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<ikarus> but meh, I really just want to figure out who they ripped off, so I can just throw a sane kernel and perhaps an android image, or else a proper Linux on it if I can have HW accelerated decoding working
<karlp> I just want to get _a_ regular linux on it, but ideally keeping the existing android at least until I know how to fix things or put stock firmware back on
<naobsd> jcarlos: just use zImage file and don't care what file command said. file command does nothing while booting
<ikarus> karlp: well, yes, I agree on being able to put back the original disro on it
<ikarus> Although I'd rather have an upgraded one....
<karlp> I haven't used the standard one enough to have any complaints really
<karlp> I've got this for two purpsoes, one to evaluate what the available android roms are like for actual media stuff ona tv
<ikarus> karlp: HW acceleration and wifi is so broken on mine that it is hilarious :)
<karlp> and two, what the experience of getting linux on to it to use as an embedded platform
<karlp> wifi works, no idea about hw accel for mien
<naobsd> karlp: no rooting nor CWM is needed to flash/run Linux on RK device. (I know some distro enforce it)
<naobsd> (I'm talking general thing, not about specific distro)
<karlp> naobsd: ok, so I've got rkflashtool working, and I used it to flash a cwm binary,
<karlp> any hints on next steps then to get a regular linux (any distro at all) on it?
<karlp> but hoping to avoid rebuilding all of it myself
<naobsd> changing usb mode (mtp/mass storage) is also not necessary
<karlp> so I've at least worked out hwo to use adb to switch into recovery/bootlaoder
<naobsd> is there any button/key/switch on your device?
<karlp> and yeah, that got me out of trying to use virtualbox and the windows tools
<karlp> no,
<naobsd> oh
<ikarus> naobsd: I am slightly more interested in backing up the original image + kernel right now and figuring out the exact clone source
<karlp> I've got the one from here: http://www.freaktab.com/showthread.php?4126-ANOTHER-CLONE!-UG802_9-or-UG80x-Stock-ROM-now-available
<karlp> but it's ok, adb can happily get me to reboot recovery or reboot bootloader,
<karlp> I just dont know what to do from there.
<karlp> (short of rebuilding everything like that linnux.autostatic.com link does)
<naobsd> oops, no OTG port? no "Connect to PC" function?
<naobsd> hmm? is adb working? sorry, I have no time to read all posts in that thread
<karlp> I have adb working yes
<karlp> that thread is mainly about the hardware and getting a "better" android rom on it as far as I can tell anyway, which is not really my goal
<naobsd> karlp: then you can get bootloader mode by "adb reboot bootloader"?
<karlp> yep
<karlp> and then rkflashtool works from linux
<karlp> and I can flash "stuff" and get a broken android,
<karlp> and I reflash the CWM recovery.img I have and reboot recovery and get the cwm menu
<karlp> so I'm pretty happy that I have the _tools_ in place,
<naobsd> ikarus: backup can be made on adb shell. rkflashtool can be used too.
<karlp> nwo I need to find the write files to actually write :)
<naobsd> karlp: ah, sorry, I misread something
<karlp> no problem :)
<karlp> I have the original parameters dump via rkflash tool saved too,
<ikarus> naobsd: and which bits should be copied ? I'm never 100% certain because I can never quite figure out the flash layout and such
<naobsd> ikarus: which bits are you thinking to modify?
<naobsd> CWM may be handy
<ikarus> naobsd: I want to toss on initially a new kernel (to see if that fixes the HW accel issues while keeping Android), else go for a proper Linux and hope I can convince the Mali-400 HW accel stuff to work :(
<karlp> so if I get a rootfs on a µSD card, do I put a regular linux kernel in recovery to do dualboot thing?
<naobsd> well, sorry, breakfast time just now
<karlp> about bed time here :)
<ikarus> ah, yes, sleep
<ikarus> that's a thing
<karlp> ok, got cwm doing a "backup" of my device as it is now.
<karlp> then I should in some sort of theory be able to totally replace android with linux and vice versa as long as I leave the recovery image in place right?
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<karlp> none of those threads mention the second usb micro footprint on the board, I'll have to solder one on eventually and see whether it works or not
<karlp> there's a footprint for what looks like an ir receiver too
<ikarus> hmz, just snapped it open, TN-DG08_V2.0 is on the board
<karlp> bleh, cwm thinks it's done backups, but I don't knwo where they've gone
<karlp> they didn't go to the usd card
<karlp> ah, it's on the internal flash
<karlp> apparently usb pc connectivity and wifi can't be on at the same time
<naobsd> karlp: you may need to select something like "backup to external" for SD card
<naobsd> some device uses USB internally for wifi
<naobsd> and most cases it uses USB OTG controller
<naobsd> for internal USB wifi, it must be HOST mode
<naobsd> for connecting PC, it must be SLAVE mode
<naobsd> some other devices uses SD(IO) for wifi
<karlp> yeah, not a big deal,
<naobsd> (and some uses USB HOST controller for internal)
<naobsd> there are 2 ways to store kernel on flash
<naobsd> 1: kernel in kernel partition, ramdisk(rootfs) in boot and recovery partition
<naobsd> 2: kernel+ramdisk in boot and recovery partition
<naobsd> later case, you can use 2 same or different kernel in boot and in recovery
<naobsd> ah, there are 3 ways...
<naobsd> 3: "kernel in kernel and ramdisk in boot" + "kernel+ramdisk in recovery" (you may exchange boot and recovery)
<naobsd> if kernel(+ramdisk) is in boot or recovery partition, it's used (kernel in kernel partition is not used in this case)
<naobsd> then, you want to do something with kernel and/or rootfs things, you should make backup kernel/boot/recovery
<naobsd> if you just want to modify /system on Android, you should make backup of system
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<naobsd> whole backup will be better. if you have official stock(update) rom image for your device (really for your device, not "it seems to work on my device" thing)
<naobsd> official image is the backup, no need to make backup.
<karlp> well, it was sold as a ug802, but apparently isn't, so I'll just take the backup I made via cwm as the "stock" backup
<karlp> so for "dualboot" I want to put an image in recovery (will need manual adb reboot recovery to enter that mode)
<naobsd> product name labeled by shop is not so reliable ;)
<karlp> and that image needs to be a combined kernel+ramfs
<karlp> that is capable of loading the rest of the rootfs from an sdcard/external usb storage
<karlp> is that right?
<naobsd> rest of partitions are untouched for android, right?
<naobsd> and you have linux kernel compiled from source?
<karlp> not at this point
<karlp> just still trying to understand how the pieces fit together
<naobsd> boot args are written in parameter and passed to kernel. stock android kernel use it to mount rootfs
<naobsd> you need to do something to change where is rootfs
<karlp> what do you use to write parameter with?
<naobsd> recompiling kernel with proper config option is one of "something" to do
<naobsd> recompiling kernel with proper config option is one of "something" to ignore boot args in parameter
<karlp> true enough,
<naobsd> parameter can be changed by rkflashtool or RKAndroidTool.exe
<naobsd> changed -> reflashed
<karlp> as long as you have the memory maps of where the parameter file is...
<naobsd> it's offset 0
<karlp> and I got that from a rkflashtool dump, 0 0x2000 or something
<karlp> and those recovery/kernel/boot names all correspond to mtdX numbers right?
<naobsd> there are (probaby)5 copies on 0x0-0x2000 area
<naobsd> if 1st copy of parameter(offset 0) is broken, 2nd is used, and if...
<naobsd> if your NAND is fine, just reflash parameter at offset 0 (1st copy) should be enough. RKAndroidTool.exe and any other RK official flash tool always flash 5 times automatically.
<karlp> right, this is starting to make more sense...
<naobsd> (5 may be incorrect, I'm not sure for now)
<naobsd> about mtdX number
<naobsd> it depends on described order in mtdparts=XXX
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<naobsd> "parameter" partition is added as 1st partition automatically when it's recovery boot (=numbers are shifted by 1)
<naobsd> you should use "name" not "number"
<naobsd> I made small script to make /dev/block/mtd/by-name/* as like as Android(/init)
<naobsd> you can find it http://androtab.info/rockchip/multiboot/ multiboot.img (it's /functions/rkinit in this ramdisk image)
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<naobsd> it refers /sys/class/mtd/mtd[0-9]*/name
<karlp> ahh nice
<naobsd> (/proc/mtd also tells number <-> name map, but it needs some commands to extract it)
<naobsd> my multiboot ramdisk ignores rootfs information in parameter
<naobsd> (more accurately, it does nothing for boot command in parameter due to my lazyness)
<naobsd> with stock parameter and kernel, it always run /init in ramdisk(boot or recovery)
<naobsd> so I just replaced /init which does "mount some device as new rootfs and run new init in it"
<naobsd> "mount some device or some rootfs image file"
<naobsd> so I don't change parameter nor kernel config with it
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<jcarlos> naobsd: I have read your instructions for multiboot ramdisk for Rockchip (http://androtab.info/rockchip/multiboot/) and I have a question. What can I do if my android kernel (extracted from boot.img or recovery.img is greater than my kernel partition?
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<naobsd> jcarlos: enlarge kernel partition, or repack boot(or recovery) image as kernel+ramdisk image
<naobsd> how large?