @bitCast isn't aware of that I guess
<MajorLag> the docs just say that @bitCast asserts the types have the same size, and indeed [4]u8 has the same size as i32.
<MajorLag> and it works for const.
<accidental> specifically, I'd like to be able to use std.fmt with a custom type, and as far as I can tell the only non-built in formatter is for things that can be implicitly converted to []u8
<MajorLag> oh, that's what you mean.
<MajorLag> I don't think that's currently possible, but I think there's a plan to have a way of extending std.fmt at least.
<accidental> hrm ok cool - kinda what I thought after skimming source but didn't know if it was a thing
<accidental> I can wrap printf to do something similar, or I guess you could have a third party formatting library that could handle it, but yeah
<MajorLag> it's pretty easy to write a comptime function for formatting custom types. I did an experiment a while back where I wrote something to inspect and print an entire struct:
<accidental> oh sweet, I'll definitely take a look at that, thanks
<accidental> so looking through that
<accidental> it's pretty much what the current format stuff does, in that it's comptime hardcoding types (switch on @typeId, has to be known types)
<accidental> is there a way to comptime dispatch to some type specific function?
<MajorLag> Ultimately everything is a known type. It takes a struct, any struct, and decomposes it into primitive types.
<MajorLag> yeah, you can just switch on the type. switch(@typeOf(whatever)) { TypeA => ... TypeB => ....}
<accidental> I guess I want to be able to extend that switch in a different library
<accidental> module
<accidental> introduce a TypeC I guess, you know?
<accidental> sorry, if I'm being dense
<sand-witch> Are global variables known to be not working? -- This is not the only mysterious error I'm getting.
<sand-witch> dont pay attention those file path names though..misleading nonsense at this point
<sand-witch> Sigh, I was going to clean this code better up. It's just doing nonsense. Important part is that it thinks there's a redefinition of ptr.
<MajorLag> accidental: Yeah, I see what you're saying. I can think of ways to do that, but they're pretty involved, returning comptime types and stuff.
<MajorLag> sand-witch, huh, I would think you'd be able to shadow... actually I think there might be an issue for this...
<MajorLag> Might be related to ?
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<sand-witch> MajorLag: This is the other error I was referring to
<sand-witch> MajorLag: Here's a much better one:
<hobomatic> heres an interesting variation that print n duplicates of the compile error by inducing recursion in foo()
<hobomatic> it seems like its running it at compile time and screwing up hygene
<hobomatic> and if you change n to var, it gives that other error about not being able to evaluate n
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<hobomatic> well, not 'n' duplicates, but like 10 in that case.
<andrewrk> hobomatic: that is supposed to work and there is an open issue for it
<andrewrk> I'll find it for you tomorrow and fix it
<hobomatic> irt the @bitcast thing?
<andrewrk> Bitcasting an array to an int
<andrewrk> Yes
<hobomatic> ah, ok
<andrewrk> sand-witch: I'll have a look at your paste tomorrow. Good night all
<sand-witch> alright, thanks. It's big issue though. Good night.
<sand-witch> it's no*
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<GitHub111> [zig] tiehuis pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub111> zig/master 3d1732e Marc Tiehuis: Fix OpqaueType usage in exported c functions...
<GitHub176> [zig] tiehuis pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub176> zig/master 7350181 Marc Tiehuis: Fix os.File.mode function
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<sand-witch> Is there a for loop for when you're not iterating over something? I just want to run the loop n many times.
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<andrewrk> sand-witch: while loops support a continue clause
<andrewrk> while (i < n) : (i += 1) { }
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<andrewrk> hobomatic: bitcasting to and from an array:
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<MajorLag> andrewrk, was the other isse that came up last night with the shadowing a bug or intentional?
<andrewrk> MajorLag, it's intentional that global variable shadowing is not allowed
<andrewrk> the reasoning for this is that it provides a helpful guarantee when reading code
<andrewrk> sand-witch, zig does not allow shadowing of global variables. what else were you running into?
<andrewrk> the one with "unable to evaluate constant expression" - you are trying to execute malloc at compile time, which is impossible since the heap is not available until runtime
<andrewrk> zig does not have static initializers - global variable declarations at top level scope are executed at compile time
<andrewrk> it's so nice when people are running into completely intentional compile errors with correct messages, instead of bugs :)
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<Hejsil> It's kinda rare to find a bug in Zig that doesn't crash the compiler :)
<Hejsil> Or maybe I've just been writing to much comptime code
<Hejsil> That's like the easiest way to hit asserts
<andrewrk> sorry Hejsil :(
<andrewrk> I'm going to take a much more disciplined approach when coding the self hosted compiler comptime stuff
<andrewrk> the current c++ code was experimental and I changed strategies several times
<MajorLag> I find the same when doing fancy comptime tricks Hejsil. But I rarely run into runtime bugs, so it's ok.
<andrewrk> we used to go straight from AST to LLVM IR
<Hejsil> It's a lot better to crash that have a runtime bug
<andrewrk> how's the pokemon randomizer going? looks like it works for pokemon emerald?
<Hejsil> I have trainer randomization working on Emerald.
<Hejsil> Most US versions of generation 3 games probably works now
<Hejsil> But no testing
<andrewrk> I bet if you did a writeup of this project with some demos and stuff it would be pretty popular in tech news
<Hejsil> I have loading of nds roms nearly working. This will allow me to randomize gen4 and 4 games
<Hejsil> It's not really ready yet though :)
<andrewrk> fair :)
<MajorLag> I'd read it. From what I understand, Pokemon code has a lot of tricks for size reduction, so I'm curious how it's dealt with.
<Hejsil> It's hard when you have a competitor that is fully featured for gen 1-5 games
<Hejsil> My biggest challenge so far have been loading the file system from the nds rom format
<Hejsil> There is a lot of tricks
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<jacobdufault> andrewrk: does zig depend on more than just libclang? Because I've found libclang has some issues, ie, it doesn't use the same compiler driver as clang so command line parsing is a bit of a mess (re
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<andrewrk> jacobdufault, no, it only depends on libclang. that's good to note, thanks. I'll have to experiment with it and update the issue
<andrewrk> the Grand Bootstrapping Plan is still ok thought, because you can substitute using zig as a c++ compiler with just using the clang binaries that we produced from the previous steps
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<MajorLag> andrewrk: there's no way to um.. `catch` a compile error right? I'm thinking that if there were, or if there was a way to introspect a type's namespaced functions, it'd be really trivial to add cutsom formatters. It'd be useful in general for ducktyping with `var`, I think.
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<MajorLag> actually... there might be a better way...