alexgordon changed the topic of #elliottcable to: slash-𝕯𝖊𝖓-𝖔𝖋-𝕯𝖊𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖉-𝕯𝖆𝖒𝖘𝖊𝖑𝖘 || #ELLIOTTCABLE is not about ELLIOTTCA
<ec> hi, incomprehensibly
<pikajude> i bought $200 jeans
<pikajude> i did it!
<jfhbrook> ahahahaha
<jfhbrook> lookit you go!
<jfhbrook> what possessed you to do that?
<pikajude> i haven't had raws in awhile
<pikajude> just ended up at nordstrom because my friend wanted to go to the mall
<pikajude> and apc denim is super nice
<ec> I have a pair of rag & bones
<ec> that are the second-most-compfortable thing that's ever touched my body
<ec> but unfortunately they're TINY
<ec> I bought them at my lowest low ever, assuming I was on a roll and would be much lower
<ec> turned out nope I immediately started gaining and haven't recovered since
<pikajude> lel
<pikajude> i barely fit into these, i'm banking on them stretching a bit
<pikajude> cause i'm not getting any smaller
<pikajude> squat lifestyle
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<alexgordon> ec: yo
<ec> o7
<ec> kill me
<alexgordon> LOL
<alexgordon> oops
<alexgordon> *lol
<ec> my last few tweets are all copy-pasta from friends
<ec> so don't ask me, I don't understand either
<alexgordon> how drunk are your friends?
<alexgordon> or high
<ec> zero drunk
<ec> i don't really drink
<ec> *he says next to `N` ten thousand dollars of scotch*
<ec> they're so good!!
<ec> too pure for this world
<ec> re; fat animals, from; the sayer thereof
<alexgordon> it's good that animals haven't discovered dieting
<alexgordon> I have to sleep now.........
<alexgordon> .............if I don't sleep I will sleep
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