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<mosquito520> AstralixNB: Hi:)
<AstralixNB> Hi!
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<mosquito520> 333
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<arokux> mosquito520: 333?
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<mosquito520> mistyping:)
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<ssvb> anybody got Lenovo IdeaPad A10 already?
<moofree> are those rk3188 based? fancy
<moofree> dhl delivered my s7800b yesterday, today i need to find a replacement power adapter for it- china junk.
<arokux> ssvb: Lenovo was so nice to publish kernel sources
<moofree> tempted to throw picuntu on it to see if i can easily switch from hdmi to lvds
<moofree> 3.0.36+ i guess?
<ssvb> arokux: do you know if the bootloader and kernel are easily replaceable?
<arokux> ssvb: no idea. the bootloader is a blob.
<ssvb> heh, these devices have just shown up in local shops
<ssvb> now it would be nice to know if android can be replaced by linux without fighting too much :)
<ssvb> moofree: only 800x480 screen resolution in this netbook from aliexpress? what are you going to use it for?
<moofree> typical crappy arm netbook stuff- not much really
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<moofree> it might not ever be used, but linux-sunxi is getting pretty advanced so who knows
<moofree> it just piqued my interest when i was looking through the mess of quasi-identical chinese tablets
<arokux> ssvb: you better get radxa for hacking.
<ssvb> arokux: I have more than enough development boards :(
<ssvb> now I want a usable lightweight travel netbook to replace my aging atom
<arokux> ssvb: how can be Linux distro be interesting on a tablet anyways?
<ssvb> tablet?
<arokux> ssvb: oh, Lenovo IdeaPad A10 is a netbook.. sorry, I've thought it is a tablet.
<moofree> lenovo a10 is an android netbook
<moofree> :P
<arokux> i didn't know it can be put like this.
<arokux> does it have touchscreen?
<moofree> sure
<arokux> nice
<ssvb> maybe that's the first practically useful arm hardware for running x11 desktop on it :)
<moofree> hopefully lenovo didn't lock the bootloader ;)
<ssvb> yes, that's my primary concern
<ssvb> and I also need to first have a look at it in the store before buying (to make sure that it does not fail in the same way as the arm chromebooks)
<arokux> ssvb: how do arm chromebooks fail?
<ssvb> the keyboard has way too few keys and the sd card slot is crappy (the card is sticking halfway out when inserted, making the device not really transportable with the sd card inside of it)
<arokux> ssvb: who needs sd cards these days? :)
<ssvb> the one who needs some storage for his linux rootfs
<ssvb> 16GB of built-in emmc is way too small
<arokux> ssvb: on the go hacking netbook :)
<arokux> ssvb: ah...
<arokux> ssvb: now I get it.
<moofree> i wonder if they make half-sized sdcards for chromebooks
<arokux> the sdcard slots are probably there to download your pics, not for extending storage
<moofree> "use the cloud for that" the old adage :\
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