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<mac-> hey guys
<mac-> I wish to buy
<mac-> and use it as my Linux server instead of my old Pentium II 350MHz machine
<mac-> anyone of you did Linux on it ?
<karlp> that's the sort of thing I'm trying to do, but haven't really got all the pieces together yet.
<mac-> I need only Ethernet working
<mac-> don;t care about wifi or bt
<mac-> and USB ofcourse
<mac-> QuadCore, 2GB of RAM
<mac-> really good hardware specs
<mac-> but need Linux on it
<mac-> karlp: you have it ?
<mac-> the K-R42
<mac-> ?
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<karlp> no, but the process of running linux on the rk devices vs android is what I'm interested in
<mac-> hehe
<mac-> so do I
<mac-> how long you're here ?
<mac-> got any help ?
<karlp> some, I'm just idling now, doing other things
<mac-> but you already got the device ?
<karlp> no, I have a different one
<mac-> which one ?
<karlp> ug80x_9, one of the recent clone/copys of the ug802, rk2066
<karlp> 3066 sorry
<mac-> and you didn't run Linux on it yet ?
<karlp> not yet,
<mac-> how long you fight with it ?
<karlp> one night?
<mac-> okay :]
<mac-> heh
<karlp> I've got clockwork mode recovery on it,
<karlp> now it's more a process of what image from where to go next
<karlp> will be slow though, I only have a hdmi tv at work, not at home :)
<mac-> I have HDMI screen at home
<mac-> I've got RK3066 dongle recetly but can do nothing with it when its christmas gift for someone :p
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<karlp> $2 more gets you bluetooth in the t-r42 mac-
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<mac-> I don't need BT
<mac-> :>
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<karlp> not today ;)
<karlp> mac-: this page seems to have some good advice: http://hwswbits.blogspot.com/
<mac-> great thx
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<karlp> anyone know if you can permanently put usb debugging on?
<karlp> my phone does it, but my rk3066 device always leaves it off,
<karlp> and it's a pain when I don't actually have a hdmi tv and stuff to manually do it
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<karlp> it would be ok, but my device doesn't have a recovery button (without opening it up and shorting pisn)
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<karlp> I'm following galland's compiling a kernel blog post, but that was writtena few months ago
<ncrmnt> karlp: There are a bunch of tools on the internets, I've counted at least 4 repos when I started out with 3188. See the commit log.
<karlp> yeah, I was kinda curious if anyone of them were "the future" with people converging on them
<karlp> all seems very haphzard and not updated
<karlp> just new repos :)
<ncrmnt> karlp: So far rockchip is a land of chaos with complete anarchy in repos
<karlp> are you the ncrmnt who was hacking on the stlink? http://ncrmnt.org/wp/2013/05/06/stlink-as-a-serial-terminal/
<karlp> well, more people using the devices, more people can start cleaning things up one by one I guess
<ncrmnt> yep
<karlp> funny how often I keep running into the same people these days :)
<ncrmnt> There aren't many of us doing weird stuff with tech and hanging out in IRC in the evenings ;)
<karlp> :)
<karlp> instead of just to linaro.org?
<ncrmnt> I prefer ct-ng and my own toolchains
<ncrmnt> after running into a few really NASTY issues with prebuilt ones - I prefer building them myself
<karlp> such as?
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<ncrmnt> The chip I was working with had some hacks in userspace headers
<ncrmnt> That defined that very ioctl.
<ktkd> hi all
<ncrmnt> as a result my app acted really weird when crosscompiled with linaro.
<ncrmnt> So as a rule of thumb - when working with a SoC I make a toolchain compiledusing the target's kernel headers
<karlp> which you got from one of 100 mediafire/randomgithub repos?
<ncrmnt> Nope. I have a few general-purpose stable tcs for soft and hardfloat, I use for kernel & uboot stuff, but I generally make a new one when it comes to userspace coding.
<ncrmnt> Besides, sometimes you need particular versions of glibc/gcc/etc. especially when dealing with proprietary blobs.
<karlp> yar, thejoy of joys
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<peter_m> ^karlp: I'm writing this from a K-R42. Get linuxiums infos at starting point. https://plus.google.com/109451178006683865932/posts/9DvTKTy99Yy . Ethernet does not work AFAIK. However, WLAN works.
<karlp> mac-: ^^
<karlp> peter_m: I actually have a ug802 type clone, not an rk3188 type device
<mac-> peter_m: hey man
<mac-> peter_m: then you're saying that pretty possible to run Linux on the device ?
<mac-> Ethernet works, USB works ?
<karlp> mac-: he just said, "Ethernet does not work"
<mac-> ou
<mac-> shit
<mac-> I didn't cacth
<peter_m> I used it for 60 days as my main desktop.
<mac-> in euphoria
<mac-> so bad man
<mac-> ethernet is vital
<mac-> the most important
<mac-> shit ....
<peter_m> keyboards (but not my IBM Model M with my adapter) , mice, sound, harddisks work on USB. Did not try more.
<peter_m> Ethernet is connected via USB "Bus 002 Device 003: ID 0bda:8179 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. " So I think it should be possible to get it running if you compile your own kernel.
<mac-> hmm
<mac-> interesting
<mac-> then in fact Eth is just USB device ...
<mac-> then it will be extremely unstable as USB is shit in fact
<mac-> I have hard drive connected to Raspberry Pi on USB
<mac-> I didn't try to use it for longer time
<mac-> but experienced strange problems with xfs on it
<mac-> xfs just died
<mac-> I had to change to ext3
<peter_m> RPi had known problems with USB. I heard they fixed them. USB implementation is the same in RK3188 as in RPi.
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