dominikh1 changed the topic of #cinch to: The IRC Framework | Latest version: Cinch 2.0.6
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hi how do can I make my bot know that an incoming message is from a private chat or not?
I couldn't find any example in the examples folder
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listening on :message will receive both channel and private messages, listening on :channel or :private will do what the name says, Message#channel will be nil if it was a private message.
ok thank you! :)
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I'm trying to make a bot which outputs and responds to menus - how do I make a multiline response in private chat? it is just responding one line at a time very slowly
thanks for your help by the way (in advance)
this is IRC and not a terminal. if it weren't printing them slowly, the server would kick you for spamming.
right but I've seen channels where you can make a private connection to a bot
and it's like a menu system
I have a list of phrases in one language that the bot can translate to another
and I wanted to be able to connect to the bot directly in a private chat to list the available phrases
you're probably referring to something like eggdrop's party line. that's outside of IRC and runs on its own protocol etc
oh ok that's how it's done?
uses DCC CHAT as far as I am aware
oooh thanks
and can cinch respond to dcc?
if you teach it to, yes. by default it only supports DCC SEND for file transfers, not any of the other DCC commands.
ok thanks dominikh :)
no problem
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is it possible to output colors on trigger responses?