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<Sync> azonenberg: my prof told me to try regular photoresist for pcbs
<Sync> it should work pretty good
<azonenberg> regular resist?
<azonenberg> define regular
<Sync> as in the stuff you buy in the electronics store to coat your pcbs
<azonenberg> as opposed to cmos grade?
<azonenberg> it'd be cheaper for sure
<Sync> yeah, he said for our structure sizes and general conditions it is not neccessary to get professional resist
<azonenberg> what are yo utrying to do ?
<azonenberg> i've done 5 micron features with pcb resist :p
<Sync> nothing special, just had a chat with him after the lecture
<azonenberg> basically, pcb resist isnt trace metal grade
<azonenberg> but for anything non-cmos it should be fine
<Sync> trying to do cmos will require some serious effort
<Sync> the worst enemies are Ni and Au
<azonenberg> How about K and Na :P
<Sync> Ni diffuses through Si at room temp
<Sync> that caused some headaches here
<azonenberg> or, heaven forbid, Li
<azonenberg> Si(Li) EDS detectors cant even be turned on at above cryogenic temps :P
<Sync> yeah but you don't have those on your tweezers :P
<azonenberg> oh
<azonenberg> wait, you were using Ni-plated tweezers to handle chips
<azonenberg> and that caused problems? o_O
<Sync> yes
<Sync> it ruined the wafer
<azonenberg> Did you do any high-temp processing on it?
<Sync> we were wondering why our HEMTs were so slow
<Sync> no
<Sync> they were just sitting around
<azonenberg> wow
<azonenberg> i was going to say, it would make sense if you had heated it
<azonenberg> but at room temp, wow
<Sync> just from the edge handling
<azonenberg> The entire wafer?
<azonenberg> or just dies near it
<Sync> it was distributed through the whole wafer
<azonenberg> Wow
<azonenberg> over how long
<Sync> not equally but still
<azonenberg> diffuison over that much of a distance must take a while at room temp through solids, right?
<Sync> I suspect a few weeks
<azonenberg> And how did you trace it to Ni contamination?
<azonenberg> its a heavy metal, i wouldnt expect it to diffuse that fast
<Sync> we looked at every process step
<azonenberg> Na or K i could understand
<Sync> because it just did not make sense that the devices were so slow
<Sync> so it HAD to be metal contamination
<Sync> but we could not see why
<azonenberg> So more to the point, when you changed tweezers
<Sync> and then we did one wafer being anal no metal came in contact with
<azonenberg> did the problem go away?
<Sync> and it worked
<Sync> yes
<azonenberg> wow
<azonenberg> And you're sure it was Ni
<azonenberg> rather than, say, K contamination on that particular pair of tweezers?
<Sync> those were Ni plated stainless tweezers only used to handle wafers
<Sync> in our flowbench
<azonenberg> Did you do any testing on those tweezers, i mean
<azonenberg> to confirm
<Sync> we put them in the ultrasonic cleaner and tried again
<Sync> and it still failed
<azonenberg> Hmm, interesting
<azonenberg> because i'd believe it was metal contamination
<Sync> so we are pretty confident that it is ni
<azonenberg> but i'm skeptical that it's the actual tweezer metal
<azonenberg> as opposed to a contaminant
<azonenberg> Is Ni known to diffuse at room temp?
<azonenberg> it just seems counterintuitive that something so heavy would diffuse from momentary contact at room temperature with no high-temp processing
<azonenberg> if you had a metal chip on the wafer and put it in a furnace i could understand
<azonenberg> through a whole wafer no less ,rather than just the dies near where it was handled
<Sync> it was strange
<Sync> we did not really investigate after we found the issue
<Sync> it seems the selfdiffusion rate is around 10^-8m²/s
<Sync> it was a really strange problem
<azonenberg> i mean for B and P i'm used to hearing of tens of minutes to hour diffusions at 1200C
<azonenberg> and thats for a few microns
<azonenberg> i wouldnt expect horizontal diffusion through several cm of Si to take place at room temp at any appreciable rate
<azonenberg> as opposed to if you were diffuisng in through the surface from contamination in a bath etc
<Sync> plz wait, I have to start my process
<azonenberg> Does your lab have a rule about only CMOS-grade resist on the coaters?
<azonenberg> the cleanroom here does
<Sync> I don't think so
<Sync> I suspect that there was some thermal process after that.
<azonenberg> after you handled them?
<Sync> just reading some protocols again
<azonenberg> And was there an RCA clean first? :P
<azonenberg> if not, there's your problem :P
<Sync> we always hf dip, priahna, ozone and hf dip wafers before every process
<azonenberg> is piranha good at trace metals?
<azonenberg> i'm used to using RCA-2 for that
<Sync> we ususally have no trace metal on the surfaces
<azonenberg> well you did this time
<azonenberg> which is why i'm asking
<Sync> we used wafers from the same carrier
<Sync> and the same prep
<Sync> and after we changed the tweezers it was fine
<Sync> aha.
<Sync> the wafers had some heating done to them in the 400-600°C range but not all of them where we made lifetime measurements
<azonenberg> and were they cleaned before that?
<azonenberg> if not, there's your problem
<Sync> and in those that were kept at room temperature it was less pronounced
<Sync> yes they have gone through our regular process
<azonenberg> RT diffusion i would expect little to none, 600C is significant
<azonenberg> no, i mean during the lifetime measurements
<azonenberg> were they cleaned before going in the oven?
<Sync> yes
<azonenberg> Your clean sucks :P
<Sync> so how does that explain the bad lifetime on the wafers that were just stored for further processing?
<Sync> :P
<Sync> something strange was going on obv.
<soul-d> so no NERD_N_130F in mail yet :( would expected this revision in stock since it was used as example
<azonenberg> soul-d: Lol
<soul-d> no complaint information either
<soul-d> can't even complain
<azonenberg> Yeah, the resellers have a habit of taking a long time
<azonenberg> and if you go to the vendor you have to wait for the 9-month factory lead time plus many years of firmware updates
<azonenberg> why cant they just ship with full firmware images from the factor???
<azonenberg> factory*
<soul-d> you might want to include an age code :P
<soul-d> _xxJ would be comon on chips to
<azonenberg> soul-d: standard JEDEC date code will be included in the packaging information section
* azonenberg is date code 9033 :P
<soul-d> anhow would expected beter then 30 mA but i should probably focus on measureing the resitance maybe put in a coil of few can's and get rid of paint of it first
<azonenberg> what is this apparatus?
<soul-d> target is generating oxigen
<azonenberg> i see a red bull can and a hose, that can't be good
<soul-d> outer can is -
<Sync> wat. pressure just went through the roof in thermal cleaning
<soul-d> adn the can is the sacrificial one
<soul-d> should gerate oxigen if im correct :P
<soul-d> outer can should generate hydrogen and be protected a bit but did read metal can have hydrogen somthign failure and become brittle
<Sync> hydrogen embrittlement
<Sync> but that is not going to be a problem there
<Sync> mostly pronounced when welding
<soul-d> and i want to oxdize copper :P to cuprous oxide or somthing so don't realy expect much since i doubt reaction happens quick but formula din't mention heat or something
<soul-d> now i only have to figure out how to increase current to reasonably test it
<Sync> how about just heating copper?
<soul-d> no thats the black oxide
<soul-d> i want the red one cuprous (i) oxide
<soul-d> one is CuO other is Cu2O
<Sync> ah yes true
<soul-d> im doing it to learn an do some chemistry ofcourse i could probable buy most stuff cheaply
<Sync> bah
<Sync> goddamn machine
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