agh I hate when people put the * on the type
but anyway lol
haha why
it's part of the type
well see
C notates types by putting little operators around the variable name in the same place they'd be used
for instance
int arr[10];
the brackets are like you'd subscript the array in actual use
int f(int x);
the argument list is where you'd put it
int *x;
the pointer dereference operator is where you'd put it
and more evidence:
int* x, y; vs int *x, *y;
yeah but nobody writes that code
typedef int *Intptr;
foo(Intptr p)
well I've seen genuine stack overflow questions where people's bugs have been caused by putting * on the type and having multiple vars
the *, it's part of the type!
well they shouldn't
right, it's part of the type
it's not syntactically boxed up
maybe not, but who cares, it belongs with the rest of the type
well the thing is
you can only do it with *, and only when there's only one variable and not multiple
like you can't do it with [] or ()
but there's never multiple
there's always one variable
in my code
and all my friend's code
well yeah but semantically the * is modifying the name
in the type decl
people just don't do: int *x, *y;, they just don't
it's free to go with the type
sure in most code it's not a problem
but you can't do
int[10] x;
like in java
you have to do
int x[10]
but I see that differently
the type is
you can't do that at all
yo ucan't do
but the c designers saw its as the same
typedef int tenints[10];
an array is a quasi-type
ok functions
use typedefs
functions are just _weird_
int f(int x);
in go you can do like
types bundled up syntacvticaly
in c, typecast syntax is a clusterfuck
because of the way type declaration syntax is done by modifying the *name*, not the type on the left
it doesn't really matter though, I just do `int* x` because it's easier to see that the type is "a pointer to an integer" than `int *x`
and easier to read = less bugs, always
as long as you trust yourself never to do shit like `int *x, *y`, which I do
but it's an accident that C even allows you to do it
micahjohnston_: ok what if you want to do say
int * const x;
can't put the * next to the name
there's a const in the way
but with int* const x; it's consistent
const or no const
the type is int* and it's being consted
…this may be the most pointless argument I've ever had
int const *x; compiles
is it different?
anyway c++ adding const into it just made the type syntax even *more* of a clusterfuck
int const *x is a pointer to a const integer
int * const is a constant pointer to a mutable integer
so when you start talking about c++'s additions I want to end my own life
what about const int *x
micahjohnston_: erm const is in C too!
was it before c99?
because c99 was basically backports
no idea but it's definitely in there now
pretty sure it was c89
but I dunno
nope c00
wait not sure
anyway yet again
int *const x;
is liek
const modifying x
* modifying that
I've seen code pre-2000 that uses const so it has to be c89
int const *x is * modifying x, const modifying that
micahjohnston_: so
yeah I think it is but it still fits iwthw it
finding it hard to give a fuck anymore but it's still consistent
const int * is the same as int const *
well yeah
which means you can't do *x = 10;
put const wherever the fuck you want as long as it's on the same level in the order of modification
and int * const means you can't do x = &something;
can you do int *x const;
noooo idea
but I would never do it :P
too weird
but like that's still consistent with my model of the C type syntax
which is consistent, just a fucking dumb idea
haha yeah
in his book, bjarne proposed simplifying it (!) but decided against it for backwards compatibility reasons
he proposed something rather like Go's actually
you should read bjarne's book btw, it's really interesting
which one? the original c++ language one?
I think we have that one
my dad has a great big bookshelf of programming books
it's the antithesis to all those wanky proglang research papers
one of them is "the c++ object model"
hold on
don't think it's that
i don't think it is
micahjohnston_: he goes through and discusses all the practical problems of building a programming langauge
but that one is full of disgusting shit :p
subject change: I've realized something about productivity
I want to make games, and make music, and programming languages, and novels
and maybe learn to draw
so not much then
but I cannot focus on even like 2 of those things at once
I've decided
at some point, not during this hellish school year
allocate like
a week
or a month
at a time, to each of those things
so I can get really in depth in them and not be task switching
and do some really focused, high quality work
and then switch so I'm not burnt out on it and so I can do all of them
have you read pg's essay about "top thoughts"?
stuff you think about in the shower
I may have
yeah I have
yeah that's another reason
when something is the thing your mind turns to during downtime at school or whatever that is the thing you will get done
I remember being aware of that in 9th grade
I wanted to write a story
but I found myself not always thinking about the plot of it
and so I realized that it was not going to get written
it's interesting how the compellingness of an idea determines how successful it is. If something is in my head all the time, then I have to devote lots of brain time to it, and I usually end up doing a good job of it
whereas sometimes the opposite is true
but if I'm getting distracted, yeah it's doomed from the start
My wife thinks I'm more forgiving than she is, but my motives are purely selfish.
haha I like that
I read that out of context and thought you'd gotten married already
mormons eh!
i have a girlfriend but we are both not mormon so you can rest at ease
wait you found a non mormon gf in utah?
here in the salt lake valley it ain't so bad
provo and st george and stuff are >90% mormon
st george is also like 90% white and very aged
but salt lake was named one of the most gay-friendly cities
and <50% mormon
so still a lot but way less than the rest of utah
actually most of my friends are not mormon, and a significant number are ex-mormon
90% white isn't that far off from the UK :P
actually apparently the UK is 90.94% white
so… not far off indeed :P
oh wow
next biggest group is indian
most of my cultural experience of the UK is through things about electronic music over the internet
so I get the impression that there are more black people than there are :p
haha yeah there's quite a few in london
and in some of the cities
but in places like scotland it's very very white
no slaves :P
haha right :P
but yeah I didn't know that the indian subcontinent was our largest (non-white) ethnic group
guess I should have guessed living next to hounslow
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Nuck: screw Rails
also, Nuck, whitequark, I learned a bit of Go a while ago
it's alright, I guess, but it's not what I was really hoping for
devyn: how's its error handling in practice?
also interested about the builtin strings and maps. usable? quirks?
the thing I like the most is its import/export system. is it as good as it looks like?
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devyn: Like I said, I despise rails. But it's fucking effective, and I can't argue with that. It's boring, it's shitty, it's enormous, and it's *effective*
well you're cheating by depending on the whole of the ruby interpreter
alexgordon: ok I'll be more specific. use any language from TIOBE index, don't use any builtin sort functions.
or external, i.e. nonstandard library code.
(I've even removed the J/K/APL clause)
it should be quicksort, it should accept an array and return an array
it can mutate the array or create a new one
So, I just watched Anamanaguchi DJ on Turntable.fm
I love this site.
Nuck: I was in a room with Knife Party a few weeks ago
t'was pretty cool
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Hey guys, do any of you know an algorithm for propogating a change up an inheritance tree?
Nuck: huh?
Nuck: huh?
Like, let's say I've got A inheriting B inheriting C, and there's also Foo and Bar with similar inheritances to A, well, if C changes, A, Foo and Bar all need to be updated with the new info
This is easiest implemented at runtime, but not feasibly so on this scale, I'd say — we're talking potentially 50+ tags all to flatten down before a page can load
wat are you talking about
Nuck: what
Nuck: so C is your base class?
hehe I'm making a recursive tagging system where an Item can be tagged with, say, 5 tags, but those 5 tags are also tagged with more tags, and then so on
It's not classes, it's inheritance
you need a nested set of associations
Well, more importantly, the requirements are very different
and also to be put in a mental institution
Nuck: has probate been granted yet?
alexgordon: probate?
Yes, I'm crazy, but this is a UX idea I've had bouncing around and goddammit I wanna make it happen
I mean, if I can get the time of execution down within a reasonable period, then I can do this at runtime and that'd be awesome
And I need to flatten it either within a reasonable time or in a manner which doesn't cause my database to explode
Nuck: nested set
spaghetti stack has nothing to do with that
it was more the picture
Well spaghetti stack looks like it could have applications in certain situations related to mine, but not precisely mine
Nuck: I have basically no comprehension of what you're doing, but... avoid redundancy
don't ever listen to him
if it's an RDBMS, denormalize
it's the only way to make it fast, basically
if it's mongodb, fuck off.
redundancy is the enemy of all things good and proper
... says a person who clearly never had to deal with a slow SQL query.
heh, now I *know* that's not true
whitequark: Hmmm the nested set looks very applicable but I'm worried it's not nearly as applicable to a system of child-parent relationships instead of parent-child relationships
I dislike RDBMSs anyway
files FTW!
Honestly I would use a graph database for this in the ideal
Just traverse it at runtime
graph database lol not that again
I really want a fucking graph database okay?
This is exactly why.
just write the damn thing in C++ and store the data in a bunch of files. What could possibly go wrong
Yeah Nested Set won't work
The problem is, nested set is designed for folder-like relationships, where you traverse from broad to narrow
But I'm designing the opposite — a traversal from narrow to broad