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<jcarlos> What's the difference between rkflashtool and fastboot when I want to flash a recovery.img in a RK3188 device? Are both methods using the same protocol?
<jcarlos> Are there advantages using one or another?
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<jcarlos> I'm going to reformulate my question :) Are rk3188 devices compatible with the fastboot protocol or you can only use the rkflashtool tool?
<ncrmnt> jcarlos: As far as I know - only rkflashtool.
<jcarlos> Thanks
<ncrmnt> recovery can do adb sideload stuff
<ncrmnt> But as for NAND flashing, fastboot is implemented in u-boot, and we have none here.
<ncrmnt> I might be wrong though, since I haven't worked with fastboot. Just saw traces of it in u-boot sources and adb.
<jcarlos> But rkflashtool is talking to uboot?
<ncrmnt> jcarlos: No u-boot on rockchip.
<jcarlos> No?
<ncrmnt> Just crippled rockchip's crap they call boot.
<jcarlos> Mmmm
<jcarlos> Mmmm
<ncrmnt> nope, iRom boots ddr init code, then runs bootloader. Both are obtained from IDB section of NAND. For the bootloader it's ugly, hacky as hell.
<jcarlos> ncrmnt: I was talking with a BQ employee and he told me that his bootloader was u-boot
<ncrmnt> Hm...
<jcarlos> I'm going to look for the message.
<jcarlos> It is in Spanish, I think.
<ncrmnt> Word is about u-boot available for rockchip, but rockchip ain't giving it out and noone has the source (strange people)
<jcarlos> ncrmnt: Well. That's another thing.
<ncrmnt> The company I work for have an NDA with rockchip and I can tell you there's NO traces of u-boot out there.
<ncrmnt> May be available by request, we haven't requested that yet, since after seing the kernel code we're not sure whether we'll be pulling off a project based on rockchip.
<jcarlos> So the typical file such as RK3188Loader(L)_V1.24.bin is not u-boot?
<ncrmnt> Nope, just some ugly hacky shit. Behaviour differs
<ncrmnt> it read mtd layout by parsing kernel commandline mtdparts in parameter (sic!)
<ncrmnt> and don't remove 'initrd=...' from there - it screws thing up for the bootloader
<ncrmnt> and it doesn't even try to boot kernel.
<ncrmnt> On some devices it reads 'boot' instead of kernel, and boot can be kernel + initrd in android format (+rkcrc), cramfs, crapfs... whatever. Depends on device
<jcarlos> ncrmnt: I have found the message and I was wrong. He doesn't say his bootloader is based in u-boot.
<ncrmnt> Mine (Pipo M6 Pro 3g) just boots of 'boot' mtd part that's in android format + rkcrced
<ncrmnt> jcarlos: Heh, too bad. So we only have rumors of uboot out there... somewhere.
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<jcarlos> ncrmnt: I suppose my device is one of those you referred to, because my kernel partition is empty :)
<ncrmnt> jcarlos: mine had a kernel there, had kernel in 'boot', recovery and 3 or 4 kernel copies in backup. Took a while to figure out.
<jcarlos> ncrmnt: But if you have a kernel in kernel partition, is that the kernel you boot from?
<ncrmnt> Nooope.
<ncrmnt> That almost drove me nuts when I started out.
<ncrmnt> Turns out I can safely remove kernel mtd part - it's never used
<ncrmnt> Whoever wrote that hell of a bootloader must have been smoking something... heavy.
<jcarlos> Hehehe
<ncrmnt> The sequence in my case is boot, then (if failed) -> all kernels sequentially in 'backup'
<jcarlos> I read that and I thought kernel partition is always taken into account
<ncrmnt> If recovery key is pressed - then kernel in 'recovery' is booted
<ncrmnt> jcarlos: So I was told here. Turns out they are constantly 'innovating' there
<jcarlos> So the 8M in my kernel's device partition are wasted ?
<ncrmnt> yep.
<jcarlos> Good to know
<ncrmnt> For linux I ended up having just boot and rootfs partitions.
<jcarlos> And the info in the URL I pasted is obsolete or simply is not true?
<ncrmnt> It's true. But turns out that not for all devices.
<jcarlos> Well, so perhaps my device has a working kernel partition :)
<ncrmnt> Since Pipo Max M6 Pro 3g (mine) is somewhat new, I'd make a guess that the fact I discovered covers newer devices.
<ncrmnt> Anyway - just try it.
<ncrmnt> Btw, looks like your boot 1.24 is the same as mine.
<ncrmnt> You're lucky, they open up sources.
<jcarlos> Do you mean kernel sources?
<ncrmnt> yep.
<jcarlos> Yes, I know, I have downloaded the sources.
<ncrmnt> For Pipo I had to go register-dumping all the way, and still only halfway through to working KDE4 and debian
<ncrmnt> Also - don't enable earlyprintk and specify console=ttyS0,115200 on the commandline. tty driver hard-locks the system.
<jcarlos> I'm trying to put cyanogenmod 11.0 (kitkat) in my device. But it is the first time I try something like that :)
<ncrmnt> jcarlos: Good luck with that.
<ncrmnt> Not sure if android sources have leaked already.
<jcarlos> I compiled yesterday CM 11.0 for the first time. That was the easy part :D
<jcarlos> Bq Android sources, do you mean?
<ncrmnt> Yep, if they open up those.
<ncrmnt> You'll need to port all the hw-specific stuff to CM
<ncrmnt> To get accelerometers/gyro/on2/mali/whatever
<ncrmnt> AFAIK cameras look like proper v4l, so that should work out of the box.
<jcarlos> But I think that with my stock Android it should be enough
<naobsd> to make things sure, you should try to flash kernel.img to kernel, ramdisk-only boot.img to boot. it should boot for most cases
<naobsd> both kernel.img and boot.img need to be converted properly with rkcrc -k command
<ncrmnt> jcarlos: Good luck - post details somewhere. If you succeed - I'll see if I can make something for PiPo based on your work.
<jcarlos> Well, I'm very newbie with all that, but I will try :)
<ncrmnt> naobsd: Btw, is missing mali stuff from rockchip-3.0 branch a bug or a feature?
<jcarlos> ncrmnt: Nevertheless there are Kitkat 4.4 for Pipo, I think
<ncrmnt> jcarlos: Mine has 4.2.2 onboard. Never saw 4.4 for it.
<naobsd> mali things are provided as binary modules (.ko) in Rockchip SDK
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<naobsd> I'm sure compiled kernel can run fine with stock Android userland with 3D functionality
<ncrmnt> naobsd: I see. For now I switched to Picuntu's kernel tree, that has mali stuff hacked from allwinner, but couldn't get the Xorg working yet.
<ncrmnt> ncrmnt: I'll be porting more recent mali stuff and see if I can run odroid's userspace blobs that look like more recent.
<naobsd> as far as I know, only olegk0 did the work for mali source things for RK https://github.com/olegk0
<jcarlos> ncrmnt: Can you please explain why is better to flash kernel.img to kernel and a ramdisk-only boot.img to boot?
<ncrmnt> Yeah, saw his comments in code. For now all I get with xf86-video-mali is a blinky square where the window should be and the xorg segfaults. And both fbdev and fbturbo are giving me HUGE artifacts while rendering.
<naobsd> olegk0 used odroid's blob at some point, I'm not sure about picuntu
<ncrmnt> naobsd: neither am I since all links to picuntu downloads are broken right now.
<ncrmnt> Btw, looks lile I should have the same mali blobs as olegk0, since they were all handed by rz2k from #linux-sunxi
<naobsd> Allwinner's blob will work on RK as like as ODROID's blob. but I guess no any work nor source thing is done with allwinner.
<naobsd> I think someone just use it
<naobsd> and if you just need Xorg, you may skip mali things (for now)
<ncrmnt> naobsd: Don't thing so. fbdev and fbturbo both give me HUGE artifacts
<ncrmnt> basically if I drag a window it disappears. KDE's oxygen is blinky-messy stuff. gtk looks better, but dragging windows around is still unusable
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<naobsd> can you try stock kernel for your device?
<ncrmnt> With X.org? Never tried that.
<ncrmnt> So far it does look like a bug in rk_fb somewhere(?). Since droid uses mali for most of the stuff getting mali's XAA accel under X should (theoretically) solve that.
<naobsd> oh I didn't know that odroid uses mali for XAA
<ncrmnt> With stock I won't be able to get toucscreen working, since it requires fixing TS CAPS, so that evdev would properly pick it and use it.
<naobsd> what kind of 2D function are provided by mali?
<ncrmnt> AFAIK xf86-video-mali does that.
<ncrmnt> Hold on I'll check the Xorg.log
<naobsd> as far as I know, 2D functions are provided different unit in SoC. there might be something which can be used for 2D in mali, but I'm not sure about it
<ncrmnt> Oops, sorry. EXA
<ncrmnt> EXA: Solid, Copy, Composite
<ncrmnt> AFK
<naobsd> hmm
<naobsd> well
<ncrmnt> So far it looks like get buf 2 gives out nil virt addr, but I haven't found why. Yet. Needs a clear head and a spare evening.
<naobsd> with stock kernel, TS may not work, but you can see GUI with or without artifacts
<ncrmnt> I'll try that tomorrow. Thanks. See you around, bye.
<naobsd> I think sunxi community doesn't use xorg-video-mali, they uses fbturbo
<naobsd> probably no one tried blobs for allwinner with -mali driver
<naobsd> (not sure, I may be wrong)
<naobsd> and they will use lima things at some point
<naobsd> ah, libv and ssvb are here ;)
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<jcarlos> naobsd: Can you please explain why is better to flash kernel.img to kernel and a ramdisk-only boot.img to boot?
<ssvb> naobsd: I'm reading backlog now
<ssvb> naobsd: the -mali driver is just too slow on sunxi hardware for 2d graphics (because of exa abuse)
<ssvb> naobsd: but it does work
<ssvb> oh, ncrmnt has already left the channel...
<ssvb> naobsd: the huge artifacts that ncrmnt got with the fbdev driver (which does not use or need mali btw) are hard to explain
<naobsd> jcarlos: I don't say which is better, I just say it should work
<jcarlos> You said it was a sure way
<naobsd> ssvb: I see, thank you for explanation
<jcarlos> But I would like to know why
<jcarlos> ncrmnt said kernel partition is not used in a lot of rockchip based devices.
<naobsd> I thought you think kernel partition can't be used without trying it
<jcarlos> Ahh
<jcarlos> Ok, ok
<naobsd> "not used" is not "can't be used
<jcarlos> I understand, thanks
<naobsd> I don't have all devices, so I can't confirm myself everything
<naobsd> personally I never seen any device which can't use kernel partition
<ssvb> btw, any updates about lenovo a10? is it usable with normal linux or the bootloader is locked too hard?
<naobsd> both boot-only and kernel+boot form are working from RK29 gen
<naobsd> I also have interest about lenovo a10
<naobsd> and asus memo pad 8
<naobsd> there is some kind of "secure boot" system are provided by RK SDK, so they may be secure...
<naobsd> oh
<naobsd> bye
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