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gamester has joined #zig
<gamester> andrewrk: since you're working on translate-c, what are your thoughts on this:
<gamester> tgschultz's solution is pretty clean, maybe that's something that translate c could do in the future
<daurnimator> andrewrk: also catching up on the stream... I notice that self hosted translate-c has the same allocator bug as the parser
<mikdusan> terminology: does 'freestanding' mean 'non-libc' / 'without-libc' ?
<daurnimator> mikdusan: no. it means no operating system
<mikdusan> are there targets or will there be targets that are freestanding and no-libc?
<daurnimator> yes
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<tgschultz> andrewrk: ok, I've spent way too much time trying to work out how to make async<> happy with an allocator that isn't a pointer and I've decided it really really isn't worth it. So I guess round 2 of interface reform is also dead pending coroutine reform.
<tgschultz> I honestly didn't think it would be this complicated, but everything seems to be written with the implicit assumption that allocators are pointers.
<tgschultz> or maybe I'll just do it without bothering to switch over allocators
<tgschultz> since that's the pain point
<tgschultz> yeah, I think that's what I'll do
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karrick has joined #zig
<karrick> Hello
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<gamester> Hi!
<karrick> Hello
<karrick> I’m incredibly new to zig and just learned about it last weekend. Trying to soak up some knowledge. I am primarily a Go programmer now.
<daurnimator> karrick: welcome!
<karrick> Thanks
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<karrick> Did not mean to scare anyone off
<gamester> huh? You did not :) By the way Zig has improved a lot very quickly and I think you'll enjoy it. Interfacing with C libs via @cImport can be rough but it keeps improving
<hoppetosse> I've managed to get most of the code shared between the webgl and glfw verisons of tetris. At the moment, it has separate entry points for each platform
<karrick> I have noticed how much it has changed in the past few years by reading some of the documentation and then just having finished watching the Tetris video.
<hoppetosse> I tried a couple of ways to share the main, but to no avail. Check it out, let me know if you have any ideas on how to make it one clean codebase
<karrick> What is that web asm? 😀
<karrick> Awesome
<hoppetosse> It's an executable for the web basically - allows compiled languages to be used in the browse
<hoppetosse> r
<hoppetosse> C has used emscripten for this for a while
<karrick> I did not know that Zig had the warm target but I’m not surprised since it sits on top of LLVM
<karrick> s/warm/wasm/
<karrick> I’m logged in via mobile phone so I have autocorrect coodies
<andrewrk> karrick, here's a full list of targets:
<karrick> I like the tiered breakdown
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<daurnimator> andrewrk: got spare brain space for a design chat? or in the middle of something?
<karrick> I’m actually watching the compiler internals video from a few years ago.
<karrick> Kind feel like I need to watch each video in chronological order. But then I know the only way to really learn a new language is to grab a problem and wrestle with it.
<andrewrk> daurnimator, I'm about to go to bed, got up pretty early this morning. I'd recommend trying to catch me tomorrow
<daurnimator> karrick: got any areas of personal interest you'd like to work in?
<andrewrk> karrick, the homepage and then the official documentation is likely the fastest way to catch up
<daurnimator> andrewrk: k
<karrick> I spend a lot of time playing with concurrency primitives and standard library stuff in Go
<daurnimator> karrick: I got started by reading through the 0.3.0 release notes; then the documentation page; then by reading the standard library; then by starting coding. this path isn't suitable for everyone...
<daurnimator> karrick: ooo, you might be interested in my next project then
<daurnimator> (which is what I wanted to talk to andrew about)
<karrick> Shoot
<daurnimator> karrick: I want to create a "command buffer" abstraction to be used for file and socket IO
<andrewrk> oh yeah release notes are good too. lots of content there
<karrick> Care to elaborate a use case?
<daurnimator> karrick: operations.queueWrite(fd, data); operations.queueRead(fd, buffer); operations.drain();
<daurnimator> karrick: essentially as a primitive that can be used for not only super high performance IO. but also something that regular file operations can live *on top of*
<karrick> is `drain` the common idiom in Zig for flushing a buffer of sorts?
<daurnimator> karrick: no... it's what the linux kernel calls it in an open patch :P
<karrick> Lol
<karrick> I have not spent time in Linux kernel source but I do C from time to time...
<daurnimator> `myfile.write()` => internally, it could: `command_buffer.queueWrite(fd, data); command_buffer.drain()`
<karrick> Ok
<daurnimator> karrick: interested? :)
<karrick> Yes. I have several non blocking queue libs and ADTs in Go on my profile because this is very interesting to me
<daurnimator> karrick: okay.... some required reading:
<karrick> Got it
<karrick> That doc is just a few days old...
<daurnimator> karrick: yep. it finally got merged+released in the 5.1 kernel. which came out this week
<karrick> I assume you have same name on GitHub?
<daurnimator> yes.
<karrick> Congrats for getting it merged into 5.1
<daurnimator> not my work
<daurnimator> just have been following closely; and now that its in released kernels, it's time to actually use it!
<karrick> Ah. My misunderstanding. I was going Jeeping this weekend but that got cancelled. Looks like I have homework.
<daurnimator> IMO it will be*the* way to perform most file descriptor operations: in a couple of releases all the old syscalls can go and be deprecated ;)
<gamester> oh cool you're working on abstractions over io_uring? Nice!
<karrick> Wow. Seriously?
<gamester> I need that
<gamester> :)
<daurnimator> gamester: as soon as I finish this general purpose allocator
<karrick> And gamester returns
<karrick> :)
<daurnimator> karrick: not so serious on the syscall deprecation. nothing is deprecated kernel ABI-wise :P
<daurnimator> karrick: so what brought you over from Go?
<karrick> I understood your context that effectively it means that all syscall functionality could be replaced
<daurnimator> karrick: mostly only syscalls that operate on a file descriptor.
<karrick> Frustrations with decisions based on Go’s runtime architecture. I taught myself assembly on an 8088 years ago, and then learned C and thought, oh this is so much more easy.
<karrick> I still work in a high performance mindset
<karrick> I really liked how Zig embraced C, rather than making working with C a detriment to runtime performance.
<daurnimator> at the moment only read/write/fsync are supported by uring, 5.2 should bring support for sendmsg/recvmsg/sync_file_range; accept() and connect() might make it in too. ioctls soon after
<karrick> I have been doing small utilities at work in C when needed to skip the runtime overhead of Go. But it’s been a while since I’ve done anything major in C.
<karrick> Enough rambling from me. How long have you been working with Zig, daurnimator?
<gamester> The NVMe spec has the concept of a submission queue and completion queue so without io_uring things were pretty awkwardly mapped to the hardware
<daurnimator> karrick: since october. I got linked the 0.3.0 release notes and really loved what I saw
<karrick> Any concurrent Zig code I can take a peek at to prime the pump? I read what you say and think in terms of Go concurrency, which is working against me right now I think.
<tgschultz> zig's coroutines are due for a major reworking
<gamester> karrick: you're out of luck I think. As tgschultz says people have been waiting for coroutines
<andrewrk> karrick, for concurrency read this: (1)
<daurnimator> karrick: I saw similar things for Go and Rust as they were being developed and thought "this looks cool; will be great to use when mature" -> however Go and Rust grew away from what I wanted, and are now irreconcilably differnet to my aims. I decided to dive into zig early so that I could hopefully keep it on target for what I've wanted for years
<gamester> karrick: there is of course std.os.spawnThread and atomics
<andrewrk> it's the beginning of the 0.5.0 release cycle and I've got step 1 underway
<andrewrk> I took a short break to enhance translate-c to hopefully get people to stop contributing to the C++ code and start contributing to the Zig code
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<gamester> hmm vscode is really helping my flow. It turns out I like having the terminal in the same window. I recommend it.
<mikdusan> i tried using vscode a while back with older gpu. it was so aggrivatingly slow had to dump it. even had to make workarounds to get it to work minimally.
<daurnimator> gamester: I generally have my editor (sublime) and a terminal open side by side (using tiling window manager)
<mikdusan> one of my biggest issues was that when things stopped working with gpu, it didn't tell you. ignored errors. i guess they need zig `try` :)
karrick has joined #zig
<daurnimator> gamester: should I guess that you're interested in this command buffer work too?
<karrick> Thanks for the links to the concurrency story for Zig. Also adding to my reading list.
<daurnimator> goals (of mine): 1. add bindings to io_uring to zig's std/linux 2. create more general abstraction on top of it with handy methods 3. create alternate backing implementation that uses traditional read/write syscalls. 4. rewrite File on top of new abstraction
<karrick> Or I’ll just read the Coroutines status now
<andrewrk> daurnimator, related:
<daurnimator> karrick: coroutine status right now is "broken; don't bother looking; wait on andrewrk to fix"
<gamester> daurnimator: I'm definitely curious about what you're working on, and have a use for it, but I feel 0% qualified in helping with design. I'm just not experienced enough.
<andrewrk> that's a fair characterization. it's a pretty severe project blocker
<karrick> First of all that does not bother me that it’s broken. I just want to know the vision
<daurnimator> karrick: still a little in flux. is a good issue to follow for coroutine design
<karrick> I’m very interested in this aspect of programming. Go was not quite doing it right IMO
<karrick> I think Go has an amazing M:N scheduler. I know Zig does not have the runtime overhead of Go and hence this is not the same thing. I’m just curious how Zig is evolving.
<gamester> karrick: follow this
<karrick> What I mean is that I think co-routines are very useful, but I wished they were lighter weight, and I can only imagjne that the lack of a runtime is a requirement for having light-weight coroutines.
<karrick> Perfect issue to read. Thanks
<karrick> andrewrk, any regrets for writing a language?
<andrewrk> nope
<karrick> That’s awesome. I assumed they would include folks asking you to make Zig do what they wanted. I’m sure you get that a bunch.
<daurnimator> karrick: I think you'll find that question has some survivorship bios.
<daurnimator> *bias
<karrick> Lol that’s great autocorrect for you
<karrick> Or just your fingers are primed to say BIOS
<andrewrk> it's not easy to say "no" to so many ideas but I don't want zig to become c++
<andrewrk> everybody has that 1 feature from c++ that they actually like, and if everybody got theirs into zig, zig would be C++
<karrick> Yup
<karrick> How many active contributors are there mostly?
<karrick> Not necessarily the one offs but folks who keep working on parts
<andrewrk> have you seen the "pulse" feature of github?
<karrick> Nice and thank tou
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<andrewrk> good night
<karrick> 👋🏻
<tgschultz> ` error: variables must be initialized` ...since when?
<tgschultz> oh, nevermind, I see what I did.
<tgschultz> `var self: PseudoSelf(undefined);`
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<daurnimator> error: pointer to size 0 type has no address
<daurnimator> but why? :(
<shachaf> Probably for the reason C++ forbids size 0 types, which is to ensure that distinct objects have distinct addresses?
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<emekankurumeh[m]> can you initialize a union at runtime, given the tag and the payload?
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<emekankurumeh[m]> does endianness affect zig unions?
<daurnimator> shachaf: any ideas what I should be doing instead?
<shachaf> I don't know how zero-length arrays work in Zig.
<shachaf> Or what you're actually doing exactly.
<daurnimator> shachaf: a variable length struct. related to
<shachaf> I mean, I know what it is in C (though "VLA" is something else), but not how Zig handles it.
<shachaf> You can presumably use the suggestion at that link with a dummy 1-octet member at the end?
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<daurnimator> shachaf: nope. order of members in non-extern structs is not defined in zig
<shachaf> Oh, I see that in a lower comment now.
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<daurnimator> hrm. turns out this may be the same (or related) to #2431
<daurnimator> added comment there
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<shollrollah951> Hi, I have been following zig for a while, and now I made a sudoku solver in zig:
<shollrollah951> Hope to get some comments on it.
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