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<nij> Sure. I finally found out.. but only for sly. However, sly is a fork of swank, so I don't expect them to differ too much at lower levels.
<nij> With multiple connected repls, we can read+select+check respectively by
<nij> sly-net-processes, (sly-select-connection (nth 0 sly-net-processes)), (sly-current-connection)
<nij> These are not exported elisp functions, but we can evaluated them manually.
<nij> By using these, I can confidently switch to the process I want.
<nij> And then the command that sends string (to be interpreted as commands) to the connected process is (sly-interactive-eval "(+ 1 1)"), for example.
<nij> Phew~ finally I can control it directly from xmonad ~_~
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<nij> Hello! I'm reading about Hygienic macros (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hygienic_macro).
<nij> It says that common lisp uses package to resolve the problem. Can I see what's the name of the package? What if the package conflicts with existing package?
<nij> It also says that Scheme resolves this by impose hygienic macros. How exactly do they do that (or should this go to #scheme)?
<no-defun-allowed> In Common Lisp, you usually use GENSYM to make names of variables that the client shouldn't be able to see.
<beach> nij: That would be the package that was current when the macro was created.
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<nij> Hmm.. so perhaps wikipedia is outdated or something.
<nij> Yeah.. that's what I read from gigamonkey.
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<beach> nij: No, two different problems.
<beach> nij: What the article is referring to is a specific function called by the expansion of the macro. That function should then have a name that is typically in the same package as the name of the macro.
<beach> nij: What no-defun-allowed is saying is that, if some lexical variable is needed by the expansion of the macro, but with a name that does not matter otherwise, then GENSYM is used.
<beach> nij: All this is quite well explained in the book On Lisp by Paul Graham.
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<no-defun-allowed> The article mentions both GENSYM and using internal symbols.
<beach> So it does.
<no-defun-allowed> Those are in the "Temporary symbol creation" and "Packages" sections, respectively. Note that uninterned symbols, such as those made by GENSYM, have no package, so they can never conflict with other symbols.
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<beach> no-defun-allowed: That's not all there is to it though. If you use a symbol such as #:mumble in a macro, then it can conflict if macros are nested.
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<beach> ... it can conflict with itself in different nesting depths.
<nij> I did notice that.. just had an impression that the package method was preferred.
<beach> nij: They solve two different problems as I said.
<no-defun-allowed> That is true, you will want to call GENSYM (or whatever symbol-creating function you choose) in the macro definition that is the result of another macroexpansion, to avoid conflicts.
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<beach> So it is important to use GENSYM so that different symbols are used for each (possibly nested) expansion.
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<nij> Oh I got temporarily disconnected.. now I see. Thank you beach.
<beach> Sure.
<nij> Thank you no-defun-allowed :)
<nij> (I'm pretty sure you use defmacro all the time. Keep the hard work ;))
<no-defun-allowed> I tend to over-use GENSYM.
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<beach> nij: Macros are not used nearly as often as functions (for instance), but when you need a macro, it is good that DEFMACRO is there.
<no-defun-allowed> For example, there's a neat little "continuation" pattern, where one expands (with-foo () ...) to (flet ((continuation () ...)) (call-with-foo #'continuation)), in which case CONTINUATION can be an internal symbol.
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<no-defun-allowed> SBCL uses internal symbols (for example, in WITH-MUTEX-HELD), but I GENSYM anyway.
<no-defun-allowed> (Er, SBCL calls it WITH-MUTEX.)
<nij> uh oh oh it's just a bad joke toward no-defun-allowed's nickname
<nij> sorry, but yeah I am not pretty sure when to use macros either
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<no-defun-allowed> Well, you couldn't use macros to implement WITH-MUTEX, and requiring the client to use CALL-WITH-MUTEX wouldn't look great.
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<[d]> <n​o-defun-allowed#0000> Well, you couldn't use macros to implement WITH-MUTEX, and requiring the client to use CALL-WITH-MUTEX wouldn't look great.
<[d]> <n​o-defun-allowed#0000> [edit]:
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<no-defun-allowed> I agree, no-defun-allowed#0000.
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<jmercouris> is there a way to signify to the compiler that a redefinition is intended so that no warnings are emitted?
<jmercouris> so if I have (defun xyz), and then elsewhere I have (defun xyz) again, can I let the compiler know that is on purpose somehow?
<jackdaniel> what would be a prupose of it?
<jackdaniel> purpose*
<jmercouris> I have two systems, one of them implements one version, another one version
<jmercouris> sometimes I load system 1 and then system 2
<jmercouris> system 1 has functionaly not existent in system 2, that system 2 requires
<jmercouris> but system 2 modifies the behavior of system 1 by overriding some functions
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<jackdaniel> you may (setf (fdefinition 'your-function) (lambda …))
<jackdaniel> I think that this begs for a declaration, that your function is notinline (in system 1)\
<jmercouris> a declaration?
<jmercouris> notinline?
<jmercouris> is that a keyword I don't nkow?
<jmercouris> s/nkow/know
<jackdaniel> (proclaim (declaim (notinline xyz))
<jackdaniel> tfu
<jackdaniel> without proclaim
<jackdaniel> (declaim (notinline xyz))
<jmercouris> I didn't know that was something I could declaim
<jmercouris> interesting
<jackdaniel> otherwise your compiler may inline the function body, and then your clever redefinition won't work as expected
<jmercouris> what about for methods though
<jmercouris> will it still allow me to set the fdefinition?
<jackdaniel> methods are not functions
<jmercouris> ay yai yai
<jmercouris> is there a "ignore warnings" form or something I can put at the top of my file?
<jmercouris> to suppress warnings when loading it?
<jackdaniel> there is sbcl muffle-warnings, write asdf method which wraps your file compilation in muffle-warnings
<jmercouris> seems clisp has *supress-check-redefinition*
<jmercouris> I wish there was a cross implementation way to do this... I don't want to add SBCL specific code
<jackdaniel> a new standard!
<jackdaniel> cl2021
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<jmercouris> ...
<jmercouris> I'm happy enough with cl21 thank you very much
<jmercouris> or what was it called again?
<jmercouris> that thing by Eitaro
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<jmercouris> http://cl21.org/
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<jmercouris> I would seriously consider cl21 if it had a compiler to CL
<jmercouris> it has some good ideas in there I think
<jackdaniel> then use it, it is written in common lisp
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<jackdaniel> (as in: you may simply load it, and you have access to common lisp compiler whatsoever)
<jackdaniel> including all well known libraries like quicklisp, alexandria and asdf
<jackdaniel> (if you like it that is - I don't)
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<jmercouris> you can't use cl21 code in cl, that's my problem with it
<jmercouris> I mean you can
<jmercouris> but not without cl21 itself
<jmercouris> you can't compile cl21 to standalone cl if I'm not mistaken
<jackdaniel> I don't understand
<jackdaniel> just do (ql:quickload :cl21) (save-lisp-and-die) and you have a binary with cl21
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<ebrasca> jmercouris: I don't understand the purpose of cl21 , parts of it are alredy done by cl libraries.
<jmercouris> yeah, parts of it are done by CL Libraries
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<jmercouris> I just like the idea of a community effort to a new 'de facto' set of libraries to be included in a default distribution
<jmercouris> also some of the reader macros are nice
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<ebrasca> I think it is better to make small libraries , then people chose what they like.
<Gnuxie[m]> No cos the idea of 'de facto' libraries is a terrible one
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<_death> clhs muffle-warning
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<flip214> did anyone manage to compress streams with CL-PDF? swank cross-reference tells me that I can activate the SALZA2 (LOAD-ZLIB) function, but *compress-streams* stays NIL
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<jmercouris> _death: I see, thank you
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<jmercouris> here's what I ended up with: http://dpaste.com/3BBXM8M9J
<jmercouris> feels... strange
<jmercouris> progn is unneeded..
<phoe> don't ignore the condition
<phoe> why did you define ignore-warning though? you should be able to use muffle-warning directly
<jmercouris> phoe: IDK the CLHS had an example like that, so I mindlessly copied
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<jmercouris> phoe: what is meant to be done with the condition there?
<jmercouris> I assume of all people, you would know :-D
<phoe> pass it to muffle-warning
<phoe> use #'muffle-warning directly in the handler-bind and scrap your custom function
<jmercouris> oh I see
<jmercouris> I wonder why they did this indirection in the CLHS
<jmercouris> wonder what they had in mind
<phoe> CLHS examples contain a lot of silly things
<beach> Yes, and non-conforming code. :)
<beach> ... like top-level SETQs without prior definitions.
<jmercouris> phoe: how much money would someone have to pay you to write the CLUS?
<jackdaniel> I think that this gives a nice context of how people used pre-CL Lisp
<jmercouris> just out of curiosity, like if there was a big coporation sponsoring you
<jmercouris> how much would you charge
<beach> jmercouris: My guess is that it is more a question of available time than of money.
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<jmercouris> I don't see the difference
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<jmercouris> give someone enough money, and they will make the time
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<beach> Sure, but that might involve quitting the dayjob.
<jmercouris> Yeah, that's true
<beach> jmercouris: For instance, I could spend up to 1k€ per month for at least 6 months to get help with SICL-related projects, but there just aren't any people that are both available and qualified.
<jmercouris> I bet if you had 300k€ per month, many more qualified people would suddenly be available
<jmercouris> I think a lot of the problem with Common Lisp is the money available in the ecosystem, the problem is not technological
<jmercouris> People learn JS not because it is a Oasis in a desert of bad languages, but because there is money to be made
<jmercouris> why? industry movements, who knows why
<beach> Yes, there is obviously some amount where people would quit their dayjobs.
<jmercouris> the problem is and will continue to be a question of money
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<jmercouris> there are many more people who would like to use Lisp more often, but they cannot, because having fun programming doesn't always put food on the table
<jmercouris> slingings bits of JS however, often does
<beach> That's not all there is though. A lot of the work that we need done requires more basic knowledge than your typical Web job in industry.
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<jmercouris> sure, many things are pioneering efforts rather than implementing yet another CRUD site
<jmercouris> however, there are plenty of highly qualified people working in reesearch that requires lots of background
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<aeth> You need charismatic projects. Then qualified people might be willing to take a pay cut (because if they're American they might be making well over $300,000 and you'll never have FAANG money).
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<jmercouris> Yes, you're right aeth
<jmercouris> maybe Nyxt will change that
<jmercouris> I don't anticipate having FAANG level money, but I do anticipate success
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<aeth> I wouldn't call a web browser "charismatic", but unfortunately Mozilla seems to be doing its best to implode recently, so maybe it will be one in the future.
<aeth> (Especially mobile, wow I hate that redesign.)
<jmercouris> well, your mistake is in thinking that Nyxt is a web browser
<jmercouris> Nyxt is a lisp platform
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<jmercouris> anyways, what would be a 'charismatic' project?
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<jmercouris> Mezzano?
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<aeth> Gamedev is probably the perennial software field where people take pay cuts to join. The rest are fairly opportunistic, like e.g. a social network in the past. Maybe VR or AR in the near future?
<jmercouris> I don't find game development particularly inspiring or technologically interesting
<aeth> Chat seems to be a fairly strong motivator, too...
<aeth> Never would've motivated me since we have IRC, of course.
<aeth> Maybe self-driving cars were an example of this in the past? They have the money now, though.
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<Xach> I think I may get to use ldiff in real code today!
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<aeth> jmercouris: I've probably missed a huge amount of categories just because they've always seemed fairly boring to me. e.g. maybe NoSQL was like this in the past. As in, just plain boring database stuff with a PR spin.
<jmercouris> well, one mans boredom is another man's fascination
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<jmercouris> I'm sure most people here find browsers relatively boring
<aeth> Yeah. It's probably hard to tell which fields had lots of people willing to take pay cuts in over the years to work in. Probably only VCs have that complete data set.
<beach> Maybe a killer app rather than an OS would be "charismatic". Imagine something like MuseScore but written in Common Lisp instead.
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<beach> I mean, an OS is what we need, but it would be hard to make people accept and use it.
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<beach> It is hard for me to understand why anyone would write such a thing in C++.
<jmercouris> Nyxt is supposed to be the killer App
<jmercouris> Mezzano is supposed to be the OS :-D
<_death> Xach: ldiff/member idiom is cool
<jmercouris> I'll report back in 10 years if I've made headway or not...
<Xach> _death: i feel like i don't use ldiff enough, so it makes me smile when i come up with a new, non-contrived reason to use it.
<Xach> now if only i could find reasons to use nreconc or revappend more
<beach> jmercouris: I was under the impression that large parts of Nyxt are written in C or C++. Not so?
<jmercouris> Nothing in Nyxt is written in C
<jmercouris> we just use foreign libraries
<_death> Xach: another use could be (do* ((right list (rest right)) (left nil (ldiff list right))) ((null right)) ...)
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<beach> jmercouris: But those are written in C or C++, right?
<jmercouris> that's correct, but they are not part of Nyxt
<beach> Still, I wouldn't be able to run Nyxt on an OS without a C compiler.
<jmercouris> sure, luckily C code can compile on Mezzano
<jmercouris> and we will also make a renderer at some point that we can afford to
<jmercouris> s/that/when
<beach> Yeah, I wasn't thinking of Mezzano right then.
<_death> Xach: looks like I used ldiff twice in aoc2020.. I was certain that I have some revappend uses somewhere as well, but can't find'em right now
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<red-dot> Hello everyone.
<red-dot> anyone on Windows using UIOP:run-program will a full path?
<red-dot> e.g. (uiop:run-program "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe")?
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<red-dot> It doesn't seem like uiop:run-program works with absolute paths, at least not with SBCL and Windows. I thought this was working in the past...
<pfdietz> The CLHS has some thing that are in direct conflict with each other.   complex types, I'm looking at you.
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<Bike> oh, are there parts that disagree about how they work with upgrading?
<Bike> yyyyyes. super
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<nij> After getting stumpwm from ql:quickload, can I make install using asdf, but not the GNU make tools as it's stated in the readme? https://github.com/stumpwm/stumpwm
<Bike> i don't think asdf really does installations
<jmercouris> you COULD have your asd file do the installation for you, but it is not part of ASDF
<nij> What then is the make tools used commonly in CL community? GNU make tools?
<jmercouris> typically just a makefile, yes
<jmercouris> we don't need it for much, mostly just moving around an executable
<jmercouris> possibly checking for dependencies, simplifying the compilation process for non lisp users
<nij> if the users have sbcl and quicklisp installed, the compilation process would be easier?
<jmercouris> well, yeah
<jmercouris> how else could they compile CL without CL?
<nij> First install CL for them as a dependency.
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<nij> Oh I see. At that stage you better use Make.
<jmercouris> users do not need to compile your software for you to distribute it
<jmercouris> you can distribute lisp images of your software compiled on similar machiens
<jmercouris> s/machiens/machines
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<_death> red-dot: try passing (list (uiop:native-namestring "C:\\...")) .. if a string is passed, uiop:run-program treats it as a "command", which I guess won't do with spaces and no quotes or something similar
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<thatpythonboy> hi
<beach> Hello thatpythonboy.
<thatpythonboy> if i read roots of lisp paper, will i know lisp-like qualities such as read/eval/macros
<thatpythonboy> i prefer rootsoflisp as i find gigamonkeys too big
<beach> I don't know that paper. Do you have a link?
<beach> But I would say "no" because many of the current features were not in there from the beginning.
<beach> Looking at it briefly, I am now convinced that the answer is "no".
<beach> Well, you will know some.
<beach> Like EVAL is explained.
<thatpythonboy> then what extra gigamonkeys has
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<beach> Macros, classes, generic functions, ...
<alandipert> writing your own small lisp can be very informative and https://norvig.com/lispy.html is a great guide (using python)
<thatpythonboy> i know classes,functions from python
<beach> thatpythonboy: No, they are very different in Common Lisp.
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<thatpythonboy> i am talking about concepts not OOP/paradigms
<thatpythonboy> i read functions chapter it's the same
<thatpythonboy> classes are different
<beach> I said "generic functions". They are unique to Common Lisp.
<thatpythonboy> what do you mean generic, a function is a function
<phoe> thatpythonboy: not in CL
<ecraven> thatpythonboy: it is indeed not
<thatpythonboy> this is mysterious language
<phoe> a generic function is a term in Common Lisp
<phoe> read the proper PCL chapter to figure it out!
<ecraven> it's like a virtual function on steroids
<phoe> a generic function is something that has methods. in CL, methods don't belong to classes.
<beach> thatpythonboy: Clearly, if you expect Common Lisp to be just like the languages you know, there is nothing to learn.
<ecraven> hm.. what does c++ call the implementations of a virtual function? just "implementations"?
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<phoe> overrides or something
<ecraven> they should just have used proper names :P
<thatpythonboy> i read functions chapter it didn't seem different than python
<thatpythonboy> which chapter then
<jdz> beach: Julia also has generic functions (inspired by CL, as far as I know).
<beach> jdz: I see. Thanks!
<thatpythonboy> but julia functions don't have methods
<ecraven> thatpythonboy: first hit on google, https://docs.julialang.org/en/v1/manual/functions/, says "f (generic function with 1 method)"
<ecraven> so it seems to use *exactly* the same names for things
<_death> there's also dylan, goo, etc. but they all miss some CLOS features (and may have features not in CLOS, though we also have a good MOP)
* beach forgot about Dylan.
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<thatpythonboy> that is just a function that julia calls a method due to multiple dispatch
<phoe> using julia nomenclature though, julia's GFs *do* have methods
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<phoe> so do CL generic functions
<ecraven> beach: I wish prefix-dylan would have taken off
<_death> thatpythonboy: a generic function contains a bunch of methods.. when it's called, it decides which methods to call
<phoe> and CL's methods are *not* "just" functions due to the presence of method combinations.
<ecraven> phoe: is there *any* other language or non-CL-Lisp that has method combinations?
<beach> ecraven: I see what you mean. RScheme from U Texas is essentially that.
<phoe> ecraven: I am not aware of one
<ecraven> the more I try to implement these things myself in different Schemes, the more I wonder how any of this can be even halfway performant in CL... you guys (and all before you) really do great work!
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<beach> ecraven: What are "these things" that you are referring to?
<ecraven> making method dispatch fast
<thatpythonboy> peter norvig shows a lisp interpreter in python, is there one in lisp itself?
<phoe> thatpythonboy: yes, roots of lisp shows one
<ecraven> I tried implementing a generic predicate dispatch in chez scheme (which is really fast by itself)
<_death> thatpythonboy: PCL is a book, whereas roots of lisp is a short article.. you say PCL is too big, but you're also asking whether to read a short article, which is strange
<ecraven> it's really slow :D
<thatpythonboy> rootsoflisp says the interpreter is incomplete
<beach> ecraven: I see. I suppose you read my paper about that, yes?
<ecraven> beach: I read all of your and other people's papers
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<beach> Wow!
<ecraven> I just need a few more years of time to implement things ;)
<beach> Heh.
<ecraven> (sorry, "on that subject", not "all of your papers in general")
<phoe> thatpythonboy: if you mean "just" a lisp, then https://github.com/kanaka/mal has a lot of those
<phoe> that's not going to be CL though.
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<ecraven> maybe
<phoe> though there is an implementation of MAL in Common Lisp at https://github.com/kanaka/mal/tree/master/impls/common-lisp
<thatpythonboy> just need a basic interpreter not big CL mess
<ecraven> I should just give up and use CL already... :D I've been trying to implement halfway decent SLIME support in various Schemes, and none of them are even halfway as introspectable as the worst CL implementation
<phoe> then that is going to work well
<_death> thatpythonboy: maybe you should go to a non-CL channel then
<ecraven> thatpythonboy: #lisp is actually
<ecraven> #common-lisp
<beach> thatpythonboy: It is not a great idea to call the topic of this channel a "mess". At least not if you want help.
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<alandipert> Bless This Mess <3
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<beach> Strange one this "thatpythonboy" person. Maybe just a result of being uncomfortable and/or having some problems with English.
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<jmercouris> format directive for a percentage?
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<jmercouris> well, this is what I have resorted to: (format t "~0d%" (* 100 .01))
<jmercouris> ... :'(
<jmercouris> ay yai yai
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<jasom> jmercouris: if you need to do it a lot you can make your own printer function and use ~/
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<jmercouris> I see
<jmercouris> jasom: don't know how to do that, maybe I will learn it at some point
<jasom> jmercouris: it comes at a cost of either polluting cl-user or having really long names
<jasom> jmercouris: https://github.com/jasom/jtk/blob/master/ltk.lisp#L1089 <- example here. I like it very much for escaping because (format s "~A ~A ~A" x (escape y) z) is much harder to tell is correct than (format s "~A ~/ltk:esc/ ~A" x y z) (assuming the item in the 2nd position must be escaped and 1st and 3rd must not)
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<jasom> totally OT, but the "correct" algorithm for escaping strings in TCL is *really* non-obvious, exposed in LTK by the fact that when I added this one, there were already 2 other escaping functions, one of which was super-linear in time and the other one of which was wrong.
<jackdaniel> 3 is a reasonable approximation of pi
<jackdaniel> and it is a fixnum! :)
<_death> it's also a good approximation of 2
<jackdaniel> true that
<jasom> it's a pretty darn good approximation of 0 in a lot of domains as well
<jackdaniel> (zerop pi) ;-> T
<charles`> on the cosmological scale, everything is nearby
<jmercouris> (zerop pi) -> nil
<jmercouris> not sure which version of CL you are using, must be a bug in ECL
<jasom> (zerop (* 10 (round pi 10))) ;-> T
<_death> jmercouris: ~D is for printing integers
<jmercouris> yes, sorry
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<jmercouris> do (print element))(defparameter q '((a b c) (1 2 3)))
<jmercouris> sorry, ignore that, starting over
<jmercouris> (defparameter q '((a b c) (1 2 3)))
<jmercouris> now I want to: (loop for element in q with a = (first element) do (print a))
<jmercouris> the loop would print "a" and then "1"
<jmercouris> possible? or do I need a let binding within the do?
<jackdaniel> replace with with for
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<jmercouris> oh, thank you
<jackdaniel> or replace replace with for
<jmercouris> I confuse those
<jackdaniel> eventually replace with for for
<jmercouris> ???
<jmercouris> I'm now completely lost replace with for for?
<jackdaniel> I was making a joke with the original "with with" that was /not/ a typo
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<jmercouris> I see
<jmercouris> 11
<_death> use let
<jmercouris> _death:
<jmercouris> why?
<_death> you can also use FOR
<jackdaniel> (loop for (i) in '((a b c) (1 2 3)) do (print i))
<jackdaniel> so many ways
<jackdaniel> (progn (print 'a) (print 1))
<_death> if you get confused, others may find it confusing as well.. so if you're in doubt, just use the more primitive operators
<jackdaniel> _death: this isn't a good argument for standard operators -- one would get confused why are you not using a designed operator to achieve something
<_death> jackdaniel: well, here we're discussing LOOP.. there are many pitfalls with LOOP so I don't mind if I see someone using let there instead of other ways
<jackdaniel> OK, that position could be defendable in context of loop, I've read it as a general advice
<_death> jackdaniel: I think it may also stand as a general advice, but I'm not sure I want to defend that position
<jmercouris> I have grown to love loop
<jmercouris> maybe in time I will love format too
<jmercouris> probably not for a long time
<_death> jackdaniel: basically I'd rather read transparent, if a bit eccentric, code than confused code ;)
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<jackdaniel> me too. but I'd rather see defclass instead of bunch of interwingled closures
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<jmercouris> I'm personally a master of obfuscating the purpose of my code via OO paradigms
<jmercouris> I'm just joking of course
<jackdaniel> interwingled is of course a mashup of intertwined and intermingled
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<Nilby> give in and love format https://plaster.tymoon.eu/view/2272#2272
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<theothornhill> Nilby: that almost looks like rust :)
* Nilby *gasps*
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<_death> the last one is relevant to jmercouris's problem.. (format t "~{~1{~A~}~}" q)
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<jasom> jmercouris: only thing to remember with the loop FOR clause is that it *sets* the value, it does not make a new binding for each iteration
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<jasom> (mapcar #'funcall (loop for i from 1 to 10 collect (lambda () i))) ;-> (11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11)
<jasom> compare to (mapcar #'funcall (loop for i from 1 to 10 collect (let ((i i)) (lambda () i))))
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<Josh_2> Hey, I am pretty sure I read a paper or blog post by someone in here regarding random testing?
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<Xach> Josh_2: pfdietz has done a lot of work on the topic but i don't know of a paper or blog post about it by him.
<Josh_2> I think thats the fella
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<xificurC> is it possible to create an object that for all intents and purposes behaves like <X> but also has other capabilities? <X> = anything, e.g. string or list. E.g. I have a string holding a preprocessor template and depending on some configuration I later have to decide how to export it (escaped or not). I thought attaching the fact that it is a
<xificurC> template as metadata would be a nice solution, since the exporter can get other, non-templaty strings as well.
<xificurC> wrapping it in a special object deprives the rest of the code accessing that string as a string, which it really is
<Bike> sounds like subclassing. you can't subclass string or list, though.
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<Nilby> I made my own string class, but it's a lot of work, since it's below the "bolted on".
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<xificurC> Bike you're right, it is subclassing basically. Thanks for the answers. I won't push against a wall then
<xificurC> I thought it might be simple or that mop might allow it
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<anticrisis> Should this print without the SBCL version banner? echo '(write-line "Hello world")' | sbcl --no-sysinit --no-userinit --noprint --noinform
<Bike> yeah so that ties in with the sort of confusing way sbcl command line options work
<Bike> you need to specify --noinform before before the other options
<Bike> because, when you run sbcl, you run the sbcl _runtime_, which loads the sbcl image which starts the sbcl _toplevel_, and then you can put options the user program can get at
<Bike> --noinform is an option for the runtime while the others are options for the toplevel
<Josh_2> is the :report keyword (when defining conditions) basically a shortcut for print-object
<Bike> so, when you put --no-sysinit first, it thinks you haven't specified any runtime options, and --noinform is not a toplevel option so it's treated as a user option (I think)
<Bike> Josh_2: yes. the clhs page gives the particular equivalence
<anticrisis> Oh wow, and I was reading the man page
<anticrisis> Nice, thank you
<Bike> it's in the man page, though it's not a super detailed explanation
<anticrisis> it might be nice to add to sbcl --help
<Bike> i suppose the "Usage:" line in sbcl --help is supposed to indicate it
<Bike> but --help is necessarily pretty brief
<Bike> doesn't even mention noinform, huh
<anticrisis> right :)
<anticrisis> I just wanted to time it against the equivalent `node -e` to look at startup time
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<_death> xificurC: you could keep a hash-table associating that object with whatever you want.. you can have it weakly keyed
<xificurC> startup time compared to node is really unfair
<anticrisis> unfair to node?
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<xificurC> yes, it's like comparing the fattest kid from the school to, well, any other kid
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<xificurC> _death then it's a hash table, not a string anymore
<anticrisis> I like to tease my node friend now and then
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<White_Flame> your object is a key to the metadata table, instead of the metadata being on the object itself
<_death> xificurC: no, you just use the hash-table to associate information with the object.. you pass the string as-is, and when you need to make a decision based on that information you check the hash-table.. but it could get tricky with mutable objects
<White_Flame> of course, the object should be a heap object, too. if you have a fixnum or character or whatever, you're not going to be identifying that specific instance of that value, because it's not reified
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<_death> White_Flame: right
<xificurC> ah, that makes sense and might be a viable alternative. Thanks _death and White_Flame
<White_Flame> it's better than making everything inherit from my-object which piles on all the custom doodads you want on your stuff :-P
<White_Flame> which is what you tend to end up with many other languages
<xificurC> White_Flame I'd just put a hash-table in for storing metadata. It's a bit more convenient than having the metadata spread out in multiple hash tables, but it does the job
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<_death> you could have an object-plist (generalizing symbol-plist) accessor, sure.. with the caveats mentioned
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<Josh_2> If you kill a thread with destroy-thread I assume that (unwind-protect ..) doesn't matter?
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<no-defun-allowed> It will not unwind, no.
<Josh_2> Is there a portable version of SBCL's Timer subsystem?
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<no-defun-allowed> I think a better idea is to interrupt the thread with a function which attempts to unwind, maybe by wrapping MAKE-THREAD so that the thread function is run in a dynamic environment with e.g. a CATCH tag or a handler for some error type. (Or can you (invoke-restart 'abort) in other threads?)
<Bike> restarts are part of the dynamic context, so they're not copied for new threads
<no-defun-allowed> https://github.com/no-defun-allowed/bailout/blob/master/Code/job.lisp#L45 is an overengineered implementation of that idea.
<Bike> but implementations usually establish an ABORT or ABORT-THREAD restart in all threads
<Bike> on sbcl for example, every thread function has an implicit (catch 'sb-thread::%abort-thread ...) around its body, and then when you abort it just throws, which naturally unwinds everything
<Josh_2> no-defun-allowed: I normally just set a variable some place and the thread shuts itself down
<no-defun-allowed> Right, then you could get stuck if the threads get stuck somehow. But the alternative is that, by unwinding, you could still violate the expectations the code author had w.r.t control flow, and break something.
<Josh_2> if the threads get stuck the threads generally get yeeted
<no-defun-allowed> (This is, in part, why the capability is only sent to the supervisor when something goes wrong.)
<Josh_2> give 'em five seconds then yeet em
<Josh_2> anyway I don't need to do that if there is a nice library that'll let me run a function in a thread every X amount of time
<Josh_2> Trivial-timers :P
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<no-defun-allowed> Assuming your function returns instantaneously, (bt:make-thread (lambda () (loop until stopped? do (f) (sleep x)))) is pretty close.
<no-defun-allowed> Adjusting the sleep time is an exercise for the reader.
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<no-defun-allowed> Oh, also locking or CASing the stopped? variable, so that you don't get weird looks.
<Josh_2> make it an object and use metalock
<Josh_2> problem solved
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<Josh_2> huh I just tried to quickload :trivial-timers and it failed
<Josh_2> well rip I'll just do it myself
<no-defun-allowed> I wonder what those locks are supposed to achieve.
<Josh_2> what locks?
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<no-defun-allowed> In metalock, specifically because they only make slot-value and (setf slot-value) atomic.
<Josh_2> yes
<Josh_2> well no it makes slot-value-using-class atomic
<no-defun-allowed> Usually I find myself wanting to have exclusive access to slots for a while, e.g. with-lock-held. You could do unconditional sets with metalock, but you couldn't e.g. implement a counter properly.
<Bike> no read-modify-write?
<no-defun-allowed> That's the other option, yes.
<Josh_2> anyway, it works as intended :P
<no-defun-allowed> decentralise2 has a "locked box" structure for those kinds of things.
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<Josh_2> metalock has a metaclass for those kinds of things :P
<no-defun-allowed> You can implement counters with a locked-box: https://gitlab.com/cal-coop/netfarm/cl-decentralise2/-/blob/master/Code/Utilities/thread-box.lisp
<Bike> docstring really inspiring confidence here
<no-defun-allowed> Empirically, it did work, but it's slow for concurrent access of course.
<Bike> anyway, yeah, i wonder what the author of metalock is thinking. are there interesting thread safe data structures that don't need at least a RMW?
<Josh_2> RMW?
<_death> no-defun-allowed: but (incf (box-value box)) exposes a race condition
<Bike> read-modify-write
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<no-defun-allowed> _death: Correct, use (with-unlocked-box (v box) (incf v))
<Josh_2> Bike: I simply didn't want to have to call with-held-lock, thats all xD
<no-defun-allowed> Perhaps (setf box-value) is a worse idea than box-value, but if your idea of concurrency is that of Josh_2, then it'll work fine. :D
<_death> no-defun-allowed: so I'm not sure what the point of a box is? associate a lock with a value?
<Bike> Josh_2: you don't understand what i'm saying. If you can only read or write slots, you cannot safely do things as simple as increment a counter.
<Bike> Josh_2: If you read a slot and then write it, another thread could try to increment the slot value between those two operations, and then your write would undo that.
<Josh_2> yes
<no-defun-allowed> _death: Exactly that. And that it's harder to get at the value without locking.
<Bike> okay, so what is that actually good for?
<Josh_2> Not doing that
<Bike> But what ARE you doing
<Josh_2> Literally not having to called "with-lock-held"
<Bike> I am asking what kind of thread safe algorithms don't need RMW or anything. I am curious.
<no-defun-allowed> If you make (box <blah> :copier #'identity), then (modify! (box-value <that box>)) then it's game over, but it has made foot-shooting in concurrent programs a bit harder for me.
<no-defun-allowed> I'm pretty sure it's only good for sharing "should I stop now?" variables which are set unconditionally.
<_death> I think these things evolved into STM, which supports transparent composition.. (the other way is message passing)
<Josh_2> generally I have just used it for a top level object that holds various other structures, such as a 'server' class etc
<Bike> But what do you do with them if you can't write modifications back safely?
<no-defun-allowed> I wasn't aware of STM when I started writing decentralise2, and I don't know how it would interact with hash tables, for example.
<_death> no-defun-allowed: for counters and flags like that, atomic operations seem to work
<Josh_2> I don't know what you mean
<no-defun-allowed> You could have an ABA problem with metalock.
<Bike> I don't understand what you're doing with the lcoks. In what situation would you want a "with-lock-held" as you put it to begin with?
<Bike> I'm just asking what kind of synchronization you're actually doing.
<Josh_2> a access is wrapped by a reader writer lock
<Bike> i know what a rw lock is. i am asking about the higher level design.
<Josh_2> what higher level design, there isn't any
<Bike> I mean, look. Say I have an application with a bunch of threads. Each thread does some work and then increments a counter when its done. The main thread polls the counter to display a progress bar and then exits when it's maximized.
<Bike> That's a higher level design. I think it's pretty simple but metalock can't do it. So I'm just kind of curious what sort of design you would use it for instead.
<Josh_2> all that library does is change the default behaviour slot-value-using-class so that it performs It's read/write with a writer lock
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<Josh_2> or reader lock, it doesn't guarantee anything
<no-defun-allowed> Exactly.
<Josh_2> It's not meant to guarantee anything other than you won't read/write at the same time
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<no-defun-allowed> What can you achieve if it doesn't guarantee anything else?
<_death> but blindly holding a lock when writing something doesn't get you much
<no-defun-allowed> Suppose you have two threads A and B which run (setf (some-locked-thing) (1+ (some-locked-thing)), and (some-locked-thing) evaluates to 1 to start with.
<Josh_2> yes
<no-defun-allowed> One order of events is A reads 1, B reads 1, B sets 2, A sets 2. You want to lock for the whole SETF form, so that the whole computation is atomic.
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<no-defun-allowed> (i.e that it must be A reads 1, A sets 2, B reads 2, B sets 3, or that but with A and B swapped.)
<Josh_2> Literally just guarantees that two threads wont write a slot at the same time
<Bike> Yes but why. Why does it guarantee that and not more. What does that guarantee get you? What is it useful? I can't think of any thread coordination algorithms that only need that guarantee. That's what I'm asking. I don't understand what the usecase is. I understand what the guarantee is and you don't need to repeat that.
<Josh_2> I have personally found it quite useful
<Bike> for what?
<_death> we have https://cliki.net/stmx .. though right now as I tried to load it, it got "stuck" until I C-c C-c'd, and at that point it resumed.. gasp
<Bike> i remember that one did some pretty in depth sbcl stuff for the hardware STM
<Bike> maybe it's out of date
<Bike> er, hardware TM
<_death> last commit was not long ago.. deleting the fasls it does the same, seems reproducible
<_death> <WARN> [00:22:22] stmx.lang thread.lisp (detect-thread-support fun5) - Warning: compiling STMX without multi-threading support. reason: (BORDEAUX-THREADS:JOIN-THREAD (BORDEAUX-THREADS:MAKE-THREAD ...)) signaled an exception: inconsistent form-number-translations
<Bike> what does that inconsistent form-number-translations thing actually mean? i get it in sbcl a lot
<Bike> for non-stmx reasons. something about M-.?
<_death> Bike: yeah, I sometimes get that as well with recent SBCLs
<Bike> also, i hope bordeaux threads provides a better way to check thread support than that
<_death> Bike: yeah, it happened when I tried to go to source in the debugger
<Bike> https://github.com/cosmos72/stmx/blob/209241acec51b5aaeac321d4cdad629f2190ba04/lang/thread.lisp#L92-L102 yeah, this doesn't seem great. shouldn't it be (or warning error) or something?
<Bike> i mean, in addition to that bt should have something. maybe the new api will
<_death> right, it handler-case on condition
<no-defun-allowed> Josh_2: that's only of any use for unconditional writes though, and it's of no use for exclusive access to mutable data.
<_death> changing to (or warning error) does not help join-thread there for some reason.. but calling (stmx.lang::detect-thread-support) just works.. strange
<_death> *evaluating in the repl
<Josh_2> no-defun-allowed: yes
<_death> ah, it could be the eval-always.. it does that while being compiled
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<_death> it makes no sense to test for this while being compiled.. let me try :load-toplevel :execute
<_death> much better.. loads fine and stmx.lang::*feature-list* looks good
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<_death> hmm, but then it miscompiles start-thread etc. geez
<_death> best to just remove that test and assume sanity :x
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