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<shachaf> andrewrk: One good tip for reading x86 is to use octal rather than hexadecimal.
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<shachaf> (Since there are eight base registers, so the modrm byte and other things use groups of three bits.)
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<reubend> Is there a convenient way to step by 2 in for loops?
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<daurnimator> reubend: its just as awkward as stepping by 1...
<reubend> The syntax for stepping by 1 is:
<daurnimator> `var i: usize = 0; while (i < len) : (i += 1) { ...... }` just swap `+= 1` for `+= 2` :P
<reubend> for (array) |item| {}
<daurnimator> reubend: that's the syntax for iterating over members of a slice
<reubend> ok I see
<reubend> thanks!
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<Cucumbas> I built a zig file as a static c library and when i compile c code that uses the library I get undefined symbols __zig_probe_stack, std.sort.sort, etc.. what could this mean?
<andrewrk> Cucumbas, can I see the full output?
<Cucumbas> gcc -std=c89 test.c libvec_api.a -o test
<Cucumbas> Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
<Cucumbas> "___zig_probe_stack", referenced from:
<Cucumbas> _std.sort.sort in vec_api.o)
<Cucumbas> _std.debug.printLineFromFileAnyOs in vec_api.o)
<Cucumbas> ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
<Cucumbas> clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
<andrewrk> Cucumbas, note that std.sort.sort is not an undefined symbol - that's where it is referenced from
<andrewrk> try using the --bundle-compiler-rt option
<Cucumbas> andrewrk: right, my bad. Alrighty brb
<andrewrk> Cucumbas, no worries, I wasn't trying to rebuke you
<Cucumbas> andrewrk: I feel so rebuked... ;)
<fengb> andrewrk: do you think we can expose stack-size as a linker flag?
<fengb> Stopgap until we have actual stack sizes, but the default is pretty terrible
<andrewrk> fengb, can we hard-code increase the default for now? for non wasm, we hard code the default to 16 MiB
<fengb> That could work as well. I’m just not sure what’d be sane for browsers
<andrewrk> yeah good point. I'd be OK with exposing a flag until we have actual stack size calculations
<andrewrk> wasm is a good candidate for this, since there aren't really any extern functions to call
<fengb> Wasm: where we pretend to be embedded... sometimes...
<andrewrk> if you don't have any function pointers, zig should theoretically know the stack upper bound pretty accurately
<fengb> Oh is there a way to access that info? I was looking for a @stackSize function
<Cucumbas> andrewrk: --bundle-compiler-rt did the work. I'm guessing rt stands for runtime?
<daurnimator> Cucumbas: correct
<Cucumbas> daurnimator: why would i need that option? ideally i'd rather not bundle anything with the lib.
<daurnimator> Cucumbas: you normally need it when crossing compilers; e.g. GCC <> LLVM.
<daurnimator> Cucumbas: compiler-rt originally comes from LLVM; while libgcc is the GCC version
<daurnimator> Cucumbas: the zig project reimplements compiler-rt itself in zig.
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<Cucumbas> daurnimator: interesting! didn't know that. thanks. Does it have any implications for portability or performance?
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<daurnimator> implementing it ourselves? more portability; no performance implications
<Cucumbas> daurnimator: oh i meant bundling it
<daurnimator> Cucumbas: IIRC it means you need some non-standard linker arguments if you don't want bloat
<daurnimator> Cucumbas: btw I think your question is
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<daurnimator> andrewrk: I think I might close one of those as a dupe
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<Cucumbas> daurnimator: gotcha, thanks a bunch!
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<adamkowalski> andrewrk: sorry if this is a common question or if it's answered somewhere else, but can you discuss why you use nixos? I'm intruiged by it when watching your streams. Is there a reason you don't go with a more conventional os like ubuntu/mint/debian whatever
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<pixelherodev> ... whoa, just checked out nixos, looks pretty neat
<THFKA4> it solves dependency hell and lets you spawn shells with the exact dependency versions that you want
<THFKA4> so you can be compiling zig with llvm 6 in one terminal and 9 in another
<adamkowalski> what advantages is there over something like docker?
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<pixelherodev> Proposal: a mechanism for specifying what libc features are needed
<pixelherodev> That way, if - like me - you're only using the allocator, you don't need to compile the full libc
<daurnimator> pixelherodev: you only need to compile it once and then it should be cached.... takes like 2-3 seconds the first time ever
<shakesoda> kinda sounds like a workaround for build performance not being good enough uncached
<shakesoda> in this case
<pixelherodev> daurnimator, first time takes minutes
<shakesoda> low power cpu?
<pixelherodev> i5
<pixelherodev> So not really
<pixelherodev> Plus, I've tweaked the kernel to optimize for performance (even disabling security patches that affect performance)
<shakesoda> is it only this slow for optimized builds?
<pixelherodev> It was pretty slow for debug build too
<shakesoda> regular/debug builds aren't anywhere near that slow on my hardware, which is... very old
<mikdusan> spinning disk?
<pixelherodev> Part of it is that it seems to be running single-threaded
<pixelherodev> SSD
<pixelherodev> My computer is, relatively speaking, very fast
<pixelherodev> This is the only task that's slow.
* shakesoda hasn't had too much trouble using zig with an old cpu (second gen i7) and spinning disk
<pixelherodev> Have you tried with `-target x86_64-linux-musl -lc`?
<shakesoda> i have not
<pixelherodev> Because this is also the only time I've had trouble
<daurnimator> pixelherodev: what exactly are you compiling here?
<pixelherodev> Now that it's built it's fine though, but that took ~6-7 minutes
* daurnimator wants to test locally
<shakesoda> i've been doing native builds, that would explain the difference
<mikdusan> yes it's single-threaded right now. zig's build system will get better probably leveraging async
<pixelherodev> From root folder, `zig build-exe -target x86_64-linux-musl --output-dir bin --name indomitable --object bin/native/linux.o src/native/main.zig --pkg-begin indomitable src/indomitable.zig --pkg-end -lc --release-small`
<andrewrk> daurnimator, I'm glad you reviewed lazlo's patch rather than ask them to move it to GitHub :)
<andrewrk> I'll be back in a few, grabbing a slice of pizza
<daurnimator> andrewrk: its been annoying me sitting in my inbox :P
<pixelherodev> ... well, that command alone won't work anyways; requires already having built other stuff
<pixelherodev> `make && that_zig_command` should work though
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<pixelherodev> Or `make bin/indomitable && that_zig_command` to avoid building the kernel version
<mikdusan> pixelherodev: 55 seconds. core i5 @ 3GHz, macOS 10.15.1
<pixelherodev> That's... hmm.
<mikdusan> (debug). I'll try release-small
<pixelherodev> I mean, that *is* faster than mine, but not by so much that I'd expect it to be such a drastic difference
<pixelherodev> That's more than 80% faster...
<mikdusan> i just did it against a simple hello world
<pixelherodev> Oh wait, not i5, i3 for me
<pixelherodev> Yeah, but it's the libc build that was bottlenecking me so what you build shouldn't matter
<pixelherodev> i3 @ 2GHz here, not i5
<pixelherodev> But it still shouldn't be such a huge difference.
<mikdusan> which platform and zig binary?
<pixelherodev> Linux, git master
<pixelherodev> 0.5.0+995927055
<pixelherodev> Might be a crappy build, but I'm 99% sure the configuration was fine, and again, this is the *only* workload affected
<mikdusan> any chance you built against a debug version of LLVM?
<pixelherodev> Very very low.
<daurnimator> I'd try myself.... but currently fighting what seems to be a result location bug in my zig checkout
<mikdusan> you can try and download from latest linux binary and give it run.
<pixelherodev> I don't think I have debug *anything* installed on here, it's been a nuisance in the past
<pixelherodev> mikdusan, i might just do that
<adamkowalski> Do we have something like @divTrunc but for multiplication?
<daurnimator> adamkowalski: @mulWithOverflow ?
<pixelherodev> Oh wow - stripped build with `--release-small`: 100KB :D
<adamkowalski> Well I want to chop off the decimal portion after a multiplication
<adamkowalski> i've been working on the date implementation
<pixelherodev> `floor(result)`?
<adamkowalski> I'm trying to get the number of days between two dates
<pixelherodev> Rather, `@floor(result)`?
<adamkowalski> i'm using the julian day method. unless somebody has a better idea
<adamkowalski> pixelherodev: thanks I'll do that
<adamkowalski> const e = @floor(f64, 365.25 * @intToFloat(f64, y) + 4716);
<adamkowalski> does that look reasonable?
* pixelherodev shrugs
<pixelherodev> Not a clue :P
<pixelherodev> Haven't done any date/time stuff in probably ever
<pixelherodev> At least, nothing more complex than "Yo RTC, what's the current date/time?"
<pixelherodev> Which is much simpler than actually doing the work yourself
<adamkowalski> haha yeah I never realized how much goes into it
<adamkowalski> but honestly it's been really fun. all day at work i'm in high level land in Python or Julia or JavaScript. So on nights and weekends I get to work on Zig and do everything from scratch
<daurnimator> pixelherodev: you need to update to newer zig :)
<daurnimator> /tmp/tmp.iKPZEeV2v9/Indomitable/src/os/timer.zig:9:27: error: expected function, found 'type'. const frequency: f64 = f64(1193182) / f64(reload_value);
<daurnimator> pixelherodev: i.e. you need @as
<adamkowalski> you're floor idea worked! I added unit tests. we can get the days between two dates
<pixelherodev> ...
<pixelherodev> daurnimator, great. Thank you. I'm 100% happy to hear that.
<pixelherodev> :P
<daurnimator> pixelherodev: should I be trying with 0.5.0 release instead?
<pixelherodev> Probably :P
<pixelherodev> SHould be able to test on a hello world thought
<pixelherodev> s/thought/though
<pixelherodev> It's the libc build that was slow, not the build of my code
<pixelherodev> On a different note, small binaries = <3
<pixelherodev> A 100KB ELF, of which ~64KB is actual binary (the .text section), ~20KB of data (the .rodata section), with a bit more thrown in here and there (.init, .fini, .bss, etc)
<pixelherodev> Actually, probably closer to ~70KB of .text
<mikdusan> pixelherodev: do you have env variable "XPG_CACHE_HOME" set?
<pixelherodev> `env |grep CACHE` turns up no results, so probably not
<pixelherodev> No zig folder in `~/.cache` though, which I assume is where it'd be with no env variable set...
<shakesoda> isn't the default location without an xdg dir in .
<shakesoda> ./.zig-cache or something
<mikdusan> it should be ~/.cache/zig if you are running no older than 3-weeks master
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<pixelherodev> That's probably it then - current build is from October 26
<pixelherodev> Rebuilding now.
<mikdusan> ok so then it would be in... ~/.local/share/zig <-- and this should be ok. i was just making sure it wasn't writing to a slow filesystem for your cache
<pixelherodev> Ah, yeah, that folder exists
<pixelherodev> Only about 211MB, so writing *all* of that would probably take seconds.
<pixelherodev> Literally less than five seconds to write all of that to the SSD, and that's *with* an explicit `sync` call
<daurnimator> 3644 rebased again.
<mikdusan> daurnimator: may I pick your brain re: std.fifo ?
<daurnimator> mikdusan: certainly
<mikdusan> fifo maintains a single "buffer" allocation at any given time?
<daurnimator> mikdusan: yes
<mikdusan> and let's say we init a buffer and .head = 0, .count = 0,
<daurnimator> okay
<mikdusan> head is where the next write happens?
<daurnimator> no, head+count is
<daurnimator> read happens at head; write happens at head+count
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<mikdusan> ok and one may use realign() to make it so head=0 again? ie. memcpy `[head..head+count]` to `[0..count]` ?
<daurnimator> yep
<mikdusan> ok. thanks that clears things up a bit for me. thanks
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<mikdusan> in doc comment for `fn rewind()` -> /// Make `count` bytes available before the current read location
<mikdusan> should that be: Make `size` bytes ...
<daurnimator> mikdusan: nope; I need to rename the arg; and say "items" instead of bytes in the comment
<daurnimator> thanks :)
<daurnimator> mikdusan: let me know if you find anything else; ideally I'll just have to do one force push after your review...
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<achaninja> andrewrk , watching your stream on youtube, a few comments. An ISA like risc v or mips are much more regular and nicer to learning than x86. Also, worth learning about is assembly relaxation
<achaninja> heres a good post
<achaninja> thanks for making the video :)
<daurnimator> :( I don't know where my allocator-in-progress went
<daurnimator> oh I think I found it in an old stash
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<mq32> i love zig :D
<mq32> local scope imports are great
<daurnimator> mikdusan: any other questions?
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<daurnimator> andrewrk: around?
<mq32> i just could reduce the problem with packed structs and padding to a single-member stuct
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<mq32> mikdusan, andrewrk: i think i found the solution/problem to #2627
<mq32> the bug is very subtle, as only a single size is affected: 3 bytes
<mq32> hm
<mq32> behaviour tests show that a 24bit type should have size 4
<mq32> which will break subsequent embedded of such types in other packed structs
<daurnimator> mq32: size....
<daurnimator> define size
<mq32> "size in bytes"
<mq32> @sizeOf(u24) == 4
<mq32> > Note that if you put a u24 in a struct, it becomes size 4 instead of 3
<mq32> this also applies in packed structs
<daurnimator> mq32: there is an ongoing argument in that issue #1738 if @sizeOf(u24) should be 3 or 4; or architecture dependant
<mq32> i have the problem that the following struct is 4 bytes large
<mq32> pub const CHS = packed struct {
<mq32> head: u8,
<mq32> cylinder: u10,
<mq32> };
<mq32> sector: u6,
<mq32> so i cannot put that into a struct
<mq32> but i cannot put a u24 into the struct as well, because it gets blown up to 32 bits
<mq32> my next approach is using a *lot* of @bitCast with [3]u8 with the hope that this will work
<daurnimator> mq32: you're probably hitting the general issue that packed struct are currently broken in respects to OffsetOf and sizeOf
<mq32> i'm trying to fix this brokenness right now, but first i have to understand why some types get blown up with ABI alignment in packed structs
<mq32> which i thought was the idea of packed structs to ignore *all* alignments
<mq32> but now i discover that it is *wanted behaviour* that a packed struct with 3 bytes content should be 4 bytes large
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<daurnimator> mq32: I think thats #2627
<mq32> yep
<mq32> elements in a packed struct get ABI aligned
<daurnimator> mq32: no actually
<daurnimator> mq32: see my comment in that same issue
<mq32> packed struct { one: u8, three: [3]u8, } => 5 byte
<mq32> packed struct { three: [3]u8, one: u8, } => 4 byte
<daurnimator> mq32: "error: destination type 'y' has size 5 but source type 'u32' has size 4" `const y = @bitCast(packed struct {_1: u1, x: u7, _: u24}, u32(0x1ff4)).x;`
<daurnimator> the math of bit/byte offset is just wrong
<mq32> i didn't find the "wrong" part in the code yet, but noticed that types of size 3 get aligned to size 4
<mq32> if i remove the alignment rules (by setting native alignment for all types to 1 in packed structs)
<mq32> both variants of the struct get size 4
<mq32> okay, yes
<mq32> it's the alignment
<mq32> daurnimator: look here:
<mq32> this all works with my bugfix, but breaks on master in *some* cases
<daurnimator> mq32: yeah someone needs to sit down for an hour and figure out all the offset code
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<mq32> it only fails when you are on even-sized byte offsets
<mq32> * full byte offsets
<mq32> and then explodes because the code _now_ inserts ABI alignment into packed structs
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<jonathon> Can someone point me to an example of concatenating runtime strings? The examples in the docs all seem to be for compile time-known strings (unless I'm misunderstanding, which is quite possible).
<mq32> jonathon: use this:;mem.concat
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<jonathon> mq32: Ah ha! Thank you.
<mq32> you're welcome!
<mq32> daurnimator: my CPU burns right now, running the test suite
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<mq32> okay, my change only breaks two tests :D
<jonathon> I've trying to use C interop to write a basic MQTT client but can't seem to pass a string to the C library with the expected type,, `expected type '[*c]const u8', found '[]const u8' ` . I _think_ this is because the string is a slice instead of an array, but it needs to be runtime-generated...
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<mq32> try c"hello, world" for string literals
<mq32> and use std.Buffer for creating zero-terminated strings
<jonathon> (reading)
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<mq32> i feel betrayed
<mq32> Code Generation [1/2643] Assertion failed at /home/felix/projects/zig/src/analyze.cpp:9051 in get_llvm_type. This is a bug in the Zig compiler.
<mq32> the function is right... but that was before my change
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<jonathon> Hmm. Any change I make (using std.Buffer, std.cstr.addNullByte, applying all lead back to the same error of incompatible types. Using @ptrCast([*c]const u8, var); doesn't result in an error, though I don't really know what it's actually doing, and the library call fails.
<jonathon> This probably means I'm fundamentally misunderstanding how slices work.
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<jonathon> Yes indeed. A slice has a pointer, so I needed to pass `var.ptr` rather than `var` or `&var`.
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<mikdusan> mq32: wouldn't it be clearer to have _packed_ computation use a new function instead of get_abi_size_bytes() ? eg. get_abi_size_bytes_packed()
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<andrewrk> jonathon, the tests aren't even passing in #3728, it doesn't make sense to use that branch yet
<andrewrk> `'[*c]const u8', found '[]const u8'` -> use the `ptr` property of slices. slice.ptr
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<jonathon> andrewrk: Yup, I got there in the end. Using the null-terminated-pointers branch was just part of me narrowing down what I was doing wrong.
<jonathon> On another note, how does Zig handle OS signals, e.g. SIGINT? I can see std.os.SIGINT but can't find any way to detect and handle an interrupt.
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<andrewrk> jonathon, zig doesn't do much on your behalf - you might be interested in reading the code that runs before main()
<jonathon> Oh, it might be std.os.sigaction
<traviss> i tried building zasm on my debian 10 box with zig master and getting this strange error: . any ideas?
<andrewrk> traviss, too old version of zig
<traviss> hmm, i just pulled and built 1/2 hour ago. zig version 0.5.0+29d7b5a80
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<andrewrk> traviss, have a look at the part here regarding installation of lib files:
<traviss> thanks andrewrk. i removed my build/lib directory and it works now. :)
<andrewrk> traviss, if you reconfigure with that -D option then you won't have to remove that dir in the future
<andrewrk> (or you can remember to `make install`)
<andrewrk> unfortunately cmake doesn't let us run an arbitrary command with the install target, otherwise this would Just Work
<traviss> yeah, i used `cmake .. -DZIG_SKIP_INSTALL_LIB_FILES=on` and `make -j3 install`. maybe it was an old lib directory?
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<pixelherodev> Gah. Updating all code to use @as is a pain, and there's apparently other breakages too...
<pixelherodev> I guess that's the downside of using the git build
<andrewrk> if there are other regressions, I recommend to stick with the working version of zig for now; these recent regressions are a priority
<andrewrk> I can't remember, is your project open source?
<pixelherodev> The biggest thing is that I still haven't gotten around to adding in support for custom OSes to the stdlib
<pixelherodev> Yeah
<pixelherodev> And I can't do that because it'll take time away from this, and there's only one week left to work on it ;P
<pixelherodev> So for now, I'll probably try to remember what commit was working and use that
<andrewrk> I was planning on trying a bunch of folks' projects before merging #3728. I wouldn't mind throwing some regression fixes in there before merging\
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<andrewrk> thanks for putting up with the instability :)
<pixelherodev> It's worth it :)
<pixelherodev> Once I get around to fixing up the upstream standard library so I don't need the forked copy, it'll be completely minor to me
<andrewrk> ahh that's why you have so much @as work to do, merge conflicts in std/
<pixelherodev> Yeah
<pixelherodev> And since my project intimately depends on a working standard library, I can't just ignore it :(
<andrewrk> yeah this "bring your own OS layer" thing is going to be really nice for your use case
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<pixelherodev> Which is why I plan on implementing it the instant this game jam is over :)
<andrewrk> you know... it might be as simple as a 1 line change in std/std.zig
<pixelherodev> Eh, I'll see if I can quickly do it tonight
<andrewrk> you can try this:
<pixelherodev> If I can, it'll take no more effort than switching back the Zig compiler version :P
<andrewrk> it's probably a bit more involved than that
<pixelherodev> Yeah, there's also the os/bits stuff, though that can *possibly* be embedded in root.os
<andrewrk> but maybe not! you could copy paste what you need in your pub const os = struct { ... };
<andrewrk> only the stuff that is depended on will be looked for
<jonathon> Just in case anyone is interested, current state of my MQTT client with SIGINT handling:
<pixelherodev> andrewrk, I think it makes more sense to instead tweak std/os.zig to import a different system instead of replacing os.zig entirely
<andrewrk> jonathon, evented I/O seems relevant to that use case
<andrewrk> pixelherodev, that sounds reasonable
<pixelherodev> Yeah, there's more to do - need to decide how debug info should be handled by default...
<pixelherodev> Freestanding currently errors out with std.debug as "unsupported OS." The easiest option is to make it use DWARF info there also, but that's not necessarily correct
<jonathon> andrewrk: I'll look at that next, thx.
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<andrewrk> jonathon, just a heads up, zig's evented I/O support is very promising but still at the "proof-of-concept" stage
<jonathon> Ah, then I might stick to this "loop" approach for now. In any event, this turned out to be a nice project for learning some Zig.
<andrewrk> fengb, was that you asking about default field values in @typeInfo?
<fengb> Yep
<andrewrk> it was the same problem with the `sentinel` field of @typeInfo for pointers. so I went ahead and solved it
<daurnimator> oooo, var as struct field type
<andrewrk> just like a field of type `type`, it forces the struct to always have a comptime-known value
<daurnimator> yeah that makes sense
<andrewrk> it was either this or multiple special builtins specifically for dealing with this field and the default value field, etc
<fengb> Neat
<fengb> I’m really liking arbitrary sentinels. Feels a lot more natural than just 0/null
<pixelherodev> One major annoyance is with disabling evented I/O
<daurnimator> pixelherodev: huh?
<pixelherodev> For the "Bring your own OS layer" thingy
<daurnimator> Why is disabling evented io annoying there?
<pixelherodev> Evented I/O causes a number of issues, least of which is with std.Thread throwing an Unsupported OS compiler error
<pixelherodev> Seems to be trying to use the event loop even with blocking I/O enabled
<daurnimator> that sounds odd...
<pixelherodev> Which I think might be because std/os.zig has an `if (std.event.Loop.instance) |loop| `
<pixelherodev> Which indirectly causes the field `extra_threads: []*Thread,` to be validated...
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<pixelherodev> It's not that it's trying to use the event loop, it's that just checking if the event loop exists causes problems if threading isn't supported
<daurnimator> ah interesting
<daurnimator> shouldn't we be able to have a `*Thread` without evaluating the definition of Thread?
<daurnimator> or I guess not: we need to know if its a 0-bit type or not
<daurnimator> (is that true?)
<andrewrk> pixelherodev, does your OS even support evented I/O? it would be reasonable to simply say that is unsupported
<andrewrk> isn't a compile error if the application chooses evented I/O appropriate for your OS?
<andrewrk> one of the main benefits of zig code being agnostic to evented I/O or not is that it will work on OS's that don't support it
<pixelherodev> andrewrk, the point is that it's crashing even without evented I/O
<pixelherodev> <pixelherodev> Which I think might be because std/os.zig has an `if (std.event.Loop.instance) |loop| `
<andrewrk> std.event.Loop.instance should be comptime known to be null when evented I/O is disabled
<pixelherodev> That results in it trying to validate a []*std.Thread field
<pixelherodev> Right, but it's still validating the std.event.Loop type
<pixelherodev> Which causes a compile error of Threading Unsupported
<andrewrk> pixelherodev, I see. I can reproduce this in master branch with choosing evented I/O and --single-threaded
<andrewrk> or maybe that's a different issue
<pixelherodev> Probably a slightly different issue
<pixelherodev> Here, the problem is that the types themselves are invalild
<pixelherodev> s/invalild/invalid
<pixelherodev> There's a compiler error just parsing std.Thread
<pixelherodev> The real fix is to modify std/os.zig so that EAGAIN doesn't even check the loop in blocking I/O mode
<andrewrk> what's the compiler error parsing std.Thread?
<pixelherodev> Though I suppose a more fundamental fix would be to patch the compiler to not analyze the full type of an optional pointer whose value is known at comptime to be null
<daurnimator> andrewrk: hits the @compileError unsupported OS
<pixelherodev> ^
<pixelherodev> Relatively simple workaround though
<andrewrk> pixelherodev, are you sure you're giving comptime null for event.Loop.instance? I don't see why it would be looking at the fields of the event loop. why is it even looking at Thread?
<pixelherodev> Changing the if by EAGAIN in std/os.zig to `if ( == .evented and std.event.Loop.instance != null) {` fixes the problem
<pixelherodev> So 99% sure
<daurnimator> andrewrk: because event.Loop has a ` extra_threads: []*Thread,`
<pixelherodev> IIUC it's validating the struct
<pixelherodev> And a comptime block validates that I/O is in blocking mode
<andrewrk> it seems like it shouldn't be looking at the fields of Loop
<pixelherodev> `comptime std.debug.assert(std.event.Loop.instance == null);` gives the same error
<pixelherodev> " /home/noam/Documents/Development/indomitable/src/zig/std/event/loop.zig:21:5: note: while checking this field"
<pixelherodev> Indirectly caused by that assertion
<pixelherodev> Anyway, just four errors left to fix (and just four lines!)
<daurnimator> andrewrk: as Loop.instance is a `?*Loop`, doesn't it need to know what a Loop is?
<daurnimator> (nevermind that its inside of the Loop definition)
<pixelherodev> In theory, since it's null, it shouldn't need to...
<pixelherodev> Lazy analysis shouldn't care since the type isn't ever actually used
<andrewrk> daurnimator, that's probably why it's happening but it's not theoretically required
<pixelherodev> An argument could be made that it's a compiler bug since it's analyzing a struct that it doesn't need to, which is a violation of lazy semantics
<andrewrk> yeah, I'd call this a bug.
<pixelherodev> Should I open an issue?
<andrewrk> yes if you're willing to take the time to make a nice small test case. which I wouldn't expect you to do
<andrewrk> this is the kind of thing that would certainly regress without a test case
<pixelherodev> Will do once I finish this up
<daurnimator> pixelherodev: did you have an easy way to replicate?
<pixelherodev> Next weird problem is that something in the stdlib seems to be using the direct allocator
<pixelherodev> daurnimator, can probably whip one up really easily
<pixelherodev> Just make a struct that always throws a compileError when evaluated, have an optional pointer set to null, `comptime std.debug.assert()` will throw a compiler error
<daurnimator> I'm curious if this would help: `pub const instance: if ( == .blocking) void else ?*Loop = if ( == .blocking) {} else if (@hasDecl(root, "event_loop")) root.event_loop else default_instance;`
<pixelherodev> It might, but that's just a different workaround
<andrewrk> that's also not compatible with if (std.event.Loop.instance) |loop|
<daurnimator> andrewrk: oh, `?void` then?
<daurnimator> pixelherodev: but it would be in one place, rather than the many EAGAIN checks and other things../
<andrewrk> daurnimator, I'm not recommending to do this, but it would be @as(?void, {})
<pixelherodev> It's already in one place
<pixelherodev> There's only a single EAGAIN where it occurs
<andrewrk> it's planned to be in nearly all of them
<daurnimator> pixelherodev: probably because you're only using one of the functions in std.os.
<mikdusan> pixelherodev: "something in the stdlib seems to be using the direct allocator" --> event/loop.zig `initThreadPool()` --> // TODO:
<pixelherodev> daurnimator, ... yeah that's a fair point.
<andrewrk> evented I/O integration into std.os is only done with read() right now, but it's planned to integrate with all the I/O
<daurnimator> mikdusan: or std.debug.getDebugInfoAllocator: debug_info_arena_allocator = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.direct_allocator);
<pixelherodev> So, in blocking I/O mode, replace event/loop.zig with a struct containing a null pointer to void? That's probably a deeper fix to both issues
<pixelherodev> daurnimator, shouldn't be th... no wait it's probably that thanks
<pixelherodev> Forgot I replaced debug.zig with the upstream copy :P
<pixelherodev> Yep, two bugs left
<daurnimator> andrewrk: FWIW I'm still of the opinion that the ultimate interface for I/O needs to be more than the evented style you're going for here in std.os
<pixelherodev> Though this still will probably leave large parts of the standard library usable, it shouldn't *break* anything, so it's not a bad start
<andrewrk> daurnimator, go on?