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<micahjohnston_> hi whitequark
<micahjohnston_> hi Nuck
<micahjohnston_> go is cool
<micahjohnston_> haven't used it really
<alexgordon> micahjohnston_!
<micahjohnston_> alexgordon: !
<micahjohnston_> sorry i stopped replying last night :p
* alexgordon is watching countdown
<micahjohnston_> so it seems like your idea is cool, and somewhat similar to Go's OOP system
<micahjohnston_> but really C++ey
<micahjohnston_> which is what you want but which I'm tired of after having been writing this game in c++ :P
<alexgordon> oh I only explained a little bit of it
<alexgordon> :P
<micahjohnston_> see like here is my view
<micahjohnston_> oop is much less about
<micahjohnston_> functions with different scopes
<micahjohnston_> and much more about message passing/interfaces
<alexgordon> I actually didn't start it as anything to do with OOP, I just noticed the resemblance
<micahjohnston_> oh ok
<micahjohnston_> cool
<alexgordon> I forgot where I got up to though
<micahjohnston_> a polymorphic context is, in essence, a scope which is passed to the function as a type parameter
<micahjohnston_> template <typename T> void foo(T *this) {
<micahjohnston_> agh I hate when people put the * on the type
<micahjohnston_> but anyway lol
<purr> lol
<alexgordon> haha why
<alexgordon> it's part of the type
<micahjohnston_> well see
<micahjohnston_> C notates types by putting little operators around the variable name in the same place they'd be used
<micahjohnston_> for instance
<micahjohnston_> int arr[10];
<micahjohnston_> the brackets are like you'd subscript the array in actual use
<micahjohnston_> int f(int x);
<micahjohnston_> the argument list is where you'd put it
<micahjohnston_> int *x;
<micahjohnston_> the pointer dereference operator is where you'd put it
<micahjohnston_> and more evidence:
<micahjohnston_> int* x, y; vs int *x, *y;
<alexgordon> yeah but nobody writes that code
<alexgordon> look
<alexgordon> typedef int *Intptr;
<alexgordon> foo(Intptr p)
<micahjohnston_> well I've seen genuine stack overflow questions where people's bugs have been caused by putting * on the type and having multiple vars
<alexgordon> the *, it's part of the type!
<alexgordon> well they shouldn't
<micahjohnston_> right, it's part of the type
<micahjohnston_> but
<micahjohnston_> it's not syntactically boxed up
<micahjohnston_> like
<alexgordon> maybe not, but who cares, it belongs with the rest of the type
<micahjohnston_> well the thing is
<micahjohnston_> you can only do it with *, and only when there's only one variable and not multiple
<micahjohnston_> like you can't do it with [] or ()
<alexgordon> but there's never multiple
<alexgordon> there's always one variable
<alexgordon> in my code
<alexgordon> and all my friend's code
<micahjohnston_> well yeah but semantically the * is modifying the name
<micahjohnston_> in the type decl
<alexgordon> people just don't do: int *x, *y;, they just don't
<alexgordon> so
<alexgordon> it's free to go with the type
<micahjohnston_> sure in most code it's not a problem
<micahjohnston_> but you can't do
<micahjohnston_> int[10] x;
<micahjohnston_> like in java
<micahjohnston_> you have to do
<micahjohnston_> int x[10]
<alexgordon> but I see that differently
<alexgordon> the type is
<alexgordon> well
<alexgordon> you can't do that at all
<alexgordon> yo ucan't do
<micahjohnston_> but the c designers saw its as the same
<alexgordon> typedef int tenints[10];
<alexgordon> an array is a quasi-type
<micahjohnston_> ok functions
<alexgordon> use typedefs
<alexgordon> :P
<alexgordon> functions are just _weird_
<micahjohnston_> int f(int x);
<micahjohnston_> in go you can do like
<micahjohnston_> types bundled up syntacvticaly
<micahjohnston_> in c, typecast syntax is a clusterfuck
<micahjohnston_> because of the way type declaration syntax is done by modifying the *name*, not the type on the left
<alexgordon> it doesn't really matter though, I just do `int* x` because it's easier to see that the type is "a pointer to an integer" than `int *x`
<alexgordon> and easier to read = less bugs, always
<alexgordon> as long as you trust yourself never to do shit like `int *x, *y`, which I do
<micahjohnston_> but it's an accident that C even allows you to do it
<alexgordon> micahjohnston_: ok what if you want to do say
<alexgordon> int * const x;
<alexgordon> WHERE IS YOUR GOD NOW
<alexgordon> can't put the * next to the name
<alexgordon> there's a const in the way
<alexgordon> but with int* const x; it's consistent
<alexgordon> const or no const
<alexgordon> the type is int* and it's being consted
<alexgordon> …this may be the most pointless argument I've ever had
<micahjohnston_> int const *x; compiles
<micahjohnston_> is it different?
<alexgordon> yeah
<micahjohnston_> anyway c++ adding const into it just made the type syntax even *more* of a clusterfuck
<alexgordon> int const *x is a pointer to a const integer
<alexgordon> int * const is a constant pointer to a mutable integer
<micahjohnston_> so when you start talking about c++'s additions I want to end my own life
<micahjohnston_> what about const int *x
<alexgordon> micahjohnston_: erm const is in C too!
<micahjohnston_> was it before c99?
<micahjohnston_> because c99 was basically backports
<alexgordon> no idea but it's definitely in there now
<alexgordon> pretty sure it was c89
<alexgordon> but I dunno
<micahjohnston_> nope c00
<micahjohnston_> c99
<micahjohnston_> wait not sure
<micahjohnston_> anyway yet again
<micahjohnston_> int *const x;
<micahjohnston_> is liek
<micahjohnston_> const modifying x
<micahjohnston_> * modifying that
<micahjohnston_> versus
<alexgordon> I've seen code pre-2000 that uses const so it has to be c89
<micahjohnston_> int const *x is * modifying x, const modifying that
<alexgordon> micahjohnston_: so
<micahjohnston_> yeah I think it is but it still fits iwthw it
<micahjohnston_> finding it hard to give a fuck anymore but it's still consistent
<alexgordon> const int * is the same as int const *
<micahjohnston_> well yeah
<alexgordon> which means you can't do *x = 10;
<micahjohnston_> put const wherever the fuck you want as long as it's on the same level in the order of modification
<alexgordon> and int * const means you can't do x = &something;
<micahjohnston_> can you do int *x const;
<alexgordon> errr
<alexgordon> noooo idea
<alexgordon> but I would never do it :P
<alexgordon> too weird
<micahjohnston_> but like that's still consistent with my model of the C type syntax
<micahjohnston_> which is consistent, just a fucking dumb idea
<alexgordon> haha yeah
<alexgordon> in his book, bjarne proposed simplifying it (!) but decided against it for backwards compatibility reasons
<alexgordon> he proposed something rather like Go's actually
<alexgordon> you should read bjarne's book btw, it's really interesting
<micahjohnston_> which one? the original c++ language one?
<micahjohnston_> I think we have that one
<micahjohnston_> my dad has a great big bookshelf of programming books
<alexgordon> it's the antithesis to all those wanky proglang research papers
<micahjohnston_> one of them is "the c++ object model"
<alexgordon> hold on
<alexgordon> don't think it's that
<micahjohnston_> i don't think it is
<alexgordon> micahjohnston_: he goes through and discusses all the practical problems of building a programming langauge
<micahjohnston_> but that one is full of disgusting shit :p
<alexgordon> micahjohnston_:
<micahjohnston_> hm
<micahjohnston_> I may have it
<micahjohnston_> probably not
<micahjohnston_> subject change: I've realized something about productivity
<micahjohnston_> I want to make games, and make music, and programming languages, and novels
<micahjohnston_> and maybe learn to draw
<alexgordon> haha
<alexgordon> so not much then
<micahjohnston_> but I cannot focus on even like 2 of those things at once
<micahjohnston_> so
<micahjohnston_> I've decided
<micahjohnston_> at some point, not during this hellish school year
<micahjohnston_> allocate like
<micahjohnston_> a week
<micahjohnston_> or a month
<micahjohnston_> at a time, to each of those things
<micahjohnston_> so I can get really in depth in them and not be task switching
<micahjohnston_> and do some really focused, high quality work
<micahjohnston_> and then switch so I'm not burnt out on it and so I can do all of them
<alexgordon> have you read pg's essay about "top thoughts"?
<alexgordon> stuff you think about in the shower
<micahjohnston_> I may have
<micahjohnston_> yeah I have
<micahjohnston_> yeah that's another reason
<micahjohnston_> when something is the thing your mind turns to during downtime at school or whatever that is the thing you will get done
<micahjohnston_> I remember being aware of that in 9th grade
<micahjohnston_> I wanted to write a story
<micahjohnston_> but I found myself not always thinking about the plot of it
<micahjohnston_> and so I realized that it was not going to get written
<alexgordon> it's interesting how the compellingness of an idea determines how successful it is. If something is in my head all the time, then I have to devote lots of brain time to it, and I usually end up doing a good job of it
<micahjohnston_> whereas sometimes the opposite is true
<alexgordon> but if I'm getting distracted, yeah it's doomed from the start
<micahjohnston_> yewah
<micahjohnston_> yeah
<micahjohnston_> My wife thinks I'm more forgiving than she is, but my motives are purely selfish.
<micahjohnston_> haha I like that
<alexgordon> I read that out of context and thought you'd gotten married already
<micahjohnston_> hahaha
<alexgordon> mormons eh!
<micahjohnston_> i have a girlfriend but we are both not mormon so you can rest at ease
<alexgordon> wait you found a non mormon gf in utah?
<micahjohnston_> here in the salt lake valley it ain't so bad
<micahjohnston_> provo and st george and stuff are >90% mormon
<micahjohnston_> st george is also like 90% white and very aged
<micahjohnston_> but salt lake was named one of the most gay-friendly cities
<micahjohnston_> and <50% mormon
<micahjohnston_> so still a lot but way less than the rest of utah
<micahjohnston_> :p
<micahjohnston_> actually most of my friends are not mormon, and a significant number are ex-mormon
<alexgordon> 90% white isn't that far off from the UK :P
<alexgordon> actually apparently the UK is 90.94% white
<alexgordon> so… not far off indeed :P
<micahjohnston_> oh wow
<alexgordon> next biggest group is indian
<micahjohnston_> most of my cultural experience of the UK is through things about electronic music over the internet
<micahjohnston_> so I get the impression that there are more black people than there are :p
<alexgordon> haha yeah there's quite a few in london
<alexgordon> and in some of the cities
<alexgordon> but in places like scotland it's very very white
<micahjohnston_> ah
<alexgordon> no slaves :P
<micahjohnston_> haha right :P
<alexgordon> but yeah I didn't know that the indian subcontinent was our largest (non-white) ethnic group
<alexgordon> guess I should have guessed living next to hounslow
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<micahjohnston_> sorry was gone
<micahjohnston_> back
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<devyn> Nuck: screw Rails
<devyn> lol
<purr> lol
<devyn> also, Nuck, whitequark, I learned a bit of Go a while ago
<devyn> it's alright, I guess, but it's not what I was really hoping for
<whitequark> devyn: how's its error handling in practice?
<whitequark> also interested about the builtin strings and maps. usable? quirks?
<whitequark> the thing I like the most is its import/export system. is it as good as it looks like?
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<Nuck> devyn: Like I said, I despise rails. But it's fucking effective, and I can't argue with that. It's boring, it's shitty, it's enormous, and it's *effective*
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<whitequark> wanna a challenge?
<whitequark> q=->((p,*r)){p&&(l,g=r.partition{|e|e<=p}.map(&q));[*l,*p,*g]}
<whitequark> make it shorter, any language you want except K, J and APL (because I'm a dick)
<whitequark> 60: q=->((p,*r)){l,g=p&&r.partition{|e|e<=p}.map(&q);[*l,*p,*g]}
<alexgordon> whitequark: what does it do/
<whitequark> alexgordon: that is a part of the challenge
<alexgordon> I hereby invent a language where the program "X" does whatever that does
<alexgordon> ;)
<whitequark> that's a degenerate case
<whitequark> use real-world languages, say from first 50 of TIOBE index
<whitequark> or actually just any from TIOBE.
<whitequark> alexgordon: that's quicksort actually
<alexgordon> oh ok
<whitequark> ... in ruby
<alexgordon> qsort() ?
<whitequark> alexgordon: same
<whitequark> you can cheat but it's boring
<whitequark> and not a challenge actually
<whitequark> so don't.
<alexgordon> lol
<purr> lol
<alexgordon> well you're cheating by depending on the whole of the ruby interpreter
<whitequark> alexgordon: ok I'll be more specific. use any language from TIOBE index, don't use any builtin sort functions.
<whitequark> or external, i.e. nonstandard library code.
<whitequark> (I've even removed the J/K/APL clause)
<whitequark> it should be quicksort, it should accept an array and return an array
<whitequark> it can mutate the array or create a new one
<Nuck> So, I just watched Anamanaguchi DJ on
<Nuck> I love this site.
<vil> Nuck: I was in a room with Knife Party a few weeks ago
<vil> t'was pretty cool
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<Nuck> Hey guys, do any of you know an algorithm for propogating a change up an inheritance tree?
<whitequark> Nuck: huh?
<alexgordon> Nuck: huh?
<Nuck> Like, let's say I've got A inheriting B inheriting C, and there's also Foo and Bar with similar inheritances to A, well, if C changes, A, Foo and Bar all need to be updated with the new info
<Nuck> This is easiest implemented at runtime, but not feasibly so on this scale, I'd say — we're talking potentially 50+ tags all to flatten down before a page can load
<whitequark> wat are you talking about
<alexgordon> Nuck: what
<alexgordon> Nuck: so C is your base class?
<Nuck> hehe I'm making a recursive tagging system where an Item can be tagged with, say, 5 tags, but those 5 tags are also tagged with more tags, and then so on
<Nuck> It's not classes, it's inheritance
<whitequark> you need a nested set of associations
<Nuck> Well, more importantly, the requirements are very different
<whitequark> and also to be put in a mental institution
<alexgordon> Nuck: has probate been granted yet?
<Nuck> alexgordon: probate?
<Nuck> Yes, I'm crazy, but this is a UX idea I've had bouncing around and goddammit I wanna make it happen
<Nuck> I mean, if I can get the time of execution down within a reasonable period, then I can do this at runtime and that'd be awesome
<alexgordon> Nuck: so you have a tree basically
<Nuck> alexgordon: Basically, yeah
<Nuck> And I need to flatten it either within a reasonable time or in a manner which doesn't cause my database to explode
<whitequark> Nuck: nested set
<whitequark> spaghetti stack has nothing to do with that
<alexgordon> it was more the picture
<Nuck> Well spaghetti stack looks like it could have applications in certain situations related to mine, but not precisely mine
<alexgordon> Nuck: I have basically no comprehension of what you're doing, but... avoid redundancy
<whitequark> don't ever listen to him
<alexgordon> lol
<purr> lol
<whitequark> if it's an RDBMS, denormalize
<whitequark> it's the only way to make it fast, basically
<whitequark> if it's mongodb, fuck off.
<alexgordon> redundancy is the enemy of all things good and proper
<whitequark> ... says a person who clearly never had to deal with a slow SQL query.
<alexgordon> heh, now I *know* that's not true
<Nuck> whitequark: Hmmm the nested set looks very applicable but I'm worried it's not nearly as applicable to a system of child-parent relationships instead of parent-child relationships
<alexgordon> I dislike RDBMSs anyway
<alexgordon> files FTW!
<Nuck> Honestly I would use a graph database for this in the ideal
<Nuck> Just traverse it at runtime
<alexgordon> graph database lol not that again
<purr> lol
<Nuck> I really want a fucking graph database okay?
<Nuck> This is exactly why.
<alexgordon> just write the damn thing in C++ and store the data in a bunch of files. What could possibly go wrong
<Nuck> Yeah Nested Set won't work
<Nuck> The problem is, nested set is designed for folder-like relationships, where you traverse from broad to narrow
<Nuck> But I'm designing the opposite — a traversal from narrow to broad
<alexgordon> I much prefer traversing narrows
<whitequark> Nuck: hm