but whether it is still meaningful is up to those people to decide, the FSF is focused :-)
wolfspraul: they would be too close to "linking"
I think Lattice wants to allow others to combine their part with closed stuff.
not that we would need that, but that's how I understand the Lattice license.
do lattice say their license is "GPL" ?
oh my god, no
good :)
they tried to write a BSD-style license, and clarify a few things that are quite unusual in the IC world
that's why they clarify the manufacturing stuff
and specifically mention fpga and asic as being allowed
the export control paragraph is definitely not gpl compatible, if gpl compatibility even matters
not sure whether they can just remove that paragraph, or whether they are forced to keep it in? it's probably quite a big thing for them to remove it, I could imagine
will look like they support the terrorists, who has the guts to stand up against that nonsense nowadays
i'm not so sure whether things like the export control paragraph are really needed. they would go under the umbrella of "you're still bound by all other applicable laws". e.g., if make a GPL/CC/whatever gun design and my license doesn't mention that you shouldn't shoot people with it, that does't mean that you're now in possession of a license to kill.
yes sure, I'm not a lawyer
you can argue all this in endless ways
I think what Milkymist does is exactly what Lattice wanted to allow
similarly, lattice are not in a position to grant you exemption from US export law. so it would probably be sufficient to mention that the code is covered by US export law, but unless these laws explicitly require you to state so, you don't have to say what the law requires.
that is crystal clear obvious to me if I read the entire license and try to think about what they wanted to say.
sounds fair to me
and if they say I have the right to "create derivative works", to me that obviously includes the right to run it in a simulator
how else can I 'create' a derivative work? will it fall from the sky one day?
it's so funny that you go through this and try to think what they did _not_ mention
which of course is a lot!
hey, it's infinite!
instead of them adding more words to list more obvious rights, I would rather want them to remove some words, make it shorter. Like you suggested with the export control paragraph (good idea btw!).
the "they did not mention" argument is unfortunately also valid
sometimes, that's where the catches are :-(
of course. but someone has to make a judgment, is there a catch or not.
remember the fear tax?
read the license, make a judgment. I am telling you, in terms of running these sources in simulators, there is no catch.
yeah. i wouldn't worry about simulators so much. more about implementing on other people's silicon.
it specifically lists fpga and asic
i'm telling you - the more they would write the more suspicious you would become. "why are they writing so much?" "what are they _not_ writing?" :-)
there's no upper bound for paranoia :)
I think the model Lattice has in mind is to have an open core that is 'totally free', i.e. they did not plan or foresee any direct revenue stream out of this
then they have proprietary stuff around it
nobody can manufacture anything without adding proprietary IP anyway
that's a bit of a problem with a gpl-style license
anyway, gotta run
I need to talk with some Lattice people find out how this Mico32 core even started.
i'll follow the outcome of the flame war later :)
(talk to lattice) good idea, yes
but now there is MM SoC like of competence for this missing free other cores btw, sure they may not care...
off bed
wait a sec..
who marked wordgrinder as broken?
xiangfu.. get in here..
bartbes: you think it should work?
it's on my nn
I mean.. it compiles and runs..
oh I'm sure all of these packages worked at some point, for someone
it's just that we try to get them all together into one image, which seems a bit hard
I haven't reflashed xiangfu's new image yet, will do now...
but why is it broken, I ask
oh, and another thing is, what does point 4 mean?
"no needs include, openwrt build system will take care of them."
probably someone compiled, got an error, and instead of fixing the error just marked it broken
will they be in an ipkg repo?
well, it might be
no I think they will be in the image, otherwise how can the apps work?
that the person who marked it as broken
wolfspraul: i did the clock is broken
didn't had the newest version of ncurses
i cant find out wuick gmu
because it was fixed upstream
alt + enter didnt worked..
new gmu icon is nice also qi wallpaper
ok one by one
I need a new image for the 1k nanos I have to reflash in a week or so
bartbes: can we get some love games in?
oops.. I must've forgotten to unmark it :P
let me check if ncurses made it upstream yet
it did, cool
then let's see if it compiles
wolfspraul: because I have no dummies yet, most games will fail to run
I should really continue work on love.audio...
oh OK
so maybe too late for this run, let's see. still have a bit of time. if not we get it in later...
good now i have a better looking serial connector :)
my reprap is fixed :)
tiem to sleep !
gn8 all (now is tru)
do note that love.audio and love.sound are the only 2 modules that still need to be ported
is there a way to build a package without marking it?
wolfspraul: I gave up on love.audio.sdl for now, so I made sure it just uses the null audio module (a dummy fallback one already present in the full version)
and I disabled love.sound
so no music and sfx for now..
but at least something running
now to write a demo game
nice, that's a good start
wolfspraul: want me to send you the makefile+patches (or the ipk, whatever you prefer) so you can test yourself?
hmm time for coffee, I might think of a game at the same time
I am still downloading xiangfu's image
that's.. fast
I'm behind an openvpn channel and happy about every byte that reaches the free Internet :-)
do you know a way to see *why* a diff fails to apply?
wolfspraul: I created a small pong game
to demonstrate nlove
it's nice
but of course I *have* to improve the gameplay a bit..
so should I send you a makefile or an ipk of nlove (and the npong .love (game file))
bartbes: if you have a Makefile, why not just commit it into openwrt-packages?
because it's hosted on my own comp
which will not be up all day
(the nlove source)
you can include the code in the package
I.. can?
well, you can put any files you like besides the Makefile and then copy them instead of extracting an archive
are you sure you want that buttload of files in the repo?
because it's a *lot*
if its source and not geneated binary data it belongs in the repo *ducks*
but we're talking 355 files here
oh I can just as well put it on dropbox..
do they belong to the game? i mean.. does one need them to play?
they are the engine
355 files is nothing. the kernel has thousands of files
put them into the repo
the game itself is 2 files
on our hackspace svn we even add the pdf of schematics to svn a lot. to make people able to view the schematics without invoking eagle/whatever
its more important to 'keep stuff you need to work with something' together than if its 'perfectly' stored in a technical sense. worst case it eats a mbyte of diskspace. so what. nobody cares about such a thing anymore
if you run that with nlove you can play it
hm.. what license are these wallpapers?
good point about the wallpaper licenses...
not only wallpapers.. any icon etc poses danger if thats not clear :=
roh: I search it in Internet, I can't find the wallpaper licenses. :(
no license -> dont use. default means copyrighted
roh: ok.
roh: thanks :)
no worries.. i just have seen too many friends get into trouble because of simple things like that.
larsc: you were the guy I worked on ncursesw with, right?
xiangfu: he, for sure. You need to delete those images.
roh: which licenses do you think are acceptable?
CC0 :P
xiangfu: on flickr, you can seach for licenses with a cc-by or cc-by-sa license
there are tons of nice pictures on flickr, just watch out when you search you click the cc checkboxes and make sure to also select 'commercially usable' and 'allow derivative works'
xiangfu search for stuff which is by-sa or so
bartbes: do you think cc-by or cc-by-sa are good?
ehm.. why me?
xiangfu: a second source is the Wikimedia Commons archive
wolfspraul any license which allows redistribution and has clauses one can adhere to. like cc.
oh that was mostly a joke
sure, but I think we should also stay away from the -nc and -nd cc variants (non-commerical and no-derivatives)
anyway, if you do use a cc-by-* remember you need to give attribution
true, good point!
anyway, I figured I should create a vid for npong
so the nicknames or such might need to be added to the about box text
roh: thanks , just revert the commit of gmenu2x
bartbes yes. any idea what that means in reality? link to the author in the commitlog and the package-details?
xiangfu: I think all pictures on Wikimedia Commons should be OK, I think Wikimedia Commons does not accept fair-use stuff.
but the easiest to find nice pictures is flickr, like I said just watch the CC checkboxes. and don't forget to put the attribution somewhere.
then it's perfect I think
roh: that is always hard to decide
in source distributions the copyright notice itself is good enough
in binary distributions however..
bartbes i think its one of the difficult points of cc licensing. on source its quite clear since its 'uniform' in distribution. on cc stuff you never know if its paper, file or whatever
well, I guess if you simply put a LICENSES file next to the wallpapers containing all licenses you'll be fine
also if they are watermarked, I doubt they'll like it if you remove that :P
bartbes: ncursesw, yes
xiangfu: I don't think we should commit a "config.2010-09-05" file. we have a revision history for these things.
(which I always do in my wallpapers, can't stand it)
larsc: well, wordgrinder doesn't show up in the menu, so I figured it might be on of the deps
bartbes hehe.. if they are watermarked, its a bad wallpaper
it's just "config", but then you copy that file into the image download directory same as mirko did with his images
so is libncursesw correct>
wolfspraul: I have remove some commit for build this commit.
roh: nobody said they were originally meant as wallpapers
I always use porn! :P
wolfspraul: sorry, I have remove some commit for build this image.
wolfspraul: I just now sure if I will commit those revert . see email attach.
only locally?
looks for an empty desk somewhere
sure why not - commit it I'd say
the openwrt-xburst repository is our base to create reproducible images and package feeds
if you create images based on locally modified stuff that you don't plan to commit, not even to openwrt-xburst, then it will end in chaos
also like I said, that config file name should just be "config", not "config.2010-09-05". the filename with date in it makes no sense to me - what is the point?
wolfspraul: those commit is create by Mirko. and it's all about 0.9.32. so I guess even don't touch those commit, just modify the .config file is enough.
mirko is on vacation and I don't want to bug him - it seems he is having a great time in Bali. I doubt we can mess up openwrt-xburst so badly that it can't be fixed when he's back next month...
xiangfu: the config file will only enable or disable options and packages. how does that relate to commits?
what's the point of publishing the config file then, if it's based upon reverted commits that nobody else can reproduce?
but i seem not to be able to find it online
xiangfu: let me ask you the other way round - what is wrong about reverting (and committing the reverts) in openwrt-xburst?
if that fixes the sdl problems, and goes back to a more stable base?
wolfspraul: I just never revert other people commit without let him know :)
wolfspraul: I just found we don't need to revert those commits.
xiangfu: in this case, I think we can easily explain that we valued mirko's quality time in Bali over getting his opinion on these reverts, and that it is in openwrt-xburst only anyway, and not in openwrt upstream.
(if you now don't even need to revert, even better)
have you ever seen your own fingers type on a keyboard
that is so weird
uploads to youtube
bartbes where can i download the latest nlove ipk?
oh I'll put it up in a sec
uplaod faster!
xiangfu: hi! don't know what could be wrong, because centerim builds just fine for me
kyak: oh... I also remember that works fine before.
xiangfu: also, i reverted back to older uClibc version and it works
ben nanonote: worlds smallest love-maschine
anyway, I'm currently uploading a video of me playing npong to youtube
wolfspraul: today I will try to build the image without revert any commit. then if it works fine. I will commit the "config" and release a new image at qi-hardware.com/software/images/NanoNote/Ben/
also, guys, good news: PS3 is jailbroken, and it can be done with any linux-based device that has usb-slave (currently N900 and PSP); but this also can be done with Ben, i think
larsc: so should the dependency libncursesw work?
wolfspraul: then you can got a work image at Monday :)
kyak: you reverted commit? or just change the .config file??
xiangfu: just changed the config
kyak: first thing I thought when I read that as well :P
thats where it started. avr 8bit controllers with hw--usb support
roh: i don't think a lot of people got avr controllers at hand
I do, but not one with usb
xiangfu: so, what's your plan? change the uClibc version in config, rebuild the image, release it?
bartbes: in theory yes
larsc: well, could there be another reason for it not to show up in the menuconfig (wordgrinder)
(when having removed BROKEN)
kyak i guess you are wrong. in the end its a short time thing anyhow.
sony will release an update and 'fix their broken usb stack'
and they will enforce it by not allowing 'not updated' machines to participate in online games again. wanna bet?
kyak: yes. that's the plan. so I will know the result tomorrow. the build need 10 hours here.
the only thing which helps against such behaviour is: not buying criippled hardware hoping somebody jailbreaks it. imho all the fanboys who still buy apple and sony devices are the reason they still cripple hard and software.
bartbes: "lua luafilesystem", that causes it to only show up if lua and luafilesystem are already selected
well imo ps3 is still better than x360
larsc: ehm, what did I do wrong this time?
xiangfu: please commit the config file as just "config" - no date in the filename
bartbes technically, sure. i am with you there. still: if you buy one, you are actively supporting sony's behavioir. so its your fault too.
bartbes: if you want it to select a package you have to write +package
larsc: I should've known..
roh: I don't have one
roh: I will take a picture from my camera. then set it as wallpaper. :) it's hard  for me to find a not copy right picture
bartbes me neither. i was thinking about it, and then they crippled it. so i didnt.
wolfspraul: sorry for my fail. will do that in future. :)
yeah removing other os was really bitchy
xiangfu thats always a sure way :)
but everything is better than microsoft
i dont play games which need more power than my workstation has.
though steve jobs grew some horns too
i dont even have that time to waste
bartbes i think its something we need to propagate more: dont give companies which fuck you from behind your money.
though be warned, the ipks I provide may contain debugging symbols
wolfspraul: I already take one from my camera. :)
you can type 'flower' to test it
yes but you will never be able to compete with these sources in quality
bartbes btw: when it comes to stability free drivers are better as far as i can remember.
oh I never had any problems with closed source nvidia drivers
try suspending
xiangfu: on the flickr advanced search page, click on (enable) all 3 creative commons related checkboxes at the bottom of the page
or use a recent kernel.
not possible.
or use multihead with changing external resolutions and monitors.
roh: well at least it can render stuff
just try. search for 'flower' (click all 3 checkboxes). see what you get. all of those pictures can freely be used, as long as we attribute the author which we should always do anyway.
helps a lot if it crashes and burns.
the oss drivers haven't given me any performance when I tried them
rendering is fine on the free drivers. i can even play some 3d-games (not the new ones of course)
and as I said, I haven't had problems with the closed one in years
but i dont care about hardcore gaming either.
I do
q3a runs fine and fast.
wolfspraul: thanks.
xiangfu: for some reason centerim's configure finds OpenSSL from my host system and doesn't check further for gnutls-extra. This is definitely not how it's supposed to be
sure, if the free drivers provided me with the performance the closed ones do I would use them
but as of now the closed ones have an edge
bartbes buy a console. get fucked. thats how it is.
somebody got mad
same fors for drm in games (one of the reasons i got off gaming)
people who pay for drm-ed ware are part of the problem
I do play them
but I am not part of the problem
i am not mad. i am just telling you my opinion ;) and how i got it.
do note, that I never said anything about what I do or do not do
(for those who read the log)
I am simply implying I do
covered his ass
now.. what was I doing
urandom__: so?
isnt pro or con piracy of content. thats somebody elses problem.
oh right, youtube
great timing
bartbes works but lacks a nice no game screen
because it's 800x600
do you have the npong .love?
oh yeah makes sense
yeah i downloadet it, going to test it
hm.. youtube... is the nanonote fast enough for low-res videos in webM ?
man i have 1000 ideas, but they all need some form of connectivity on the nanonote *sigh*
depends on how much floating point math is needed
mth i think there were already integer only decoders for it.
ffmpeg supports it also
there is an integer decoder for vorbis audio, but matybe not for the video codec
with integer codecs 320x240 video should be doable
"All VP8 decoding algorithms use integer math."
kristianpaul: hmm... the 2010-09-15 is a test release. I will work on a better one today :) then I will commit all change . send email to list :)
urandom__: and ofc the 320x240 screen size
and the fact you will want to set the mouse to invisible
i am used to low speed
look at hist netbook
kristianpaul: I think the OpenWrt release will always follow the [backfire] branch,  not the trunk branch.
xiangfu: what happenede to gmu i cant quit as alt + enter?
kristianpaul: I think the trunk branch is only for use test , develop,
xiangfu: good :)
i dont saw trunk branch, just  master and xburst
kristianpaul: hmm. about gmu.  first press F1. then alt+enter will exit.
that sounds like a bug
thres keys?
thtas not emacs !
roh: that sounds promising
kristianpaul: the "master" is sync with openwrt trunk branch. but it's manually sync not automatic.
xiangfu: ah okay
urandom__: yes, you may be used to slow opengl performance, but sdl adds a lot of overhead
kristianpaul: I just found that. I am not look into the source code. I think there is something wrong with "alt + enter"
as I mentioned, rotation is very expensive, same goes for scaling
urandom__: oh
mth ack. for the stuff from google, there are arm v5, v6 and even neon optimized routines. ffmpeg is missing these still i guess
and the most important
no fonts (yet) :P
same goes for mips, if there is anything to optimizes specifically for xburst
xiangfu: 10 hours?!
roh: is vp8 royallity free?
afaik yes. thats why google bought on2
is better quality that ogg/ogv?
also faster to decode?
mpeg-la pissed them off enough so they bought on2, use vp8 for video, vorbis for audio
I'm pretty sure mpeg-la is drastically searching the code and specs to find anything that is 'theirs'
and matroska as container
bartbes: yes. "make distclean"Â Â -- "copy the config to .config" -- "make" it's need 10 hours in my pc.
bartbes they tried that at vorbis already. without gain
xiangfu: eek
mpeg-la needs to be brought down.
roh: you think we can run vp8 codec to play royalitie-free videos on the nanonote?
royalitie-free encodec vides*
kristianpaul i think so, yes. atleast i would not worry distributing a decoder
what license the content you play has is a completely different thing
how is that of distributing?
ah is licenced any way?
mpeg-la is like a mob. trying to get protection money from everybody
bartbes: no include downloads package time.
even worse
yeh wolfspraul toll me :)
i really scared about that.. :(
as long as we dont put any decoders or encoders for mpeg audio or video into the package or onto the qi-hw servers we should be fine
roh: there are SIMD instructions for xburst
mth do you know what they do, and how much faster?
kristianpaul: only if the image and ogg is follow the free culture. :)
roh: I add those URL in commit log is not enough ?
even if not connected you all are on my thoughs so no I never totally away
xiangfu: no
xiangfu: yes but how i put that on the openwrt, there is a speacial package for it, or to include thigns in the rootfs?
I will do a blog post today with vids of cool things doing with NN , one is the "knight rider" led from wpwrak , the other is the pong :) , any other suggestion
kristianpaul: I just put them at "data/qi_lb60/files/"
ah easy :)
thanks !
bartbes, roh: oh. understand.
tuxbrain: :)
gusnao: morning dude !
nothing kristianpaul
xiangfu dunno. thats what some lawyer would need to sort out. i think distributing the attribution with the files is the only thing to make sure.
gusnao: what happened?
gusnao: no sound, no...?
no nada
me equivoque
xiangfu: if you fix the uclibc version in config, don't forget to also update config.xbboot
es que ya entre pero con telnet a mi nanonote kanzure
tuxbrain, might wanna fix a link pointing to a mailing list post on your blog ( nanonote finds it equilibrium or something).
kristianpaul, haora solo me falta darle el passwd?
wolfspraul: yes.
gusnao: yes problably
roh: I'm pretty sure it needs to be in the distribution
so just adding it as a commit message won't cut it
viric_: thta one image from wikipedia commons
xiangfu: watch the boot time. I believe there was something mirko did that improved boot time by about 10 seconds. the boot time in 2010-08-26 was pretty nice.
viric_: oops
bartbes: ^
alcy: fixed I think is due the mailing list fusion... so I think I will have to review a lot of posts ...
kristianpaul: that is not that bad...
tuxbain, probably yeah.
kyak: centerim compile fine . thanks.
hey anyone knows how to make an ubi file with a rootfs already setup?
tuxbrain, rafa :)
hehehe anyone else that is actully online? :P
groan. clubbing takes large chunks out of your work day
xiangfu: great!
tuxbrain, he is screening, but you could post him a message and he will most likely look at it when he gets a chance. His train is leaving for prag in a couple of hours so I bet he will check in soon.
ok then, rafa what are the steps to do an ubifs image for flash in nano from a rootfs :)
roh: (discordian society) nice :) read the illuminatus trilogy then ?
is building the new image now.
right, see you in 10 hours then..
see you.
xiangfu: 10hours why so long?
kristianpaul: how long in your PC? "make distclean" then "make"
xiangfu: ahh do i need distclean?
kristianpaul: I have test yesterday. it's around 10 hours.
well i think was 5 last time, not sure
xiangfu: i want do same you do
is the branch xburst?
kristianpaul: just build the OpenWrt release image. we always "make distclean" first. then "make" form 0. :)
kristianpaul: yes.
jut git pull also update the packges using the script?
cause last time gave me SDL seg fault..
kristianpaul: I have one script file for build. I can send it to you :)
xiangfu: thanks i really want follow you on this
xiangfu: a did time make, it took 3h47m, all sources were already downloaded
kyak: my pc mem is only 1G, cpu is E2180Â Â @ 2.00GHz. what about your PC??
xiangfu: mine is Pentium(R) Dual-Core  CPU      E6500  @ 2.93GHz, 2G memory (it's Shuttle K45SE)
not so wow :)
if it's 4G. it's so wow.
how lame ;-) (Q6600 with 8 GB here. no longer afraid of large build :)
wpwrak: did you measure? :)
kyak: i did an openwrt build a while ago. didn't feel excessively long. maybe an hour or two,
pity that I have a core i7, 6G RAM, 3 Ghz (did take it to 4), and its lying lifeless. waiting to shift to new home, will definitely put it to use then :)
that's cool! you should provide access to this machine to xiangfu, for faster build :)
(that was for wpwrak)
kyak: wolfgang should get him a faster machine. it's not *that* expensive :)
that's right
the hardware is pretty affordable now
kyak: I can access one big server before, it's 8-cpus, 32GB mem.  but now I only have on little PC. :)
i have an amd 1Ghz 800MB ram, should i cry?
i took like 5 hours last time i measure
yes, cry for 24 hours, that would take you to build owrt :)
very good
i used to have Celeron 600 with ~350 Mb RAM for several years as my home server.. horrible years :)
hmm. . I am not very sure it will take 10 hours. because it's build two openwrt at same time. I have setup a cron job.
I think yesterday I build the openwrt the cron jobs also start.
my server is 500Mhz, 256Mb ram 4GB flash 256Ram, and i still no cry ;)
xiangfu: but i guess get the sources take some?
make clean dont erase sources isnt?
cool. wrong package definition for a transistor :-(
kristianpaul: right.
oh better
I have added the time command this time. let's see how long it take.
wpwrak: do you have experiences with antennas for getting UHF/VHF telemetry from satellites?
sorry about the OT ;)
in a PCB btw
libphysfs won't compile
cmake: command not found
yes, it's nlove's dependancy
kristianpaul: i'm a total RF rookie :)
bartbes: any hints? maybe dependency to cmake is missing?
or, why would it want cmake from my host system?
wpwrak: so i'm newbie :)
just install it :)
bartbes: i've installed cmake now on my host system.. but it seems wrong that toolchain is using some tools from my host system
error: lua.h: No such file or directory
this is nlove. perhaps missing dependency for lua?
you see, normally I would try to build it from a clean dir
but.. I am *not* going to create another toolchain
they are hell *and* huge
you don't need to
just make distclean :)
then I need to rebuild
but do it every once in a while
just to make sure everything is consistent
and as discussed above, it usually takes no longer than 5-6 hours
bartbes: be careful what you wish for. if you read up a bit on utilitarian philosophy, you'll also find universal happiness as the principal goal. one thought experiment there is that one could improve happiness by killing all the unhappy people. repeat as many times as necessary for the less-then-average-happy.
wait what does that have to do with me
I already kill happy people
bartbes: ah, that was "bas" on the list, not "bes", sorry
you guys have to work on your hamming distances :-)
I have had this name for ages!
wpwrak: also, my "first nick" is BaS
but it's so widely used
so i had to come up with this
bas is a name where I live
i went under "Oberdaemon" for a good while, inspired by all the whatever_DAEMON processes you found on a Vax/VMS system. never had much trouble with uniqueness :)
is it Denmark?
it is not
wpwrak is more Unix style, though. like awk :)
unlike awk, i don't know how to pronounce "wpwrak" :)
me neither
it's for typing, not for pronouncing :)
but how to pronounce kyak? is it key-yak, is it kayak, what is it?
i would use "werner", but that one's almost almost taken everywhere, even though it's not the most common first name
last name possibly
s/almost almost/almost always/
bartbes: if only i knew ::)
naw, even less common as last name
probably kayak
why do so many people have names they can't pronounce..
because it's IRC-only
because they have to be globally unique :)
i wonder how would untypable, unpronouncable nickname would look like
be thankful that we don't use md5 hashes of pictures of body parts we consider significant :)
how do you create one of those on irc?
that's the question!: )
only non-printing characters
but I doubt the server would let you do that
i had a custom unrealircd server, where you could use utf-8 nicknames
that was fun!
does IRC support UTF8 ?
you can send stuff over it in any encoding you want
but most servers only accept commands in.. ascii, I guess
wpwrak: yes^
wpwrak: do you really think chinese people are not using IRC? :)
today I saw someone speak russian in one of the channels I'm in
(I own it too!)
they do i saw before chineese charastes in freenode
well, saw
he didn't use utf-8
so I only saw the wrong-encoding char.. thingy
kyak: good point
anyway, irc itself doesn't care
it just relays
bartbes: ?@825B, :0: 45;0?
that is utf-8
and I wish I didn't keep forgetting how to pronounce cyrillic chars
I really want to learn russian once
good thing I have a whole life ahead of me
gets hit by a car
about that, did you hear about the guy who died in a race.. ehm.. today? yesterday? not too long ago anyway
ah, found the channel again ;)
mm, no.. are you surprised?
well, it doesn't happen too often someone dies
ofc it happens more often on bikes.. I guess
poke is at svn.openmoko.org/developers/werner/poke/
Ornotermes: ^
useful tool. worth to have in packages, imho
(useful for poking around in registers in a way lars would call "pure evil" ;-)
i can somehow understan that :P
could be a quick crach if one changes the io for ram or storage stuff:P
oh yes :)
and maybe even permanent damage...
yup. there ought to be something you can blow up :)
otherwise we will have to make an explosive uSD card ;)
it's fast, does exactly what you tell it to do, and it's dangerous. all the characteristics a real man's toy should have :-)
s/exactly/anything/Â Â Â Â # even better :)
wpwrak: package description for poke?
heh :)
hm i wonder if it's possible to make some progress bar for reflah_ben.sh
would be great
wpwrak: it's good to have that ability to try out things, but when developers start writing user mode programs to rely on direct register access, that is evil
especially when a GP2X port is run on a Dingoo and it pokes into /dev/mem
(GP2x is ARM arch)
(and Dingoo is much like the NanoNote in hardware)
mth: yeah, such things should at least be hidden in some library
a library would still be breaking the layers
mth: user space directly accessing registers is not without precedent. e.g., consider X.
but it's wrong for X too
that is debatable :-)
the objective shuold be to do things in a manner that doesn't cause ill side-effects. if the limitations of a user-space implementation are acceptable, why not.
one of the big issues is of course guaranteed cleanup.
the only way to get no ill side effects is if control is done by one unique user space process and the kernel does not touch the device
with X, that was not the case, since the kernel runs a text mode or frame buffer on the graphics card
in a multitasking enviroment as jlime, it's alittle anoying when you want to listen music while using other apps, then gmu disables screen and you must return to the gmu screen to reenable it, I know this behaviourcan be changed throug gmu config file but It can be useful to change it directly on the gmu while playing, to renable the screen off thing when you just want to usit just as player again. it easier to press alt+s than edit a text file
#Â Â Silicon labs FXS port chipset
ah no sorry
I'm tired
tuxbrain, oh ok, i see. i know what you mean
how can that do echo cancelation?
i already have an idea what to do about that
what is FXS? is it the port for the phone or the port for the phone line?
i'll modify gmu such that it will only disable the backlight when it has the application focus
I always confond with the other thing FXO?
so when you switch to another terminal it will not shut off the backlight
so jlime works, nice
do you have X?
_wejp:Â Â hey thats more cool than my option :) time to deliver?
GNUtoo|laptop:Â Â yes :)
i've already implemented that half ;)
wow Xorg on nanonote
GNUtoo|laptop: asterisk do some echo cancelation i guess, there is not line !
don't know exactly when i will release the next version, but shouldn't take too long :)
GNUtoo|laptop: just plug the phone and call :)
kristianpaul, ok , but you have to use the proprietary software for that?
GNUtoo|laptop: for what?
kristianpaul, echo cancelation
ah sorry
no FXO line
so no need rihgt?
ono FXO
not sure if asterisk uses non-free sofware
i jsut was following the project and noticed this
basically for echo cancelation there are proprietary plugins
not sure where are thje designs
that you have to buy
so i dont know
with the previous hardware they did
they developped one in software
that was free
but it required a blackfin cpu
at least it seems
the IPX04
if I remember well
they also had a free codec
that seemed to be great
tuxbrain: okay, I have a sdcard with 512 flagged as swap, what next?
read part of the asterisk book
tuxbrain: or rather, how do I make jlime use it.
on a console : swapon /dev/whateveristhepartitiononsd
tuxbrain: so, swapon /dev/mmcblk0p1?
if swap is on that partition, then yes
invalid argument :/
then is not on that partition :) try mmcblk0p2
is there a command to check what's been assigned where?
I guess I could copy the required files onto the internal store, then reformat the card as entirely swap (no skin of my nose)
though thats hardly a long term solution.
do you think that would work?
tuxbrain: okay, goodnews, the swap mounted, so I guess I have swap now. bad news. doesn't seem to have done any good. opkg still dies with the same error.
xiangfu: can you point me the right .config then to let it building before i go  bed?
wolfspraul: a stopwatch will be really usefull
kristianpaul: I can send the one I am using. then we can build at same time.  it's not commit to server before I success build the image. if the build is ok. I will commit that. :)
xiangfu: sure, please send
xiangfu: or patebin it
xiangfu: you shouldhave a devel branch even for this things are not so stable yet i think..
but is up to you, just a tought
make distclean && make V=99
gn8 !
thanks xiangfu
kristianpaul, ya me sirvio
kristianpaul: remember copy the ".config" to openwrt-xburst folder after make distclean. the distclean will delete the .config file.
xiangfu: ah ok
xiangfu: thanks i was about to leave the chair
gustavo: good
xiangfu: did you used time command befoire the make?
kristianpaul: I use the "date" command.
kristianpaul: :)
xiangfu: why?
hwo it measure the build time?
you compare
kristianpaul: I use the time before. but never got a result. so I just use "date >> compile.log"Â Â to include the script file.
kristianpaul: the "time" should works fine.
yeah sort of same here
i better try other time ;)
time command not build
building now and me zZZ
I'm having issues installing ipk's on jlime, specifically opkg dying a horrible death with a glibc error (double free, or corruption)