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<jcarlos> A naive question. How can be compared a tablet with a typical RK3188 SoC and flash memory with a netbook with an Atom N270 and a hard disk?
<tonikasch> where them compared? where?
<jcarlos> ¿?
<jcarlos> power
<jcarlos> I mean, can I replace my netbook with a tablet, at least ideally?
<jcarlos> I use debian in my netbook.
<tonikasch> ahhh, ok, so... let's see benchmarking porgramms' punctuations
<jcarlos> Suppose debian is available in the tablet.
<tonikasch> jcarlos gnu/linux support for rockchips devices is still somewhat limited
<jcarlos> Yes, I know.
<jcarlos> But I mean "ideally"
<tonikasch> Yes, you could
<tonikasch> You should see how much time will the flash memory last according to the use you are going to give to it
<jcarlos> And would I get a better performance?
<jcarlos> flash memory?
<tonikasch> That's what I don't know, I don't know processors' performance
<jcarlos> That's an issue from the past, isn't that?
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<tonikasch> You should compare number of cores, number of threads and look for comparisons for Atom N270 and for Rockchips RK3188...
<tonikasch> in fact, last RK3188 SoCs are quad-core
<jcarlos> Atom 270 is dual core
<tonikasch> what about frequency?
<jcarlos> But Atom is CISC and RK3188 is RISC
<jcarlos> 1.6 Ghz in Atom
<tonikasch> I don't actually know about this kind of things, sorry
<jcarlos> I think it is an interesting issue. I hope to be able to use a tablet with a keyboard to do the things I do just now in my current netbook.
<tonikasch> Aha, I was using a dual-core RK3066 as a debian server and it worked well...
<jcarlos> It would be an interesting use case.
<tonikasch> However, the fact of using flash and having only 1GB RAM lead me to change to another thing
<jcarlos> Well, that's another issue.
<jcarlos> I use a dockstar as personal home server.
<jcarlos> And it is working fine for two years now.
<jcarlos> And it has only 128 Mb of RAM
<jcarlos> But is has a USB hard disk connected to it.
<jcarlos> s/is/it/
<tonikasch> aha... I was looking for a server with Nagios and things like that
<jcarlos> It's my "downloading" machine
<jcarlos> And my printing and PVR server
<tonikasch> :)
<tonikasch> have to go out, brb
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<jcarlos> How could I recover an original kernel image (zImage) from a signed one with "krcrc -k"?
<jcarlos> rkcrc*
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