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<mosquito520> Astralix1: ping~~~~
<Astralix1> Hi!
<mosquito520> Hi, Did you find me couple days before? :p
<Astralix1> Everything fine for you?
<Astralix1> Nope, I was quite busy
<mosquito520> well... a little busy this couple days:D
<Astralix1> Yes, sure, that's normal I guess
<Astralix1> I had some questions, but I do not recon what they where, actually...
<mosquito520> for example?
<Astralix1> Ah, yes, one question was, if there is a kernel out and available that works for KitKat.
<Astralix1> I guess RK will use 3.0.56 or such for it
<mosquito520> RK already release kitkat SDK 2 or 3 days before
<mosquito520> But I did not receive it yet, so I don't know the kernel version:p
<Astralix1> So there are chances that it will become available soon.
<mosquito520> hm~ sorry? available for what???
<Astralix1> For porting KitKat to other devices
<mosquito520> ye, it's should be available in recently:)
<Astralix1> Still trying to get the LCD on my RK3066 tablet running. It is a pretty wierd one.
<mosquito520> and the SDK is for RK3188, so others should be soon, I guess:)
<Astralix1> Porting in the 3066 is much less work than porting MALI and other closed source parts to accept KitKat
<Astralix1> Or porting KitKat to accept old drivers
<Astralix1> We did that successfully for JB 4.2 and CM10.x but it was lots of work
<mosquito520> it did.
<mosquito520> We bought a cheap tablet with rk3026, it's just need 50USD
<mosquito520> and our PM ask me trying to porting SDK to the tablet...Orz
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<mosquito520> ops
<Astralix1> There are rumors that KitKat again is lower in performance requirements, so it should work more acceptable on cheaper hardware
<Astralix1> May be we can get it to work on RK2918 again :)
<Astralix1> But then I need to buy new Lithium Cells for these devices as almost all of them died.
<mosquito520> yes, but single core maybe a little tight....
<mosquito520> you should consider 3026,it's very very cheap=.=
<Astralix1> Yeah and I didn't check for long time about the grafx drivers
<Astralix1> Actually, I use the 10" tablet with the 3066 for normal use and the 2918 are just media-players and testing devices.
<Astralix1> So I do UPnP and home automation on the old ones. I soldered them to take power via USB and pulled the lithiums.
<mosquito520> :) sounds great
<Astralix1> I hate to throw hardware away that works quite well for a certain task only cause theere is newer hardware available.
<mosquito520> I know, but some time it's hard to find a method to use it
<mosquito520> I have 2 MT6577 phone, one is panel broken, other is take a shower, But I've fix it
<Astralix1> Ah, most automation systems base on old ATMEL 160MHz ARMv5 systems. So I am sure that I can use these Tablets quite for a while
<Astralix1> I do some inspections for MTM based phones recently. Horrible GPS
<Astralix1> 6589 Based with 6628 companion for Radio/GPS...
<mosquito520> hm, But home automation in Taiwan is not popularize...
<mosquito520> :(
<mosquito520> I got to take a cig*ate to wake up my head :p
<Astralix1> lol
<Astralix1> I use coffee for that
<Astralix1> but good idea... I need a refill
<mosquito520> I got double beside me, but it's 16:36 here:p
<Astralix1> So, have to leave for the dentists...
<Astralix1> see you later
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<macau> hi all!
<macau> anyone can help me with 3188 and bluetooth issue?
<macau> i have a random mac addr any time when it boots up
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<cyberef> so what is the deal with 3D hardware acceleration on RK3188? Does it work?
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