ec: i'm not the progenitor but i've taken it over
ec: there's tons of open issues, but the biggest one is probably performance right now
ugh I'm the worst person to ask to do that
you must be new here.
lol ok there's other things
I'm notorious for being an idiot who thinks performance is meaningless
have you *seen* my programming language
it takes like two minutes to run hello-world
do you know anything about zsh?
quite a bit, actually
well hm
oh-my-zsh sets all kinds of options that break nvm in all kinds of ways
more than anybody else I know personally, but I don't feel like it's that much
so i have tons of crappy code that detects the options i know about, unsets them, and re-sets them as applicable after an affected operation
oh lord really?
yeah that's zsh for real. omz is kinda the worst.
but i'm sure there's a better way to say "for the scope of this function, disable all the stupid things omz does"
the catch is that nvm isn't run in a subshell, it's sourced in the current shell
yeah I noticed
so i have to leave the opts as nvm found them
was going to say ‘wouldn't a subshell solve that’
also being a separate binary would solve it
can you reduce all the current-shell code to a wrapper that invokes a subshell containing the rest?
that reduces your compatibility surface-area
but refactoring nvm to be 1% shell 99% subshell/binary is a massive project
yeah that's what i'd have to do
if i did that, i'd be able to write the 99% in bash instead of posix, which would be dreamy
but that seems very overwhelming
okay, why refactor it *all* now, instead of writing a wrapper *now*, that leaves the rest of nvm as-is
i'm open to suggestions
I'd say don't do a separate *binary*, so to speak. Still invoke in the current shell.
If *nothing else*, that keeps language features / conventions consistent across the entire codebase
the main requirements are: 1) works on ksh/dash/sh/zsh/bash, 2) can be installed with git, curl, or wget. 3) doesn't have any wonky permission issues
if you **do** do so, either do it in Node (since it's freaking nvm), or do it in Go or something blazing fast.
(off the top of my head)
the problem is that nvm has to work in an env with no node
because it's used to install it in the first place
yeah, go gives you widely-compatible, standalone binaries, so that's nice
I hate go, personally, but, seems ideal for this sort of thing
i'm not stoked on the idea of writing it in go
lol ditto
i'd prefer shell, or JS
* ec
okay so this is getting ridiculous, but,
can you pre-package node with some Node code into a single universal package / binary, use that to install, and then wipe it out?
like 0.10 lts or something
I've never tried to package node, so I genuinely don't know how pain-in-the-ass it'd be
that's a nonstarter i think
* ec
just examining all the options.
nvm also powers all of travis-ci's node tests
so it has to be easy to deliver to their docker images
and ideally lightweight
short of that, I think the best option *is* to write a wrapper that invokes the rest of nvm inside the same shell the wrapper's running in, but with sh-compatibility options enabled
basically, not looking for a new binary, but trying to get sh-world anyway.
yeah lol dealing with that rn actually
:-p PRs and suggestions welcome whenever you're in the mood
it's relatively stable right now and the big things i need to work on for it aren't terribly pressing
nuck: you should look at zgen; it's very similar to your impl, maybe a tad bit more robust … and is somebody else's code, so you don't have to maintain it thereafter :P
imo ‘Somebody else already wrote the thing I wrote a while back, but a bunch of other people now actually *maintain* it!’ is one of the happiest feels you can get as a programmer
and also you can come in here and yell at me if it doesn't do what you want, because I'm now intimately familiar with it :P
I think when I wrote zilsh it was pretty much just Antigen or OMZ
And Antigen was all kinds of weird
* ec
I'm pretty proud of how clean the zilsh code turned out
And yeah, deleting code you wrote and adopting somebody else's is amazing
On HB's ongoing rewrite, just a couple days ago I replaced my custom deserialization + controller/helper framework with a gem
ruby )'=
eligrey has joined #elliottcable
Ey, it's popular and we can build things really fast with it
Like, I've got probably a fifth of hte site done in 200 LOC
I expect the final site will be about 600 LOC
STILL no snow here
Chicago, you are not yourself this winter
I looooove Ruby
How's the polar vortex looking
that was sad because I miss it, not sad because it's bad
I'm debating whether to try deploying on Rubinius too
rubinius <'3
Real threads, lack of GIL
Could really make our server *scream*
The big question for me is... how long before it gets that sexy safe-call operator
We're gonna use that so much
oh lol like cd's ?.
drives me nuts that they went with &.
that's the ugliest, dumbest one, ugh
It kind of is
can't remember if I posted in that thread? I think I did?
It could be worse
but nobody listened to be if so, as usual
I mean, it could be ->
Like PHP
I think I'm not loud enough to contribute to proglang design, maybe that's why I just work on my own
it's like Node and the globals-in-modules thing ಠ_ಠ
or CommonJS
geeze, I'm still butthurt over that
I'm still waiting for Node to switch to ES6 stuff
It's hard to take it seriously when it's now got so many "losing team" parts. sure, it was the cause of the creation of most of the "winning teams"
But CommonJS has now lost to ES6 modules, callbacks are losing to promises
… has now lost? wat
Not saying the new winners are better, just that it's clear they're winning now
promises are used extremely heavily in nodeworld; CJS require has *completely* won (almost everybody hates ES6 modules, unfortunately),
nuck: what do you mean "switch to ES6 stuff"
clear to who, where, wtf
ES6 modules don't exist yet.
they aren't a thing, and nobody is using them
they're just using import/export and using magic fairy dust to change them into require()
AMD is dead, 6-modules are a toy at the moment, basically
AMD is definitely dead
require() and browserify has Won™, at least for the near future
ljharb: It's true, everybody is compiling them
the loader spec isn't finished
so there's literally nothing else you could do yet
But I'd say that ES6 module syntax is pretty much taking over
somewhat. once the loader spec is finished we'll see how babel adapts.
It's guaranteed a decisive win once the spec is finalized
well. not necessarily.
but it's likely, especially if the community tends to avoid named exports
Both the Ember and React communities have latched onto ES6 modules
but react already latched onto "class" and is now moving away from it
to functional stateless components
Really? Didn't know they were moving away from it already
Ember is planning to adopt the ES6 class syntax, they just have to slowly dial back their own class system
I'm excited to see decorators likely happening in ES2016, that'll be useful
Ember also adopted Promise really well, and to what you said about "used heavily" ec
embers core maintainers are on the committee with me, and were big advocates of "class", so naturally they'll be using it
The entire stdlib needs a wrapper to put it in Promise mode
like what?
the language has no concept of async prior to promiess
The callback stuff?
that's node, not JS
Yeah I meant for node
but yeah node core is unlikely to use promises anytime soon.
He said "promises are used extremely heavily in nodeworld"
And I'm like "Yeah but they're a second-class citizen"
How hard would it be for them to just do if (!callback) use promises
I understand they're being cautious and the stdlib wrappers are pretty mature now so they have less motivation
But honestly it's just going to lead to fragmentation
soon / ever
Node is fine and doesn't need to change.
it's *tiny*, and *stable*, and that's *good*.
I'm worried about streams, in fact; I think they're too big and bloated. I wish they weren't in Node at all, and were a big, commonly-used framework/library that wrapped low-level Node primitives.
I'm *happy* that all the FS primitives took a very simple, efficient pattern and stuck with it; letting us do all the work of wrapping or mutating it.