pauladamsmith, 'OpenGL/gl.h' file not found
I'm not sure how to make that work. OpenGL is deprecated on macOS, so I'm not sure what a real fix would look like, apart from implementing a metal-specific graphics backend
I guess for now, tetris is an example that only works on linux
ah, didn't know that about the deprecation. oh, well. thanks anyway
and then... idk probably I wouldn't support macOS because I don't fancy doing metal-specific code
except that linux is now wayland
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I mean, zig-window would support macOS
scientes, why do you say except?
well why are you working on x11?
it is kind of deprecated at this point
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you're asking about why I use xfce as my desktop?
and even before that libx11 was for libxcb
or are you asking why zig-window would support X11 in addition to Wayland?
wayland hasn't won the mind share. x11 is prevelant. I still use it, for one.
if I switched I would lose obs-studio support, which I use weekly for live streaming
I love the latest and greatest, but wayland has been promising a lot for a long time and not delivering
I feel skeptical at this point
I was a bit ticked that I couldn't stream my desktop
it didn't really promise that much
if it was better than X11 then it would be more popular
but it did promise a few things, like secure input handling
which it delivered
anyway, point being if you want a portable window abstraction, X11 is still relevant. and it's a good place to start because it will work on both X11 and Wayland desktops
also I found out the C library for X11 that everyone uses is blocking whereas the X11 server is inherently asynchronous
thats why there is libxcb
so it will be interesting to expose an event-based API
but the extensions to x11 that everyone uses make it more like wayland
so that was the whole reason
I'm pretty sure libxcb is exactly what I'm talking about
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on macos, it’s all metal from apple. opengl is on lifeline stuck at some old version. vulkan has no support from apple but a company open-sourced MoltenVK which is a vulkan wrapper around metal. apparently it works pretty darned good. was sponsered by one of the big game engine companies iirc.
if moltenvk is good, that makes vulkan the de facto standard
there’s serveral claims/examples of opengl games on mac ported to MoltenVK getting excellent fps improvements
the source can be freed once it has been parsed, right?
i’m pretty sure you want source to stick around for the lifetime of an ast.Tree
I guess that is necessary anyways, in order to display error messages
stage2 is a long running process. it does reference counting on resources, which is necessary since components can be updated independently from each other
down to single-function edits
you mean the compiler will stick around when you recompile your code
mikdusan, vaporware project for games and graphics-based applications. see the README in the github link above
found link.
stage2 presents several as yet unsolved problems. for example, if you have 3 functions, and then update function 2, and then update function 3, each function has a difference reference to a different AST
and if you insert blank lines between functions, zig is smart enough to not recompile anything.... except now all the debug info is wrong
in theory we should be able to update a single integer in the output when you insert a blank line
which is an offset in the debug info
anyway. I can't get back to that fun stuff until more stage1 stuff is done
you know what’d i’d love to see? a new editor written in zig. not text-based but vulkan-based. it’s own font engine. persistent structures (ie. snapshots) for text. tie with super-build system for granular incremental builds. and oh yeah, some bells/whistles visualizing code section recompiling, while you’re editing.
mikdusan, what about gnome-builder?
thats almost what you are describing
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but honestly, I like a real simple editor
too many bells and whistles get in the way
I use gedit, and lots of git grep
wow, gedit, hahaha
is gnome-builder macos savvy or does it treat it like a 3rd-class citizen?
somehow I'm not surprised. and I'm not being condescending either
I used gedit for a few years
I even wrote a lang file for it, but it isn't polished
Since I'm here, I have another basic question.
pub fn set(self: *Foo) {}
Is the usage of "*Foo" (as opposed to "Foo") what makes that function able to modify self?
If I leave the "*" out, I do get compilation errors for lines that modify any field in self.
So I guess it is. But I ask because the docs say that the compiler chooses when to pass a reference and when to make a copy. I guess that's from an optimization POV.
oh, you must have already seen this, apologies
Yeah, I did.
the answer to your question is yes. when you pass a mutable pointer, the function body can write through the pointer
Ok. So this is actually nice. Because no matter what you pass (Foo or *Foo), you always access the data the same way (no "." vs "->"). And even if you pass Foo, the compiler may decide to pass a *Foo (for efficiency sake). But you MUST pass a *Foo if you want to modify the value.
I think a short explanation of this (passing parameters by reference to make them modifiable) would be a good addition to the docs.
If I create a struct (such as Point), is there a standard method name to define, so that I can use printf to print it? Can you point me to docs / examples?
zig doesn't have interfaces, because that would bloat the run-time
zig build-exe test.zig --library c -target x86_64-linux-musl
getting this error on debian: posix_spawn failed: Too many open files
did I miss a step when building zig for musl?
bheads_, i'll have a patch in a sec
nice, is the compiler leaking file descriptors?
well my patch wont fix that
the default limit is 1024 which is quite low
and is kept low to not break applications that use select()
sure, but we shouldn't have to change users open file limit to compile
its just for the process
bheads_, hmm that's weird. I don't know why zig would have more than a handful of files open at once
btw gonzus, the `u0` was a result of `u1` requiring a type with Log2(1) bits to shift by.
bumped the soft limit up ulimit -Sn 2048
yes the number of bits you are allowed to shift a u1 by is 0.
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bheads_, hard limit defaults to 4096
so see if that works
yeah but it was hitting the soft limit
ulimit -Sn 2048 worked
it also might have worked if you changed nothing and tried again
I don't know why this error occurs
I have tried multiple times on two different machines
both debian
look at strace -e trace=open and figure what is geting opened
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yeah with trace=openat you can see it is opening up the work from lib/zig/libc/(musl|include)
to implement @cInclude()
@cInclude? you mean -isystem args passed to the child process?
ahh, i think it is leaking fds with the caching code
cause the other ones are getting re-user
sounds like a bug. the caching code is supposed to close all fds when done
I don't see anything obvious
ahh yes found it
oh no
ahh there it is
andrewrk, you could use __attribute__((cleanup))
scientes, thanks for the fix, looks good. does the strace look better?
I'd rather not use attribute cleanup in stage1
but yeah errdefer would have prevented this
andrewrk: did we get anywhere with a 'may longjmp' annotation?
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tgschultz yeah, I see that now. Thanks.
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I decided to move to zig head (with brew install --HEAD zig)
Now when I compile anything I see these messages:
Warning: Unable to write cache file '/Users/XXX/Library/Application Support/zig/stage1/exe/1uvZ9H2R-YSuuebH14sv$bO4DRYGGw1GYFIA9O2brRJbX5AaqLnUF4hBoxSMYUgA.txt': file system error
The tests still run, so this is indeed a warning.
The file is created and has perms 644 and correct owner, but 0 byts.
hmm. I should make that have a more detailed error message
Also, this is driving me nuts: I know I can use {x} to print a hex value. Can I give it a specified width, and tell it to prepend it with zeros if needed?
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gonzus, {x2} will pad to 2 digits
gonzus, I pushed a commit that will print a more detailed error message for you