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<jcarlos> One question, please. Is it possible to reboot to recovery using rkflashtool?
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<karlp> adb reboot recovery?
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<naobsd_> jcarlos: possible, just set "boot-recovery" in misc.img and flash it, then reboot (rkflashtool b). you may try misc-boot-recovery.img in my CWM zip from http://androtab.info/clockworkmod/rockchip/
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<karlp> "set boot-recover" in "misc.img" << more examples of well explained steps.
<karlp> is there some extra manual to have read?
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<naobsd> I talked more than that :(
<karlp> you did, sorry I was probably too terse
<karlp> but still, " just set "boot-recovery" in misc.img and flash it"
<karlp> set x in misc.img
<karlp> wat?
<naobsd> I talked more
<karlp> you mentioned trying misc-boot-recovery and how to do the reboot from flashtool,
<karlp> I'm talking about how on earth you actually set some otion in misc.img
<karlp> you unpack it first presumably?
<karlp> and then is that a file in ??? i the unpackaed image?
<karlp> or a parameter in a file?
<karlp> or what?
<naobsd> did you see misc-boot-recovery.img???
<karlp> if I follow the links, I can eventually get RK30GENERIC_CWM.zip, whcih contains misc-boot-recovery.img
<karlp> but that still doesn't say how to "set boot-recovery in misc.img"
<karlp> and really, reboot into recovery, is rkflashtool the right tool for that?
<naobsd> please see misc-boot-recovery.img
<karlp> which needs to be unpacked first?
<karlp> this is what >I mean by extremely terse instructions
<karlp> there's far too many missing steps for people that aren't you
<naobsd> jcarlos asked "Is it possible to reboot to recovery using rkflashtool?". I just answered about it. I never said rkflashtool is right tool or not.
<karlp> what I said was your instructions for doing so are extremely terse, with many missing steps
<naobsd> for example, you can see by "hexdump -C misc-boot-recovery.img"
<naobsd> it's not only way to "see"
<naobsd> and I have no time to explain "all way" or "right way" or something like that
<karlp> I can _see_it, but the step "set blah in img" is virtually impossible for anyone to work out without extra information from somewhere
<karlp> well I can't find it on androtab.info either
<naobsd> ok
<jcarlos> karlp: naobsd: rkflashtool is the right tool to boot to recovery when you are in bootloader mode and want to reboot to recovery mode, avoiding to boot in normal mode.
<naobsd> I'm a fool, I don't know "how to explain" which can understand everyone
<naobsd> I didn't write a page about misc-boot-recovery.img because I didn't know someone want to know about misc-boot-recovery.img today
<naobsd> I have no skill to see things happen in future :(
<karlp> and it is unfair of me to pick on you, you hav ea generally excellently documented webpage :)
<karlp> that comment was however a shining example of the terror of xda-developer talk for people who aren't intimately involved in some of these things
<karlp> it's all "just do x"
<karlp> and x is actually 20 steps with 156 undocumented tools from 45 different websites
<karlp> I apologise for singling you out.
<karlp> so jcarlos can rkflashtool actually boot to recovery then without reflashing a misc-boot-recovery.img?
<karlp> and if you're in bootloader mode, doesn't fastboot see it? and you can do fastboot reboot recovery instead of adb reboot recovery?
<jcarlos> fastboot in Rockchip bootloader?
<naobsd> if I noticed something which is not documented or not explained well, I try to find/learn more myself
<jcarlos> That's not possible
<jcarlos> Rockchip's bootloader is not uboot
<naobsd> jcarlos: generally you are right, but I found fastboot mode in Asus MeMO Pad 8 some days ago
<jcarlos> Yes, I read about that.
<naobsd> (I never tried any fastboot functions other than "reboot-bootloader")
<jcarlos> But it seems to me like two different bootloaders
<jcarlos> It seems your tablet has those two bootloaders
<naobsd> or new single bootloader which supports both mode, but I have no idea about it
<jcarlos> Yes, it could be :)
<naobsd> some response in RK bootloader mode seems strange. it may be caused by "new bootloader", or "emmc instead of nand"
<jcarlos> karlp: I don't understand what naobsd suggest to boot to recovery using rkflashtool
<karlp> neither did I :)
<jcarlos> karlp: It seems he suggests to flash the misc partition
<naobsd> hmm... misc.img is used to enter recovery in official update
<naobsd> this method is available (at least) from RK2808 to RK31
<jcarlos> naobsd: Mmm. misc.img? Not recovery.img?
<naobsd> probably there is no explanation on my site, it's usual thing from the beginning
<naobsd> and my site is not perfect. I never say I and my site is perfect
<naobsd> recovery.img is recovery program
<naobsd> what you asked and what I answered is "how to call it"
<naobsd> it's misc.img
<jcarlos> Ok. So if I understand you mean that I can flash recovery.img to misc partition and when rebooting using "rkflashtool b" I reboot to recovery
<jcarlos> naobsd: ^
<naobsd> most(probably all) official update.img (for RKBatchTool) contain misc.img. and individual misc.img is provided in most(probably all) official update for RKAndroidTool
<naobsd> no
<naobsd> misc.img is for misc partition, recovery.img is for recovery partition
<naobsd> I didn't mix them
<naobsd> misc for misc, recovery for recovery is normal. I never say swap it.
<naobsd> I just say about misc for misc
<jcarlos> naobsd: But when is that partition used?
<naobsd> there is no undocumented steps
<naobsd> on (re)boot.
<karlp> for setting a value in misc.img, are you just using a hex editor at offset 0x4000?
<naobsd> it's possible with hex editor but I don't use it
<naobsd> please understand
<naobsd> I'm not RK guy. I don't have any official information
<karlp> that's ok, no complaint sthere :)
<naobsd> how I learned is, I just try and see result.
<jcarlos> Yes, I know. But you are very well imformed.
<karlp> is offset 0x4000 just the kernel parameter?
<karlp> kernel cmdline sorry?
<karlp> and if you're not, what _are_ you using for "setting parameters in misc.img"
<jcarlos> karlp: That can throw some light :)
<naobsd> it should be parameter for bootloader, there should be no chance to do anything by kernel
<naobsd> just after (re)boot, before load/run kernel
<jcarlos> naobsd: It seems my misc.img has boot-recovery already there.
<naobsd> and probably "recovery --wipe_all", it does factory reset then reboot automatically
<jcarlos> naobsd: Interesting. Last night I was flashing my recovery partition with a wrong img (no Rockchip ready, I was not using a right mkbootimg).
<jcarlos> I was not able to enter recovery.
<naobsd> (dd if=/dev/zero bs=16384 count=1; echo -n boot-recovery | dd conv=sync bs=16384; dd if=/dev/zero bs=16384 count=1) > misc-boot-recovery.img
<jcarlos> But always my old recovery was fashed automatically (or it seems that to me)
<jcarlos> So "recovery --wipe_all" was the culprit of that behaviour :)
<karlp> so misc-boot-recovery.img (which goes to the misc partition?) is _just_ text?
<naobsd> there might be recovery.img in backup partition, or /system/etc/install-recovery.sh may restore recovery
<jcarlos> Not install-recovery.sh in my official rom
<naobsd> for me, misc.img is not text, it's binary. but I don't think it's important how call it
<karlp> right, but the onl ything it has in it is text at offsets, the rest is all zeros
<karlp> there's no code or anything else in it
<jcarlos> naobsd: So the backup partition propably is "hosting" the recovery.img you refer to
<naobsd> zero is not text for me
<karlp> sure, poor choice of words on my part,
<cyberef> rk30-lcdc rk30-lcdc.1: blank mode:0 <- anyone know why this happens? My screen get blanks 1-2 everytime this shows up
<cyberef> 1-2 sec*
<naobsd> parameter written in misc(.img) does nothing, recovery understand "--wipe_all"
<jcarlos> naobsd: But if my misc partition has boot-recovery, does it mean that "rkflashtool b" reboot to recovery?
<naobsd> "rkflashtool b" just do "reboot"
<naobsd> on (re)boot, RK bootloader read misc
<naobsd> and choose partition to boot
<karlp> and if you have modified misc.img to have boot recovyer, then doesn't it _always_ go to recovery?
<jcarlos> boot-recovery could mean: "first boot, then recovery"?
<naobsd> stock recovery wipes misc partition
<naobsd> "boot-recovery" should be just "go recovery"
<jcarlos> Ah
<naobsd> there should be another command, "update-bootloader"
<naobsd> it's used by official updater
<naobsd> "update-bootloader" command at 0x4000 and bootloader.bin at 0xc000
<jcarlos> Ok, I understand.
<naobsd> probably bootloader read 0xc000 and update(flash) himself
<naobsd> no command in misc, probably bootloader does "first boot, then recovery"
<naobsd> and maybe "then restore recovery from backup"
<naobsd> not sure, but I also saw it was restored when I broke recovery
<jcarlos> naobsd: Only one thing.I did "rkflasboot b" and I reboot to bootloader. I think because my usb cable was connected to my netbook
<jcarlos> If I disconnected it immediately, I suppose I would go to recovery
<naobsd> well
<naobsd> on some device which has "bootloader mode" key
<naobsd> push it with usb connection -> stay bootloder mode / without usb connection -> stay bootloader mode some secs, then boot recovery
<naobsd> I have no idea why it goes bootloader by "rkflashtool b"
<naobsd> probably it goes recovery if you unplug usb
<jcarlos> Well. I'm thinking about that, and perhaps I'm wrong. I don't remember if I did "rkflashtool b" or "adb reboot bootloader"
<jcarlos> Perhaps I did the last
<jcarlos> My memory is failing :(
<naobsd> btw
<jcarlos> I can try now. I can plug USB cable with volume+ pressed. I will go to bootloader. And I can then do "rkflashtool b" to see if it goes to recovery.
<naobsd> "write command for recovery in misc" is not only for RK
<naobsd> there are some(many?) SoC which uses misc partition
<naobsd> "what commands are valid" may vary, but generally it's common thing for Android
<naobsd> RK's recovery is not so different to AOSP recovery
<jcarlos> naobsd: If official updater uses update-bootloader at 0x4000 and bootloader.bin at 0xc000, what's the purpose of the typical RK3188Loader(L)_V1.24.bin file?
<naobsd> there are 2 way to update, by RKXXXTool.exe via USB, and by recovery program
<naobsd> RKXXXTool.exe load RK...bin and send/flash directoly via USB
<jcarlos> Ok
<jcarlos> That's my case
<jcarlos> naobsd: Thank you for all your explanations. Very instructive.
<naobsd> recovery(normal program on Linux/Android kernel) can't touch bootloader area in NAND
<naobsd> but recovery can write command and RK...bin to misc
<jcarlos> naobsd: Everything begins to fit. Thanks again. :)
<naobsd> rkflashtool can't touch bootloader area too, but it should be better not to touch ;)
<naobsd> I really want to add more explanations to my web site
<jcarlos> naobsd: So if I want to update the bootloader from linux I should use rkflashtool and misc parition
<naobsd> if I have more time
<naobsd> I want to take dinner for now
<jcarlos> Ooook
<cyberef> rk30-lcdc rk30-lcdc.1: blank mode:0 <- anyone know why this happens? My screen get blanks 1-2 sec everytime this shows up
<naobsd> jcarlos: probably it will work, but I don't recommend it. if your device has a key to go maskrom mode, then it's ok, easy to reflash bootloader again. but if no key and flashed bootloader does something wrong for USB, you can't reflash again via USB. then you need to open your device ;)
<naobsd> cyberef: sorry, no idea for now. what product do you have?
<cyberef> naobsd, RK3188, MK802 IV
<cyberef> I'm wondering if this is a common problem, running Picuntu 4.5 atm
<naobsd> can you try another HDMI cable or another HDMI monitor? does it happen with any cable/monitor?
<cyberef> naobsd, I have tried it with two different HDMI cables and two different HDMI screens
<cyberef> naobsd, I first thought it was DPMS, but I have disabled that
<naobsd> hmm, no idea...
<cyberef> anyone else here experiencing the same problem?
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<WilsonB> Howdy
<WilsonB> could someone tell me what the best way to back up my t428 with Xubunut flashed on it?
<WilsonB> I updated and configured it, now want to try other flavors, but worked on it for a while.
<WilsonB> How to backup the Roms?
<WilsonB> Anyone?
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