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<Tetralux> Try it
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<mahmudov> ok success, thnks guys
<andrewrk> mahmudov, if you want a small hello world you can pass --strip --release-small to build-exe
<mahmudov> hm ok
<andrewrk> default is debug. it is big because it has debug symbols and stack trace printing code
<mahmudov> can i cross building?
<mahmudov> can i compile a source for different target?
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<Tetralux> Pass `-target <target>` to `zig build-exe`
<Tetralux> You can do `zig targets` for a list IIRC.
<Tetralux> You can omit the last part of the triple for the default ABI.
<Tetralux> Like `zig build-exe hello.zig -target x86_64-windows`
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<mahmudov> yes i tried,it worked
<mahmudov> +1
<mahmudov> ty,lemme poke docs and help
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<curtisf> is there a rational for why some of the flags have one `-` and some have two `--`?
<andrewrk> yes, they're copied from other projects' CLI args rather than trying to be self-consistent
<mikdusan> should probably just accept both '-' and '--' for all options
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<Tetralux> mikdusan: That would probably be my first though.
<Tetralux> thought*
<curtisf> The inconsistency is really strange to me, not knowing why some are one way and the other. Being permissive is probably the easiest way to be consistent if you still want to be 'compatible' with other tools, but permissiveness is also not ideal
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<Tetralux> curtisf: Why is permissiveness not ideal? Clarity?
<Tetralux> If so, I'd suggest that if it errors because you used one '-' and not two, or whatever, then it informs you of the right number.
<Tetralux> error: unknown argument '--target'
<Tetralux> note: .. but '-target' exists.
<Tetralux> f.e.
<shritesh> andrewrk: I'm trying to implement js/wasm callbacks interop using suspend/resume and keep getting "LLVM ERROR: function sections must contain one function each"
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<andrewrk> shritesh, interesting. let me have a look at that
<andrewrk> samtebbs, I resolved one of your bugs ( and thoroughly documented the troubleshooting steps because you were asking for tips
<andrewrk> samtebbs, let me know what other bugs are blocking you from getting from 0.4.0 -> master on pluto
<shritesh> andrewrk: reduced case compile with `zig build-lib main.zig -target wasm32-freestanding`
<andrewrk> ok I'm reproducing it easily enough. let me see wtf is going on
<andrewrk> hmm I wonder if it's the "prefix data"
<andrewrk> shritesh, ok I reproduced it with LLVM 9, and confirmed it's "prefix data". This is annoying because I had it working without prefix data already, then rewrote it using this PrefixData feature
<andrewrk> they didn't mention that it wasn't available on all targets
<andrewrk> I can make it work without this easily enough, but not before tomorrow
<shritesh> That's no fun
<shritesh> That's fine
<shritesh> sidenote: If this works, we might be able to have some really "nice feeling" JS interop. async/await just fits with callbacks and such
<andrewrk> yeah that's a great point
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<andrewrk> the annoying thing is that even if they implemented prefix data for wasm right this minute, we wouldn't get it until llvm 10, which is 7 months away
<shritesh> I was inspired by daurnimator's fengari LUA in JS project
<andrewrk> this is really annoying. I'll have to do a workaround for 0.5.0 for this.
<mikdusan> andrewrk: i'm trying to find a session you did for me showing some walkthrough on IR to troubleshoot a bug. are they pruned automatically?
<andrewrk> yes deletes them after a while. was that the one that I didn't upload to youtube?
<mikdusan> i'll check on youtube. was going to link it in an FAQ answer. no big deal if it's not there.
<andrewrk> I can do another one of those streams and archive it
<mikdusan> no no I just want to take what is handy. if another comes up i'll add it to FAQ.
<Tetralux> mikdusan: I've never looked into how to run wasm code. Can you point me to a resource of choice? Or is it easy to find?
<andrewrk> shritesh, the sad thing about this is that if you don't call @frameSize then you don't even need the prefix data. That would actually be a pretty quick fix I could do. If you don't call @frameSize then it would avoid this issue
<andrewrk> and you only need @frameSize for async function pointers
<shritesh> Honestly, I don't know why I'd use @frameSize or async function pointers :D. I was just going to use async, await, @frame, suspend and resume to make a fetch callback happen across wasm boundaries.
<mikdusan> Tetralux: i've never targeted wasm. sorry. but that sounds like a good zig wiki faq or document to have
<Tetralux> mikdusan: Agreed.
<andrewrk> shritesh, I have your example building now. After tests pass I'll push this to master
<Tetralux> shritesh: Huh. Curious!
<shritesh> andrewrk: Nice.
<andrewrk> shritesh, I pushed d74b8567
<shritesh> andrewrk: Alright, I'll play around with it.
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<shritesh> andrewrk: IT WORKS!!!
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<andrewrk> calling javascript async functions?
<shritesh> Resuming async functions from JS
<shritesh> Resuming Zig async functions from JS callbacks
<andrewrk> yeah that's a great use case for this
<shritesh> BUT it doesn't work in release-{fast,small} mode, only debug :D
<andrewrk> what happens in release modes?
<shritesh> "UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: RuntimeError: function signature mismatch"
<shritesh> From the JS side
<andrewrk> in order to call a zig function from js you have to make it extern right? I don't see how that could happen
<shritesh> I think I need to store the frame pointer it in the heap. Maybe that's the problem. I currently have it as a global var.
<shritesh> I don't remember the exact wasm semantics right now.
<andrewrk> I don't see how that is connected to the error message
<andrewrk> are you calling a non-extern zig function from js?
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<shritesh> No I'm calling an extern function. The instruction being executed is `call_indirect` on the wasm side and it's referencing global memory.
<andrewrk> this all looks good to me
<andrewrk> why would the heap do anything here?
<andrewrk> what node version do you need for this?
<shritesh> I'm on latest but wasm has been supported for quite a while
<shritesh> Also, if you use to explore the wasm file, the release versions aren't doing much at all
<andrewrk> I can repro this
<andrewrk> huh, that's weird. in release modes, it deleted the part where start() populates the frame with the function pointer
<andrewrk> callback() is correctly loading the function pointer and then calling it
<shritesh> Also, this is what I was talking about with heap: WASM didn't have mutable globals, but now it does.
<andrewrk> wait, it didn't? wtf
<andrewrk> ok, well... if llvm implemented mutating a global by treating it as equivalent to undefined behavior, then that would explain this
<andrewrk> let me try llvm 9
<andrewrk> with llvm 9 start() is still not setting the fn ptr
<shritesh> Interesting
<andrewrk> it looks like mutable globals landed a long time ago
<andrewrk> this is now a question of "why is llvm allowed to delete that store?"
<shritesh> Yeah, I read ALL THE SPECS during my sleep deprived finals week and I am hazy on the details
<andrewrk> oh, I know why
<andrewrk> it is undef behavior
<andrewrk> _ = async amain() // <---- the frame of amain is in `start`'s call stack frame
<shritesh> Yep. Needs to be on heap
<andrewrk> or just another global. the problem is that the frame is destroyed when start returns
<shritesh> Ooh. That's even better
<andrewrk> this works with --release-small
<shritesh> That means I can just resume amain_frame
<andrewrk> technically in this case you can
<shritesh> And it works
<andrewrk> but it would still be advised for the caller (`start`) to not be aware of the details of how suspend/resume are happening
<andrewrk> because you could for example, introduce another suspend, that gets resumed a different way
<shritesh> makes sense.
<shritesh> I think in this case, the JS event loop itself acts as our event loop which is nice.
<andrewrk> yes
<andrewrk> it would be nice if we could have debug safety for that footgun though
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<shritesh> With this working and fengb's zee_alloc, Zig might actually be the only language able to compete with Rust's WASM ecosystem.
<andrewrk> so I think you could use this to make a zig function that calls a javascript async function
<andrewrk> the new fetch() is one right?
<shritesh> Yes. Even in this example, the callback is being called after the previous promise has been resolved.
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<andrewrk> oh, and since js is single threaded, you can always use a global for the frame. that's easy and pretty ideal memory usage
<shritesh> Music to my ears
<andrewrk> uhh sorry. that doesn't work with recursion (direct or indirect). never mind that last thing
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<shritesh> Can I use the heap for that?
<andrewrk> yes
<andrewrk> that's kinda the only option you have for recursion
<shritesh> Only when it's async right?
<andrewrk> well here's the thing. we want safe recursion in normal blocking code too. and I have a simple plan to do that: when a call graph cycle is detected, zig makes all the functions in the cycle async.
<shritesh> Ah.
<andrewrk> this will cause an error like this: error: '@Frame(fib)' depends on itself. note: when analyzing type '@Frame(fib)' here. (continued for every call in the cycle)
<andrewrk> so this would both cause an error for recursion, as well as start the programmer down the path to solving it - because now that those functions are "async", heap-allocating their stack frames will solve the compile error, and solve the unsafety of the recursion
<andrewrk> plus - the heap allocation of a frame would only have to happen for 1 function in the cycle - all the other calls would have the callee's frame inside their own. so this would be what you want - 1 allocation per cycle, not per call
<andrewrk> 1 heap-allocation breaks the cycle
<shritesh> And wasm implicity has 4K of heap available by default
<shritesh> Unless, explicitly stated by the environment
<andrewrk> the main idea here is that "the stack" has a fixed upper bound that has to be known at compile-time, while the heap can be adjusted at runtime, depending on user input
<andrewrk> I'm confident in this plan. Which is exciting, because it was one of the big unsolved research areas. And the async/await redesign brought in the solution for free
<andrewrk> I believe that Rust has memory safety for stack overflow - it will at least crash rather than undefined behavior. But zig would be bringing this to the next level: compile-time verification of stack size upper bound. That's especially important for embedded and OS dev
<andrewrk> it's not a complete solution. there is still function pointers to solve. but I have a plan for that, too
<shritesh> I think this is a respectable way to program on the web:
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<andrewrk> shritesh, unfortunately it's a bit less elegant than that, given that fetching a url can fail
<shritesh> I don't see why a try before await won't work here
<andrewrk> it would but you would potentially leak the other resource
<shritesh> Ah. But, we're in JS land here :D
<andrewrk> actually it's worse than that. if you `try await ip_frame`, and the `try` returns, your bacon frame is still going, but main() returns. you've yanked the stack frame out from underneath the fetch call
<andrewrk> same situation as the earlier example with start() and callback()
<shritesh> Oof. So a scheduler and pseudo-GC are in order
<andrewrk> nah, just the idioms outlined in the linked code earlier. and the `cancel` feature can still be up for discussion, but there are some difficult design problems to solve for that
<andrewrk> you can also arrange it so that the awaits are together. as long as there are no `try` or `return` in between async and await. but I do recommend the original example I provided
<shritesh> Gotcha
<shritesh> I think it can be handled centrally for wasm
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<shritesh> Like a global promise store
<shritesh> And we can probably assume that the JS function will always callback whether it's success or failure so that resources get cleaned
<andrewrk> what about application-level resources though?
<andrewrk> your code calls which means the application manages the resource
<shritesh> Ah. I didn't consider that.
<andrewrk> status quo is a bit of boilerplate. but it does not cause indentation, and it allows you to use the familiar `try` everywhere
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<daurnimator> andrewrk: I think you're going in the wrong direction with 3157
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<daurnimator> I'll need to do a write up on my thoughts
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<daurnimator> Tiehuis: are you lurking at all?
<nitram91> is there any workaround to (I have the same error) or do I have to wait for 0.5.0 ?
<daurnimator> nitram91: not if you want to keep using std.fmt for now
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<bgiannan> did someone try to embed luajit in zig?
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<daurnimator> bgiannan: 'embed'?
<bgiannan> daurnimator, see pm
<bgiannan> it boils down to the fact that, for macOS, i need `-pagezero_size 10000 -image_base 100000000` but i don't know that i can pass those options to zig
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<bgiannan> ?
<mahmudov> what i miss
<mahmudov> can't i produce binary for macos
<mahmudov> i have tested for x86_64-windows-gnu, it worked on windows sys.
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<FireFox317> mahmudov: You probably want to use -target x86_64-macosx
<FireFox317> andrewrk: Is it an idea to link issue #2791 where you wrote the tips for debugging on the wiki page, such that it can be easily found?
<mahmudov> +1 firefox317
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<daurnimator> I bookmarked it locally :P
<samtebbs> firefox317: Yeah I was considering adding a page for it
<samtebbs> Where we can all add tips
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<andrewrk> mikdusan, added it to the FAQ wiki page
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<mq32> daurnimator: your issue about bfloat16 ( #3148 ) triggers something in me
<mq32> i read it as "do we want first- and second class value types in zig"
<mq32> :D
<mq32> yeah, it's a thing about refactoring
<mq32> we use "var" a lot because we don't want to type out the full type
<mq32> also "var" offers flexibility
<daurnimator> mq32: why is your type "long"?
<daurnimator> ==> why not make a nice short alias?
<mq32> let me get to my point :D
<mq32> var a = func(); var b = func(); var c = a + b;
<mq32> if func() returns i32, it's fine
<mq32> if func() returns f32, it's fine
<mq32> if func() returns Fixed(16,16), it's not
<mq32> Fixed would be fixed-point arithmetic type
<daurnimator> const fx16 = Fixed(16,16)
<daurnimator> and now its easy :)
<mq32> nah
<mq32> problem is still the same
<mq32> we don't have operator overloading
<mq32> so now i have to write
<mq32> var c = fx16.add(a, b);
<andrewrk> daurnimator, what's your concern with #3157? I'm pretty confident it's good
<daurnimator> mq32: indeed that's a problem. I believe an issue already around fixed arithmetic
<daurnimator> andrewrk: I think it can be achived via nested/multiple event loops instead.
<mq32> daurnimator: it's more or less the issue you made
<daurnimator> andrewrk: which is a much more useful and general concept
<mq32> my point is: we currently have to kinds of value types
<mq32> value==numeric
<andrewrk> daurnimator, I don't think we want debug stack trace printing to use an event loop
<mq32> self-made ones which use ".add" and builtin ones which use "operator +"
<andrewrk> same thing with std.debug.warn
<daurnimator> andrewrk: I would propose that *all* operations use an event loop with pluggable "backends"
<mq32> fixed point was just an example ;)
<mq32> same is for bfloat16, …
<daurnimator> mq32: I think the point is that there is a very limited set of numeric types that should be supported.
<mq32> yes, i don't doubt that
<mq32> my point is that to write generic code we would require some wrapper types for builtin arithmetics
<daurnimator> mq32: currently we have signed+unsigned integers + floats. we should maybe gain fixed point integers and bfloat16. maybe unums? but it shouldn't be something that arbitrary library code can invent IMO
<mq32> so i can use
<mq32> f32.add(a, b);
<daurnimator> andrewrk: something like debug stack trace printing can: 1. create new event loop. 2. use that event loop to print the stack trace. 3. destroy that event loop (or I guess for a panic, just abort()
<daurnimator> mq32: I believe that is on purpose
<mq32> same here
<mq32> but i see me writing a
<mq32> WrappedType(f32) which is a struct that exports those .add functions
<mq32> so i don't have to write to different functions that emit literally the same byte code later
<andrewrk> daurnimator, why is that better?
<daurnimator> mq32: I started delving into some crypto code the other day... also sorts of fun arithmetic groups I was trying to translate from C++.... I don't think operator overloading made it particularly more readable
<andrewrk> then it won't be able to print a stack trace if the event loop code panics
<daurnimator> andrewrk: that's not really different to if open() panics (though I guess that's more unlikely)
<andrewrk> it's different because there's hundreds of lines of userland code in an event loop. 0 lines of userland code in open()
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<mq32> daurnimator: yeah that's a valid argument. i'm i fan of operator overloading for reasonable use (numeric values with arithemtic semantics), but i can understand that they don't fit zig
<daurnimator> andrewrk: there's at least the errno handling code; but yes: 20 lines vs 1000.
<mq32> but i want to solve the problem that i cannot write fully generic code that uses both userland numeric types and builtin numeric types
<andrewrk> also if there are more than 1 event loop, and now they're fighting over writing to stderr? with 1 global event loop, a lock can participate in the event loop. if you have more than one then you need stop-the-world mutexes for some things such as stderr
<andrewrk> here's what I'm saying: *even if we want nested event loops* this concept of `noasync` is still a missing building block
<daurnimator> andrewrk: even with a single event loop you can have multiple descriptors to stderr open: this doesn't change much there.
<daurnimator> andrewrk: I don't think it is: I think we can solve it without the additional complexity you're proposing
<daurnimator> (well: the complexity is elsewhere: but IMO much more useful/reusable/more general)
<andrewrk> with a single event loop you can use std.event.Lock, which has a function suspend until the lock can be obtained
<daurnimator> andrewrk: do you recall the demo I gave you that led to the creation of 1778? where doing e.g. a read operation *actually* checked if there was a current event loop object; and if not: created a new event loop; did a read; and then destroyed that event loop?
<andrewrk> I don't remember that detail
<mq32> daurnimator: my thought can be put into this small example:
<andrewrk> shritesh, good luck with your talk today
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<shritesh> andrewrk: Thanks.
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<fengb> zee_alloc does really poorly against the gpda fuzz test :P
<andrewrk> R.I.P.
<andrewrk> at some point when there are relatively few pull requests open, I want to `git mv std/ lib/std`
<andrewrk> maybe right before 0.5.0 release
<daurnimator> andrewrk: step 1: merge pull requests ;)
<fengb> Technically any form of closing work :P
<daurnimator> don't listen to his lies.
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<samtebbs> You ok there marmotini_ ? :p
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<nitram91> andrewrk why do the Elf and Dwarf librairies use streams ? wouldn't it be much more efficient to mmap the file into memory then get the data from that ? (The cost of seeking and reading is very high, whereas as a read-only mmaped file is very efficient)
<andrewrk> nitram91, yes it would be better to do that for the stack trace dumping use case
<andrewrk> that code has undergone many changes, and never been fully redesigned/reworked now that all the use cases / cross platform support are clear
<nitram91> ok, ill remove the pull request I did this morning, and try to move from streams to mmap (I'm not gonna lie, using mmap would also fit my use case of a dynamic linker much better)
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<nitram91> andrewrk some elf constants are missing from elf.zig, should I just add them manually or is there a reason for them to be missing (EI_MAG0..3, ELFCLASS32, ELFCLASS64, .....) ?
<scientes> nitram91, just add them if you need them
<andrewrk> you can add them manually
<nitram91> ok thx
<andrewrk> nitram91, this area of the std lib has been contributed "as needed", there hasn't been a conscious effort to make it complete yet
<andrewrk> that's most of the std lib, really
<nitram91> I'll do my best to try and complete it (the elf part)
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<samtebbs> andrewrk: Hi Andrew, thanks for the PR :) I see that when I do `zig build run` it also builds the kernel rather than just running it
<samtebbs> Do you know why that could be? I don't see a dependency between the run step and build step
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<andrewrk> hi samtebbs - you're welcome :) run -> qemu_cmd -> iso_cmd -> cp_elf_cmd -> addArtifactArg
<andrewrk> addArtifactArg automatically adds a dependency
<andrewrk> it's still not quite ideal - it would be better to do stuff in a temporary directory and then "install" to the install path
<andrewrk> but I would argue this is an improvement from status quo
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<marler8997_1> Am I supposed to be able to pass "-target ..." to "zig build"?
<andrewrk> marler8997, no, any target configuration has to be exposed by the project's build script
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<samtebbs> andrewrk: That makes sense, cheers. I'll experiment with it a bit
<marler8997_1> ok, so every target you're project supports needs to be configured in that targets build script
<marler8997_1> *that project's build script
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<andrewrk> marler8997, yes, and there is a new option b.standardTargetOptions, which has a reasonable API, but it needs to be improved with how it surfaces the options to the CLI
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<marler8997_1> This seems to be creating a native executable, not a cross-compiled one...? zig build-exe hello.zig -target aarch64v8-linux-gnueabihf
<andrewrk> what makes you think that?
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<marler8997_1> because I can run it on my host machine :)
<marler8997_1> hmmmmm, but the elf header says it's compiled for in the heck is this working?
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<marler8997_1> maybe it's calling qemu under the hood with some miscelaneous exec handler!
<marler8997_1> oh my gosh it is!!!!
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<marler8997_1> and it runs on my ARM asic!!!
<andrewrk> I love it when stuff just works
<marler8997_1> So do you think the "-target" option will be added by default at some point?
<andrewrk> what do you mean?
<andrewrk> the default target is native
<marler8997_1> Do you think "-target" could be one of the default options in standardReleaseOptions at some point?
<andrewrk> oh, yeah, sure. the API of standardTargetOptions lets the build script specify a set of supported targets, with the first one in the list being the default
<andrewrk> how that gets exposed to the CLI is not in its final state. probably -target is good
<marler8997_1> gotcha
<marler8997_1> so much to do with zig
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<Aransentin> Playing around a little with Zig, and wrote a network analyzer experiment using AF_XDP:
<Aransentin> (if anybody is interested in looking at it...)
<Aransentin> Right now it just goes "Oh, it's an IPv4 UDP packet" and not much more, though 🙂
curtisf has joined #zig
<curtisf> As of this morning I have a working allocator that takes a fixed buffer and can re-use space as it is freed, with log(n) frees and allocs, which was pretty exciting to write and see work
<curtisf> I feel like once Zig has a language server, it will be the most pleasant language to write code in, even given that I have to manually manage memory