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<pixelherodev> No, that's a bug
<pixelherodev> oh they're gone
* pixelherodev shrugs
<Xavi92> pixelherodev: who were you talking to?
<waleee-cl> r4pr0n , but he nipped out
<Xavi92> Oh okay
<pixelherodev> Yeah
<pixelherodev> It happens
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<waleee-cl> well "he" ," they" is the kosher for all situations
<r4pr0n> i'm actually still here, kept reading the log
<marijnfs_> what is the 'c' allocator?
<marijnfs_> when you allocate to take over by an external library
<pixelherodev> The C allocator allocates using the libc's realloc function (basically malloc/free)
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<r4pr0n> and pixelherodev: Those are the files I used
<r4pr0n> and this is the command to compile I used: `zig cc test.c -L . -lsfhandler`
<r4pr0n> though for some reason I can't get it to compile with clang or gcc, just with zig cc
<r4pr0n> or rather to link, I get the error `/usr/bin/ld: ./libsfhandler.a(./sfhandler.o): relocation R_X86_64_32S against `.bss' can not be used when making a PIE object; recompile with -fPIE`, maybe I'm doing something wrong after all
<r4pr0n> oh and of course I did `zig build-lib sfhandler.zig` before the compilation
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<marijnfs_> can zig do anonymous functions now? at least locally in a function?
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<Xavi92> Are optionals functionally similar to tagged unions with None and Some?
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<fengb> marijnfs_: yes by using a wrapping struct: `const func = (struct { fn func() void {} }).func;`
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<Xavi92> Which versions of llvm/lld/clang is zig able to compile under?
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<Xavi92> Took this fork because of the preliminary MIPS I support, but after the (really long) process of compiling llvm/lld/clang, compiling zig failed at the very beginning, much likely due to breaking changes on clang interfaces
<r4pr0n> Xavi92: You need LLVM 10 for the latest master
<r4pr0n> what error did you get?
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<Xavi92> Oh, r4pr0n left
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<Xavi92> Well, I've merged master branch from the llvm official repo and into the fork. Now I'm getting CMake-related errors when the Makefile's are being generated, probably due to an old CMake version being installed (3.10.2)
<Xavi92> I'll try it again tomorrow - now it's bed time!
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<marijnfs2> are = undefined structs zeroed out?
<shakesoda> no
<shakesoda> use std.mem.zeroes for that
<shakesoda> i think undefined memory gets cleared to 0a0a0a0 or something funky like that in debug but it isn't zeroed
<marijnfs2> i want to create a [32]u8 with a shorted string, the rest should be zeroes
<marijnfs2> shorter
<mikdusan> `[_]u8{0} ** 32;`
<shakesoda> std.mem.zeroes it and fill in the part you want
<shakesoda> or do that, sure
<marijnfs2> didn't know about **
* shakesoda thinks ** feels bizarre
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<marijnfs2> then what do I do to copy the string into it?
<shakesoda> copy into a slice (mem.copy) or copy the characters with a loop?
<marijnfs2> ah yeah that works
<marijnfs2> does mem.copy use the shorted slice? Or only check the target
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<mikdusan> also `var buf: [32]u8 = [_]u8{0} ** 32;` or `var buf = [_]u8{0} ** 32;`
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<andrewrk> does anyone want to help me write release notes? specifically for the Language Changes sections
<andrewrk> rendered version: <-- the Language Changes sections
<andrewrk> idea is just to show how the language has changed from 0.5.0 to 0.6.0
<andrewrk> the number of contributors and contributions has doubled since last time
<pixelherodev> andrewrk, sure
<pixelherodev> I haven't really done much code-wise, if I can help with this I'll gladly do so
<pixelherodev> GitHub PR is preferred method of contribution?
<pixelherodev> also, is that rocket comment needed? :P
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<emekoi> it's been a while since i last built zig from master, but i think the time has gone done by over 50%
<fengb> Hiya welcome back!
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<emekoi> is building on windows, via make/ninja still supported?
<mikdusan> emekoi: time-to-build is down because as of llvm10 we no longer build llvm sub-project `lld` with zig
<emekoi> all our patches were incorporated?
<emekoi> i remember reading about work on lld for macho restarting]
<mikdusan> the upstream lld fixes happened yes, I don't know the details
<mikdusan> macho stuff sounds promising
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<emekoi> does anyone if @tagName crashes when given an exhaustive enum?
<emekoi> hmm, i think i found a bug
<emekoi> is there a way to check if a non-exhaustive has a named field?
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<tdeo> hm, i'm trying out zig and rust for writing a pebble watch app, and it seems for a function that returns a 64-bit struct by value, zig gets the abi wrong
<tdeo> in zig's llvm ir it's `%GRect (i8*)`, but in rust's output it's `void (%"sys::GRect"*, %"sys::Layer"*)`, where the signature in c is `GRect layer_get_bounds(const Layer *)`
<tdeo> the rust one gives me the correct result, zig one doesn't
<tdeo> flags -target arm-freestanding-eabi -mcpu cortex_m3 for zig, and target thumbv7m-none-eabi for rust
<shakesoda> tdeo: struct returns by value do some funky stuff sometimes i've found
<shakesoda> i ran into some issues that sound awfully similar to this when i was getting imgui working in my sandbox
<shakesoda> some struct parameters by value are funky too
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<daurnimator> emekoi: yeah that was an issue I hit in
<daurnimator> tdeo: which `callconv()` did you use?
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<tdeo> callconv(.C)
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<r4pr0n> andrewrk: a few days ago you told me how to enable the zig segfault handler in c programs. i tried that and it actually panics: `Panicked during a panic. Aborting.`
<r4pr0n> and this is the command to compile I used: `zig build-lib sfhandler.zig && zig cc test.c -L . -lsfhandler`
<r4pr0n> though for some reason I can't get it to compile with clang or gcc, just with zig cc
<r4pr0n> or rather to link, I get the error `/usr/bin/ld: ./libsfhandler.a(./sfhandler.o): relocation R_X86_64_32S against `.bss' can not be used when making a PIE object; recompile with -fPIE`, maybe I'm doing something wrong after all
<r4pr0n> I'd report an issue but I'm not sure if this is my fault
<daurnimator> tdeo: <== what am I meant to be looking at?
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<TheLemonMan> tdeo, the C ABI is only (badly) implemented for x86_64
<TheLemonMan> don't expect anything but integer/pointers to work, and even then you cannot trust the values to cross the boundaries correctly
<daurnimator> tdeo: then why do we have arm32 freestanding as tier 1 support?
<daurnimator> uh *TheLemonMan
<TheLemonMan> I don't know?
<daurnimator> TheLemonMan: is there a relevant issue open for it? I'm not seeing one
<TheLemonMan> no, there are a few issues about values getting corrupted
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<pixelherodev> Proposal: `zig fmt` should be able to run on C/C++ files
<pixelherodev> Compiler shouldn't enforce it though
<pixelherodev> Just as a useful touchup
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<wilsonk> r4pr0n: you still here?
<r4pr0n> yeah
<wilsonk> you can build the sfhandler.o file using zig with the --bundle-compiler-rt flag and -fPIC to solve your issues with using clang/gcc instead of zig cc
<wilsonk> ...still get the same 'panicked during a panic' but at least you can test with clang/gcc if needed
<TheLemonMan> panicked during a panic? that's bad
<TheLemonMan> do you have the source code for that binary?
<r4pr0n> Okay -lc seems to make it work with zig cc, your compiler flags fix that issue, but now i get
<wilsonk> TheLemonMan: up above r4pr0n listed the three files at 1:35:28 AM
<TheLemonMan> r4pr0n, -fno-stack-check
<r4pr0n> thanks
<r4pr0n> now it works
<r4pr0n> though i guess i'm missing some debug symbols
<TheLemonMan> why is that?
<r4pr0n> because I just get
<TheLemonMan> eh maybe you should enable the use of the frame-pointer in the C code
<r4pr0n> how would i do that? i tried -fno-omit-frame-pointer and it didn't seem to work
<wilsonk> r4pr0n: what are your exact command lines for building? I am still getting the panic in a panic?
<r4pr0n> that seems to be caused by a missing -lc
<wilsonk> and yes, I removed the cache and all .o/.a files before anyone asks ;)
<r4pr0n> zig build-lib --bundle-compiler-rt -fPIC -fno-stack-check sfhandler.zig -lc
<r4pr0n> that's the command i run
<TheLemonMan> when in doubt check the binary
<wilsonk> r4pr0n: ah, yes I was missing the -lc...built it a few different ways and missed that on the last attempt
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<TheLemonMan> the fault address also looks a bit off...
<r4pr0n> oh that is my fault (no pun intended) i send you the output of the actual program i wanted to try this at, not from the test.c file
<r4pr0n> that's the one i get there:
<TheLemonMan> oh that's better
<TheLemonMan> can you send me the binary?
<r4pr0n> uhm yes, i'll upload it
<wilsonk> r4pr0n: just to be clear, you only need the --bundle-compiler-rt flag if you are going to build the c binary with clang/gcc and not 'zig cc'.
<r4pr0n> oh okay
<r4pr0n> i just tested and "-g" kinda makes it work but also not a 100%
<TheLemonMan> well that's the best you can get, unless you compile the libc with the frame pointer enabled
<r4pr0n> so you mean i would have to recompile glibc?
<TheLemonMan> there are no more interesting frames below the "main" one
<TheLemonMan> you have __libc_start_main but as I said that as no frame pointers
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<r4pr0n> that's true, it's just that it doesn't really work for the "real project" i wanted to use it for, even though i added -g
<r4pr0n> but i guess i'll look into why that's not working
<TheLemonMan> can you show the non-working backtrace?
<r4pr0n> that's the one i already sent, still get that one with -g
<TheLemonMan> I see, there may be some problem with the debug info parser there
<TheLemonMan> if you send me the binary I can have a look while LLVM builds
<r4pr0n> that'd be great, will do
<r4pr0n> the address is different on every run though
<TheLemonMan> oh that's cool
<TheLemonMan> nice terminal!
<TheLemonMan> but how do I make it crash?
<r4pr0n> by reproducing this bug (create file with the characters listed in the issue and open it with vim, might take 2 tries or so)
<wilsonk> TheLemonMan: do you build LLVM very often?
<TheLemonMan> no crash :(
<r4pr0n> hm that's weird
<TheLemonMan> wilsonk, I'm testing a patch
<TheLemonMan> running the test suite is another huge time sink
<wilsonk> not sure if you have tried building clang with LTO+PGO but I built it a couple nights ago and it dropped subsequent LLVM builds by about 23%...just so you know. So if you have to build LLVM a lot it might be worth the effort of LTO+PGO
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<wilsonk> LTO+PTO (and I would try facebooks bolt on top of that except my EPYC machine doesn't support pmu) takes about 2 hours on a 64 core machine, so it could take A VERY LONG TIME on a quad core or similar machine. Just so you are aware :)
<wilsonk> *PGO
<TheLemonMan> it's not much of a problem, incremental rebuilds are pretty fast
<r4pr0n> TheLemonMan: oh actually i think it only crashes in neovim, maybe you can try that, i'm not exactly sure why
<TheLemonMan> one more reason not to use neovim!
<r4pr0n> xd
<r4pr0n> what are other reasons though, overall i like it more than vim actually
<TheLemonMan> still not crashing
<wilsonk> TheLemonMan: the other problem was that the LTO+PGO clang binary went into an infinite loop when bulding zig0?!? And I mostly did all this just to test and see if I could get the zig build time improved...what a pain :(
<r4pr0n> sometimes you need to try it 2-3 times or so
<TheLemonMan> wilsonk, hard to tell where the problem is with such a convoluted pipeline heh
<wilsonk> yep
<TheLemonMan> r4pr0n, I've tried at least 20-30 times :\ what font are you using?
<r4pr0n> hm...
<r4pr0n> i'm using liberation mono for that currently
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<TheLemonMan> welp it's still not crashing
<r4pr0n> i'll try to debug when exactly it's crashing, maybe it's some neovim config setting, but it's kinda indeterministic (it just didn't segfault after a bunch of tried with the same neovim config with which it did crash before?!), i'll write in here again when i found out what's the problem
<TheLemonMan> the dwarf parser doesn't find any problem with the debug info so *shrug*
<r4pr0n> hm okay
<r4pr0n> well now i'm at the point where it doesn't even segfault with my nvim config and all even though i did it exactly like before 😕
<pixelherodev> The number of times I've gone to ask a zag question here and then remembered it was extremely simple to parse and I could just check /usr/local just went into the double digits I think :)
<pixelherodev> Things not to `comptime`, part three: SHA256 hashing :P
<r4pr0n> why not :D
<pixelherodev> Try it.
<pixelherodev> You'll see why not.
<pixelherodev> :P
<pixelherodev> It works (probably, I didn't let it finish)
<pixelherodev> But it burns CPU like mad
<pixelherodev> It's inefficient and wasteful.
<pixelherodev> Running it thousands of times at runtime would still be faster than running it once at comptime
<pixelherodev> Source: in debug mode it finishes in milliseconds at runtime. I interrupted it after it ran for >1 minute
<pixelherodev> in comptime that is
<pixelherodev> If I'm mean and say it took 100 ms (pretty sure it was faster), that's still >360 times faster in debug mode. Plus, I didn't let it finish in comptime, and there's always release mode for real speed
<pixelherodev> s/360/600 (sorry I'm tired)
<pixelherodev> Anyway, I'm going to get back to test-casing my dynarec (the hashing is to ensure it's using the ROM it knows how to test)
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<r4pr0n> well i guess that could be optimized in comptime, couldn't it?
<r4pr0n> that speed difference is much more significant than it should be
<pixelherodev> Oh of course
<pixelherodev> comptime's implementation right now isn't focused on speed as I understand it
<pixelherodev> Performance of self-hosted comptime is intended to match CPython is what Andrew's said a few times IIRC
<pixelherodev> (That's slang for If IRC, which coerces to true)
<pixelherodev> (:P)
<Xavi92> r4pr0n: this happened when configuring clang master
<wilsonk> Xavi92: that seems to be picking up clang 6.0.0? Not sure if you can build clang master with that old of a compiler
<wilsonk> which OS are you on?
<Xavi92> wilsonk: Kubuntu 18.04 LTS
<wilsonk> hmm, I built llvm-10.0.0 on Ubuntu-18.04LTS so it should work for you I would think. Do you really have clang-6.0 installed? Nothing newer?
<wilsonk> I think apt has up to 8 available without adding a new ppa
<wilsonk> I also build llvm-10.0.0 on Ubuntu-16.04, buster, MacOSX Catalina and win10. Each of those had clang-9 available because I had previously built 9 for zig development. And I haven't tried llvm git head at all...just the src download of 10.0.0
<wilsonk> does 'sudo apt list |grep clang' show a newer clang available?
<Xavi92> wilsonk: up to clang-9
<wilsonk> yeah, see if you can upgrade to clang-9 perhaps. I have the LLVMDistributionSupport.cmake available so I assume that comes with a newer clang
<wilsonk> Oh, actually it looks like you were trying to run cmake in the ..llvm-project/clang directory? You have to run an out of tree build at the top level for llvm/clang so you should make a 'build' dir under llvm-project (and clang should be uncompressed under llvm-project/tools...compiler-rt and lld under llvm-project/projects if you need them), and then do a 'cmake .. <options>...' in the 'build' dir
<wilsonk> you can't build directly in the clang (or lld/compiler-rt or whatever) directories
<Xavi92> wilsonk: ~/llvm-project/clang/build$ cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/zig-toolchain -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$HOME/zig-toolchain -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
<wilsonk> yeah, you have to move up one directory so that your 'build' is directly under llvm-project...not under clang
<wilsonk> not necessary to do 'cmake ../clang <options>' just do 'cmake .. <options>'. You have to pick up the main llvm directory
<wilsonk> gcc 7.5 should be able to build clang-10 just fine, btw
<Xavi92> wilsonk: but .. does not contain any CMakeLists.txt
<Xavi92> ~/llvm-project/build-clang$ l ..
<Xavi92> build-clang/ clang-tools-extra/ flang/ libclc/ libcxxabi/ lld/ llvm/ openmp/ polly/
<Xavi92> clang/ compiler-rt/ debuginfo-tests/ libc/ libcxx/ libunwind/ lldb/ mlir/ parallel-libs/ pstl/ utils/
<wilsonk> oh, hmm. So that is a direct clone of llvm from github?
<Xavi92> Exactly
<wilsonk> I would definitely pick up the source release (ie. 10.0.0) if you are going to do much with zig. That is the 'release' that is supported and llvm/clang move so fast things might have already broken for building zig with git HEAD
<Xavi92> The former includes preliminary support for MIPS I, which hasn't been included into upstream yet
<wilsonk> oh, hmmm
<wilsonk> one second
<Xavi92> wilsonk: llvm has a release/10.x branch, though
<wilsonk> actually, no I just looked at my llvm-project build on another server and it should work with 'cmake ../llvm'
<wilsonk> that will still pick up clang, I believe
<wilsonk> Oh, nope you will need to specify which subprojects with
<wilsonk> -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS=<comma separated list>
<Xavi92> wilsonk: that differs from the build instructions here ->,-libclang,-and-liblld-from-source#posix
<Xavi92> wilsonk: what if I cherry-pick MIPS I support into release/10.x?
<wilsonk> yeah, those instructions are only for the source tarballs, not for the git clones
<wilsonk> right at the top of that page is the download links for the tarballs...git is a little different
<Xavi92> But yesterday that worked for , master branch. Could have got everything up and running if zig hadn't failed compiling
<wilsonk> hmm, are you sure those exact instructions worked for impiaaa? Because the build instructions on that website are exactly what I am following for llvm git. See about mid way down where you have to choose the projects and 'cmake ../llvm'?
<wilsonk> you also might want to pick a different generator (like Ninja if you have it installed) but otherwise things should work fine by following those instructions on impiaaa exactly
<Xavi92> wilsonk: I swear they worked. I'll try again with release/10.x, for the sake of doing it
<wilsonk> impiaaa is a few months old also, so I would merge the 10.0.0 RELEASE tagged llvm into it and then build that...just to be sure that zig will build afterwards
<Xavi92> wilsonk: yeah, that's what I'm referring to. Let's see what happens :)
<Xavi92> Right, cmake worked
<wilsonk> hmm, that impiaaa repo is only one commit ahead of llvm (and then 11850 behind master). I would download the 10.0.0 src tarballs and then hand modify the four files in that commit by hand. Not much there really (unless I am missing a bunch of other commits or something)
<wilsonk> oh, ok...well if cmake worked then hopefully the rest will
<Xavi92> Let's hope so :)
<wilsonk> I would just hate to have to wait an hour or two (depending on your machine) to build llvm only to watch it fail :( But if you got the 10.0.0 release then it should be ok
<wilsonk> *fail on zig
<wilsonk> ok, good luck. I am off to bed o/
<Xavi92> Night!
<ifreund> is there any fancy way to iterate over a slice in reverse? or do i just need to use a while loop?
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<nmeum> hey, I am currently experimenting with freestandig zig and I was just wondering: If I have a function returing a struct how is memory for it actually allocated? for example:
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<ikskuh> nmeum, in zig functions there's a result location passed as a hidden parameter
<ikskuh> there isn't documentation on that already
<ikskuh> but in short:
<ikskuh> your function does not "return" value but it just constructs the value where it will be located in the end
<ikskuh> so if you do
<ikskuh> var foo = rxctrl.init();
<ikskuh> the return value is in "foo"
<nmeum> ah!
<nmeum> and if foo is part of a function body it is stored on the stack of that function, right?
<nmeum> neat!
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<TheLemonMan> good luck
<FireFox317> looks like floating point support that is not yet available? Xavi92
<Xavi92> FireFox317: from which side?
<Xavi92> The target I'm pointing to does not have FPU, but I don't know if that's a problemm
<Xavi92> OTOH, main.zig only has an empty main
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<TheLemonMan> something is pulling in code from exp.zig
<TheLemonMan> it's very likely the format code, are you using it?
<Xavi92> $ cat main.zig
<Xavi92> fn main() void {
<Xavi92> }
<TheLemonMan> there's more than it meets the eye
<TheLemonMan> try adding your own panic function
<TheLemonMan> and you should really use `export fn _start() noreturn { ... }`
<TheLemonMan> unless you're already providing some kind of crt0
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<Xavi92> TheLemonMan: like this?
<TheLemonMan> Xavi92, more like
<Xavi92> TheLemonMan: it still triggers the same errors, though
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<ifreund> am I not allowed to have an anon list of anon structs like so?
<jessermeyer> For the last few days on the Master Window's build I get the following linker error just building my program : lld: error: undefined symbol: _tls_index >>> referenced by C:\dev\Zig\lib\zig\std\debug.zig:258>>> .\win32_tbd.obj:(std.debug.panicExtra)>>> referenced by C:\dev\Zig\lib\zig\std\debug.zig:260>>>
<jessermeyer> .\win32_tbd.obj:(std.debug.panicExtra)>>> referenced by C:\dev\Zig\lib\zig\std\debug.zig:289>>> .\win32_tbd.obj:(std.debug.panicExtra)
<jessermeyer> I don't override the panic handler.
<jessermeyer> Any suggestions how to help me narrow this down for a issue tracker?
<fengb> ifreund: tuples aren’t iterable by for. You need to coerce it into an array or use inline for
<ifreund> i get an unable to evaluate const expression error pointing to the line of the for stateme
<ifreund> ah thank fengb
<TheLemonMan> jessermeyer, how are you building that?
<jessermeyer> zig build-exe -lvulkan-1 win32_tbd.zig -L "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Lib\10.0.18362.0\um\x64" -L "C:\VulkanSDK\\Lib" --subsystem windows
<jessermeyer> I don't think --subsystem is the culprit since I have other tinier test programs that use it without problem.
<Xavi92> TheLemonMan: it's curious to see mips2 does compile, though
<Xavi92> AFAIK the differences between mips1 and mips2, LLVM-wise, are minimal
<ifreund> hmm, it now wants the values for the fields of the struct to be comptime known i think
<TheLemonMan> well the mips1 backend is still experimental afair
<ifreund> maybe i just need to suck it up and write out the type
<fengb> Yeah I don’t think you can make arrays of anon structs
<Xavi92> TheLemonMan: mips1 isn't even supported on upstream, so I cherry-picked into the release/10.x brnach
<TheLemonMan> jessermeyer, I think that's the problem, you're somehow avoiding the inclusion of start_windows_tls.zig
<ifreund> i feel like in an ideal world you should be able to :D
<fengb> I don’t think Zig type inference will ever get there
<TheLemonMan> Xavi92, that's all you needed to change? that doesn't really explain the error during the lowering phase
<fengb> It’s hard to match anon structs with its parent without explicit types. Tuples work around it because they don’t require the same types, but that’s also why you can’t do a for loop
<jessermeyer> If it helps, I can get the error on the tinier test programs just by switching main() to WinMain()
<ifreund> that's fair, i can live with it
<jessermeyer> And I don't need subsystem for the error to occur.
<jessermeyer> I think I have a minimal repo, so I'll add a issue ticket.
<TheLemonMan> yeah check out start.zig
<TheLemonMan> you can fix by unconditionally including that damn file if the target os is windows
<jessermeyer> Thanks!
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<Xavi92> TheLemonMan: that's all I did. Took release/10.x branch from and cherry-picked that commit into it
<Xavi92> Well, there was a missing static member that I had to add so it compiled, but it's a very minor change
<ifreund> nice, i can at least avoid giving the type a name
<TheLemonMan> Xavi92, I'll have a look
<Xavi92> Thanks, TheLemonMan
<jessermeyer> Haahaaa, Ok, so I @import("start_windows_tls.zig"); if the builtin os is windows, and now I get lld: error: duplicate symbol: _tls_index .... :/
<jessermeyer> Which obviously implies it was already being exported.
<jessermeyer> An alternative explanation is that the if condition was evaluated twice somehow?
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<tdeo> daurnimator:, see the @get_bounds_for_layer signature in the IR
<tdeo> so it'd presumably need manual support in every other llvm frontend
<TheLemonMan> yes
<TheLemonMan> as I told you earlier today Zig does a bad job for x86_64 only
<nmeum> I am using packed structs to represents memory mapped registers of a uart peripheral. It works so far, unfourtunatly, some register bits are reserved can I somehow mark the struct members representing them as unexported/hidden?
<TheLemonMan> no
<nmeum> unfortunate
<tdeo> TheLemonMan: could you point me to where that's determined in the zig stage1 compiler? i want to see if i can fix it reasonably without just adding a special case for this
<nmeum> I guess I will just name them _ and __ then
<TheLemonMan> tdeo, iter_function_params_c_abi
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<TheLemonMan> the ARM ABI is reasonably simple, fixing the compiler is hard because the logic is all over the place
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<TheLemonMan> Xavi92, can you try with -mcpu=mips1+soft_float ?
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<shakesoda> mips1... ps1?
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<shakesoda> what happened to len on alignedarraylist
<BaroqueLarouche> you need to do items.len now
<shakesoda> ok
<shakesoda> thanks
<nmeum> I am trying to store a hashmap as a struct member, my initialization code looks as follows: when I try to put values into this map using I get a `cast discards const qualifier` error, how do I fix that?
<shakesoda> nmeum: s/const/var/
<nmeum> for alloc or for the Plic type itself?
<shakesoda> either alloc or where you're calling this
* shakesoda just woke up, and isn't all here yet
<nmeum> calling what?
<nmeum> the hashmap put function?
<fengb> That’s like me but all the time
<shakesoda> nmeum: what is your buffer space declared as
<nmeum> > var irq_handler_buffer: [@sizeOf(*u32) * INTERRUPT_SOURCES]u8 = undefined;
<shakesoda> let me actually just try this
<nmeum> here is the entire error message:
<shakesoda> nmeum: self is declared const is all
<shakesoda> make it not const
<shakesoda> this can happen where you initialize the thing (if you assign to a const then put something into the map) or if your self parameter is *const
<shakesoda> or you're doing something like putting in &foo
<shakesoda> instead of foo, for the function arg
<shakesoda> (which doesn't look like the case)
<nmeum> ah
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<nmeum> changed the self in the method using it from `self: Plic` to `self: *Plic` and changed the initializer accordingly, that seems to work
<nmeum> thanks!
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<frett27> hi, how can i dig into this compiling crash error :
<frett27> i tried to recompile a mqtt lib,with the master
<frett27> is it possible to printout the ast ?
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<TheLemonMan> try running `zig translate-c` on the offending file
<frett27> ok,
<frett27> i got a c dependency to theses: const cmqtt = @import("mqtt_paho.zig");
<frett27> @cInclude("string.h");
<frett27> const c = @cImport({
<frett27> @cInclude("unistd.h");
<frett27> @cInclude("stdio.h");
<frett27> @cInclude("time.h");
<frett27> });
<frett27> for the standards ones, is it llvm -> meaning time.h, unistd.h ..
<frett27> the mqtt_paho, if a previous c-translated file,on which i adjust some signature,
<frett27> i make progress, launching the zig translate-c paho.mqtt.c/src/MQTTClient.h -I /usr/include/
<frett27> raise error, during lib c translation
<frett27> same error
<frett27> pub fn getchar() callconv(.C) c_int {
<frett27> } // /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/libio.h:399:28: warning: TODO implement translation of CastKind BuiltinFnToFnPtr
<frett27> reached unreachable code
<frett27> return _IO_getc(stdin);
<frett27> if (!ok) unreachable; // assertion failure
<TheLemonMan> does it crash if you run `zig translate-c /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/libio.h` ?
<frett27> let me check
<frett27> it tell me not to use libio.h directly , insteaf, use <stdio.h>
<frett27> use@use-HP-Pavilion-dv6-Notebook-PC:~/iotmonitor$ zig translate-c /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/libio.h
<frett27> # error "Never include <bits/libio.h> directly; use <stdio.h> instead."
<frett27> [1]+ Arrêté vim mqtt_paho.zig
<frett27> ^
<frett27> #include <bits/_G_config.h>
<frett27> ^
<TheLemonMan> oh well, try running on stdio then
<frett27> the initial MQTTClient.h code include the <stdio.h>
<frett27> yep, but i don't know which one ?
<frett27> the llvm one ?
<frett27> or system one ?
<frett27> ok, this one is faulty : zig translate-c -I /usr/include -I /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu /usr/include/stdio.h
<frett27> same error
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<frett27> if i'm not wrong, it seems this is the translation of : pub extern fn getc_unlocked(__stream: [*c]FILE) c_int;
<frett27> just after getchar
<frett27> #ifdef __USE_POSIX199506
<frett27> These functions are possible cancellation points and therefore not
<frett27> marked with __THROW. */
<frett27> extern int getc_unlocked (FILE *__stream);
<frett27> extern int getchar_unlocked (void);
<frett27> #endif /* Use POSIX. */
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<frett27> seems the master is broken on my box
<frett27> since a couple of days
<frett27> this prog, crash the compiler :
<frett27> with a zig build-obj test.zig -lc
<frett27> command
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<TheLemonMan> yeah I can reproduce the crash
<marijnfs> wow my timsort algorithm is like twice as fast with the new compiler
<marijnfs> did something in optimizations change?
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<TheLemonMan> we upgraded to LLVM 10 a few weeks ago
<marijnfs> maybe someone can validate as well? just type make in the main dir
<marijnfs> but i can't imagine that being so much faster?
<frett27> TheLemonMan, is this a platform related issue ?
<frett27> libC ?
<TheLemonMan> frett27, maybe it's due to some translate-c change
<frett27> are there tests on this ?
<marijnfs> ah nevermind there is an issue
<marijnfs> i didn't realise i introduced an issue, and the assert is not called in an optimized build
<frett27> :-), performance first !! not safty :-)
<gchristensen> the boyscout's marching song!
<frett27> ok, let's try in release fast :-)
<frett27> no more chance !
<TheLemonMan> frett27, there are many tests but shit happens™
<marijnfs> it might not sort very well, but it does it very fast!
<frett27> TheLemonMan, --:-)
<marijnfs> Ok I fixed it, now it's only a third faster
<frett27> marijnfs, seems i faced an exception :
<frett27> i tried to mesure time,
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<frett27> all, how can i smoothly dig into learning the translate-c ?
<frett27> are there any preferred path for learning ?
<marijnfs> frett27: thanks for testing! I'll check what that is
<marijnfs> frett27: i pushed a fix one minute ago, is this with that fix?
<TheLemonMan> frett27, if that code used to work you can try bisecting what commit broke it
<frett27> yes, i can make the bisect, otherwise, the code below spot the issue
<frett27> it's between april 5th and tody
<Xavi92> TheLemonMan: that made it improve ->
<Xavi92> shakesoda: yup, trying to compile zig for the PS1 :)
<TheLemonMan> Xavi92, ok so now open compiler_rt.zig and chop away the line with @include("atomics.zig")
<marijnfs> frett27: your program builds fine for me
<frett27> marijnfs, on master ?
<marijnfs> juop
<frett27> there is a regression, on april 2, it works
<Xavi92> TheLemonMan: great! That made it compile
<frett27> on my plateform
<marijnfs> what are you running on
<Xavi92> Which features have been stripped away with that line? Still don't know about how zig handles atomicity
<marijnfs> maybe try different libc?
<frett27> marijnfs, i use the standard one, but it was working, i'm on progress on the bisect
<TheLemonMan> mips ISA < 3 are missing the necessary opcodes to implement the atomic ops iirc
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<shakesoda> Xavi92: exciting
<TheLemonMan> and I doubt you care about smp when targeting mips1 heh
<Xavi92> TheLemonMan: definitely :)
<TheLemonMan> we need more compile-time logic to avoid pulling in those builtins on weak/old platforms
<Xavi92> shakesoda: have done stuff with the PS1 in C for years and was looking for something else. There's a Rust-based SDK out there, but LLVM did not (and it still doesn't) compile to MIPS I, where this issue still applies zig, too
<TheLemonMan> the mips1 backend should be pretty much functional
<Xavi92> But I noticed there's a patch available for LLVM, so I wanted to write in zig so I have an excuse to learn it :)
<TheLemonMan> I had a look and they've added some code to lower the conditional moves to something equivalent
<TheLemonMan> the patch adds support for the load-delay slots
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<TheLemonMan> I stand corrected, mips2 is the earliest isa with support for smp
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<shakesoda> Xavi92: load delay slots?
<shakesoda> oh, yeah, that was just mentioned.
<Xavi92> shakesoda: exactly. See this:
<nmeum> quick question regarding left shifts, the doc states that: `b must […] have a type with log2 number of bits as a` so if a is a u32 and b is a u5 that should work, right? because doesn't work for me
<nmeum> fails to compile with `LHS of shift must be an integer type, or RHS must be compile-time known`
<Xavi92> TheLemonMan: "we need more compile-time logic to avoid pulling in those builtins on weak/old platforms" -> that'd be really interesting. I think zig should focus into small microcontrollers, where C is still king with all of its well-known quirks
<TheLemonMan> Xavi92, I'm refining the logic every time a new problem pops up, the huge combination of architectures/isa revisions/flags make that a non-trivial task
<Xavi92> TheLemonMan: sure it does. I'm happy to know there's already such intention from the team
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<asie> oh, hello
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<frett27> 1 is quite difficult to infer,
<frett27> you can use @intCast
<frett27> nmeum, you can test it on :
<frett27> it has the zig trunk installed
<TheLemonMan> 1 has type comptime_int and has an infinite number of bits
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<leth> how do i properly print out a numerical value to stdout? I can't seem to get it right from reading the horribly manual.
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<foobles> hello
<darithorn> leth are you trying to format the value or just print it?
<ifreund> hey, is there a good way to run external commands in a build.zig other than using ChildProcess or something?
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<ifreund> ah nice, I found exec in std/build.zig
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<wilsonk> UGHHHHH, does a minimal SDL2 example work for anyone else with the newest zig? I keep getting 'reached unreachable code' when just trying to SDL_Init!!
<leth> darithorn: Well I just want to print it, but I'm doing that by trying to format it first. I'd actually like to know how to do both now that you ask.
<andrewrk> wilsonk, I'm about to revert a recent regression to translate-c
<afontain_> wilsonk: I'm having a problem where SDL_Init can't init video backend, but that's not related
<wilsonk> ah, ok...I just tried clashproto and it failed the same way so I was glad to see it apparently wasn't something I changed. Thanks andrewrk
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<darithorn_> leth have you used std.debug.warn? that's the easiest way to print something out to the terminal, it uses stderr
<darithorn_> std.debug.warn("{}\n", .{ 42 }); is the typical way to print something out in zig
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<ifreund> leth: there are decent docs for formatting here too;fmt.format
<ifreund> you can use the same format system with std.debug.warn() and others
<shakesoda> some slice stuff changed and broke my code in a way that doesn't make sense
<shakesoda> hmmmmmmmm
<shakesoda> i was assigning a &[_]foo{...} to a []foo slice, which it was previously happy with, but now attempting to do that fails and if I try to re-slice the thing it's magically const and I can't do it, apparently
<andrewrk> shakesoda, make it const
<andrewrk> either make the thing that accepts the slice []const foo, or `var bar = [_]foo{...};` and then do &bar
<andrewrk> if the memory is mutable, you have to choose where to put it
<leth> darithorn: Yeah sure, that's great for testing stuff and debugging, but I need to output some stuff to stdout. And frankly the idea of writing stuff to stderr as being better is quite a strange viewpoint. stderr should only be use in case of failures.
<leth> ifreund: yeah I read that but i couldn't get it to work. Perhaps i was misinterpreting it.
<leth> print("{}", value) for instance seemed like it should work from my interpretion of that document. yet it doesn't. but perhaps the problem isn't with the foramting?
<emekoi> andrewrk would you be open to adding a CI job for mingw?
<darithorn> print is a function for streams, so you need to grab the stdout stream and print to it
<darithorn> i don't think there's a shortcut function for printing to stdout like std.debug.warn. so you have to manually grab stdout so you can print to it
<darithorn> something like"{}\n", .{ 42 }); should work
<leth> That's what i though and sor tof what i tried, I get expression value is ignored using your code, but perhaps the error is elsewhere.
<leth> Yeap, only your exmple in a main function with std imported. either that or in all that simple code i have another bug.
<mikdusan> leth: `try mystream.print(...);`
<mikdusan> leth: or... `mystream.print(...) catch { std.debug.warn("darnit, my stream failed\n",.{}); };`
<leth> undecleared indentifyer mystream.
<darithorn> leth you get that error because print can return an error, so you have to deal with it somehow
<darithorn> mikdusan gave some examples on how to handle the error. you can "ignore" it yourself by using `try` or use a `catch`
<andrewrk> emekoi, yes, especially if you are willing to be in charge of it
<leth> it doesn't work with try
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<emekoi> i'll go ahead and submit a PR then
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<ifreund> leth: can you paste your code and the error into some kind of pastebin?
<shakesoda> andrewrk: var foo = &[_]whatever; foo and var foo = [_]whatever; &foo don't result in the same thing?
<shakesoda> all my re-slicing things as :0 cause crashes now :(
<shakesoda> what on earth changed
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<ifreund> leth: mystream is not defined
<leth> obviously.
<ifreund> add `const mystream =;`
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<leth> that's what i started with more or less, still doesn't compile.
<ifreund> what's the error
<darithorn_> you need to change main's return type
<darithorn_> !void
<darithorn_> ! is used when the function can return an error, which it can now since you used `try`
<pixelherodev> `!void` means it can return basically any error (or void), and the compiler will determine which ones are allowed.
<leth> still no luck.
<ifreund> what is the error you are getting
<leth> error: expected token 'Symbol', found '{'
<leth> .>{< 42
<ifreund> are you on zig master or zig 0.5.0
<leth> 0.5.0
<mikdusan> leth: try pasting your code at . it's very difficult to see what issue you have
<Xavi92> Still working on MIPS I: . 'mipsel-unknown-elf-objdump -S main.o' shows assembly code, but 'mipsel-unknown-elf-objdump -S main' shows nothing.
<ifreund> yeah, there's the problem, the .{} syntax for format args is new
<shakesoda> 0.6 is coming out extremely soon, just use master
<pixelherodev> For the old one, just remove the `.{}` part though
<mikdusan> master or bust™
<pixelherodev> e.g. `stream.print("");` instead of `stream.print("", .{});` if there's no args
<Xavi92> 'mipsel-unknown-elf-size main.o' shows 636 bytes on .text, but only 48 bytes for 'main'. I guess everything is being optimized away by the linker, but how can I avoid this?
<pixelherodev> Disable optimizations?
<pixelherodev> If you're building in debug mode, nothing should be optimized away
<pixelherodev> ... I completely forgot to submit the reduction to LLVM
* pixelherodev facepalms
<Xavi92> pixelherodev: debug mode is selected by default, right? Also, even if _start should be provided, it still compiles and links even if I do not provide it
<pixelherodev> Xavi92, yes
<pixelherodev> leth, replace `.{42}` with `42`
<leth> i get a different error
<pixelherodev> 0.5.0 supported variable-lgenth arguments
<pixelherodev> 0.6 replaces that with tuples (which is why .{} is needed)
<pixelherodev> leth, what error?
<leth> error: type '!std.fs.file.File'
<mikdusan> leth: your code runs fine on newer versions of zig (months after 0.5.0 release)
<pixelherodev> Ah wait you're on 0.5
<pixelherodev> `const stdout = try;`
<pixelherodev> That can return an error on 0.5
<leth> Why is there no simple way to just output something to stdout?
<shakesoda> std.debug.warn("foo\n");
<pixelherodev> ^
<Xavi92> pixelherodev: does the entry point need to be indicated?
<pixelherodev> Xavi92, I wouldn't think so
<pixelherodev> The entry point isn't actually main
<pixelherodev> It's start, which is in the standard library
<pixelherodev> That calls main
<leth> doesn't that write out to stderr?
<pixelherodev> leth, yes
<pixelherodev> 99% of the time that's okay though
<leth> I asked for stdout not stderr
<pixelherodev> I do think there should be a std.debug.print though
<pixelherodev> "warn but for stderr"
<mikdusan> leth: if you upgraded zig to latest releas NEWER than 0.5.0, your pasted code works fine.
<pixelherodev> s/err/out
<leth> there is a significant difference between stderr and stdout
<fengb> There’s an issue for standardized logging
<fengb> And warn / print will move to that module
<shakesoda> tossing things into stderr is the one that's easy at this particular moment, doesn't mean it absolutely should be that way
<shakesoda> just status quo
<pixelherodev> leth, keep in mind that Zig is in it's early stages
<shakesoda> fwiw, i found this annoying too
<pixelherodev> There's a lot of changes coming down the pipeline to make life easier (logging, as mentioned)
<pixelherodev> stdout will be much simpler to use down the line (hopefully for 0.7)
<mikdusan> imagine implementing `cat` with unchecked stdout writes
<mikdusan> blank output would be: did it work? i dunno. maybe. maybe not. let's guess.
<pixelherodev> True, but that would be a misuse of the API
<mikdusan> or truncated output too :)
<pixelherodev> std.debug.warn isn't meant for anything important
<pixelherodev> Docs explicitly say "for when it doesn't matter all that much if writing fails"
<leth> imagine implemeting cat only writing out to stderr.
<pixelherodev> (paraphrasing from memory)
<shakesoda> mikdusan: as a wise man once said
<shakesoda> yolo
<pixelherodev> leth, the code I gave you should work for stdout
<mikdusan> pixelherodev: not referring to warn. referring to habitual C code that never checks stdout writes
<pixelherodev> Ah yeah
<pixelherodev> If you have `const stdout = try;`, then `try stdout.print("{}\n", 42);` should work
<pixelherodev> on 0.5.0
<shakesoda> i certainly never check them, nor do i ever care if they actually worked
<shakesoda> :D
<pixelherodev> You'll have to tweak it a tad for 0.6 though
<Xavi92> pixelherodev: since the target is mipsel-freestanding-gnueabi (is even gnueabi appropiate? don't know), I understand I need to provide _start myself (as in the pastebin above)
<pixelherodev> Ahh
<pixelherodev> For freestanding that's probably correct
<pixelherodev> s/probably/definitely
<pixelherodev> shakesoda, to me, if it doesn't actually matter if something is written, you shouldn't really be writing it in the first place
<pixelherodev> That's just waste of system resources
<pixelherodev> stdio isn't free (or even cheap)
<pixelherodev> Relative to other things it can be
<pixelherodev> But on multiple programs I've written recently stdio uses >50% CPU time
<mikdusan> pixelherodev: just optimize with macros: fputc() /s
<pixelherodev> To the point where I'm progressively cutting out debug info and replacing it with tests so that that info isn't ever needed
<pixelherodev> mikdusan, this is Zig code
<pixelherodev> There are no macros :)
<pixelherodev> also
<shakesoda> pixelherodev: for the love of god don't lecture me about stdio performance lmao
<pixelherodev> It took me a second to get that :P
<shakesoda> i understand deeply
<pixelherodev> :)
<shakesoda> my primary usage of it is dumb checkpointing that gets removed shortly after and a bit of initialization spam
<pixelherodev> Proposal: there should be a ` void` that allows replacing the default stdio streams with buffered versions
darithorn_ is now known as darithorn
<pixelherodev> Make it easier to do the right thing
<pixelherodev> Hides the complexity of buffering from the user
<shakesoda> heh, meanwhile, i usually have to go out of my way to unbuffer it elsewhere
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<mikdusan> pixelherodev: i think when logging comes in, it will make use of globals specified in main.zig used as "configurators" or options. that same mechanism is probably a good idea for setting buffered standard streams
<pixelherodev> If I'm transitioning a codebase from C/C++ to Zig, does it make sense to link individual Zig files on their own? Or should I have a root Zig file which is compiled into an object and linked with C/C++?
<pixelherodev> This is a personal project so I can do whatever :)
<mikdusan> root zig to allow for best optimization
<shakesoda> i'd do the latter
<fengb> Zig likes to be a single unit
* pixelherodev shrugs
<pixelherodev> Motion passes 3-0!
<mikdusan> there's a unit joke in there somewhere
<fengb> Yes but only mikdusan’s opinion has weight 🙃
<pixelherodev> Want to take bets on whether @cImport(libgit) will work OOTB?
<pixelherodev> I I can bet internet cookies :P
<pixelherodev> There's definitely a unicode cookie
<pixelherodev> 🍪
<pixelherodev> I was joking.
<pixelherodev> But it's real.
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<fengb> 🧮
<fengb> Unicode is silly
<pixelherodev> Stupid more like
<pixelherodev> Need a revolution to overthrow whoever's in charge of it
<pixelherodev> They're clearly incompetent
<leth> how do you suggest we handle the almost countless amounts of scripts that are around?