<sujan> hello, i got an error - no xburst device found.. how can sort this out?
<sujan> any help
<sujan> please
<qi-bot> [commit] kyak: 8 bit support in readline-aware programs http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/df5f767
<kyak> (finally sdcv is working in console as expected)
<kyak> xiangfu: there is an issue.. remember you added the shell script header to gmenu2x.sh?
<kyak> this change never got to openwrt-packages git (the gmenu2x there is still older)
<kyak> therefore, the change of /etc/init.d/start (where gmenu2x is started with start-stop-daemon) is not working
<kyak> because /usr/bin/gmenu2x is not a valid shell script
<kyak> so actually i updated the gmenu2x revision in openwrt-packages
<kyak> -PKG_REV:=0775638dbcbc491d98df3c8932a933d1be2790d6
<kyak> +PKG_REV:=9986a1f08fe4eafe0b068ccf94602eb2825480d6
<kyak> but these leads to other major updates.. for example, gmenu2x input system had been rewritten
<wolfspraul> kyak: ah I had a question, sorry maybe it was discussed before (need to check irclogs...)
<wolfspraul> did you see this one guy on the list who said we should enable --nls to make utf8 work in the console
<kyak> therefore, we need to change input.conf in gmenu2x in openwrt-packages.. and maybe something else.. i'm afraid it could lead to mess :)
<wolfspraul> what do you think about that?
<kyak> wolfspraul: actually, it is not necessary
<kyak> nls usually refers to localized program strings
<kyak> and utf-8 (or multibyte) is a feature supported by the program itself..
<wolfspraul> hmm, OK
<wolfspraul> need to read again what exactly he wanted then
<kyak> and we actually have it supported CONFIG_BUSYBOX_CONFIG_FEATURE_ASSUME_UNICODE=y
<wolfspraul> he proposed a patch which said improved the situation for him, not sure which app or use case it was
<kyak> therefore, utf-8 is already working in utf-8 aware programs
<kyak> (examples are busybox, vim, sdcv .. i don't know what else)
<kyak> with fbterm, the complete unicode is supported
<kyak> in console, only 255 chars is possible to display (usually)
<kyak> so one needs to add according glyphs to console fonts
<xiangfu> kyak: thanks for update gmenu2x. I also found the gmen2x input have update. we definitely need update the input.conf
<kyak> ben-cyrillic does that for cyrillic glyphs
<kyak> xiangfu: good you agree.. i'm testing this thing now..
<wolfspraul> are we including ben-cyrillic by default?
<kyak> as a "module"
<wolfspraul> we should include more console fonts by default, cyrillic, chinese/korean/japanese, I could probably find a few more :-)
<kyak> so it should be easy to users to install it with opkg
<wolfspraul> I think we should add it to the image
<kyak> wolfspraul: it is very hard
<kyak> i have to edit the font file for setfont2 manually
<wolfspraul> installing is a very big burden for many people, especially as our installer is not very user friendly yet
<kyak> also i think 255 symbols is not enough for chinese support
<wolfspraul> hmm, OK
<kyak> Chinese people should use fbterm
<kyak> russian people may live without fbterm :)
<djbclark> wolfspraul: long ago you asked me some question, and since then we haven't seen each other on at the same time... so whenever this conversation is done feel free to bring whatever that was up :)
<wolfspraul> can we make fbterm the default?
<wolfspraul> what is the difference between fbterm and jfbterm?
<wolfspraul> hah
<kyak> if we make fbterm as default, we would loose nice fonts of setfont2
<wolfspraul> what was the question? no idea...
<wolfspraul> I'm always just worried that you are alive and happy :-)
<wolfspraul> I may be in the New York area again soon, maybe I should come back to Cambridge for a drink
<wolfspraul> will definitely take/try public transport this time
<kyak> (setfont2 is not working in fbterm)
<wolfspraul> hmm, work everywhere I guess. How hard is it to make setfont2 work with fbterm?
<kyak> and basically fbterm and jfbterm are doing the same job.. i don't know what is the spectacular difference between them
<wolfspraul> any opinion on jfbterm (j = japanese)
<wolfspraul> ?
<xiangfu> yes
<xiangfu> j = japanese
<kyak> they both support unicode, both consume the same memory..
<kyak> fbterm seems to be in developemnt though
<wolfspraul> maybe jfbterm just includes by default some japanese fonts or keybindings
<kyak> setfont2 is using custom fonts, that can compensate for Bens specific LCD.. each symbol has to be created manually (in png file)
<wolfspraul> well maybe we can make setfont2 work with fbterm? and also configure fbterm in such a way that a jfbterm use wouldn't miss a feature?
<kyak> this is the default font, supporting ascii only
<wolfspraul> s/jfbterm use/jfterm user/
<kyak> this is modified font file for ben with cyrillic support
<kyak> fbterm is using ttf fonts..
<kyak> this is completely different form how setfont2 works
<kyak> but perhpas we can ask Neil
<kyak> he, who created setfont2
<djbclark> goes to look at logs re: wolfspraul ...
<kyak> another issue is input.. while cyrillic input works, it is pretty hard to type.. though i can type blind in cyrillic, Ben's keyboard is confusing
<kyak> and there are 33 letters in russian alphabet, not all of them can be assigned to 26 english letters
<djbclark> wolfspraul: oh I guess we did catch up, I just owe you a microblog... this sound okay?
<djbclark> News of !qihardware the most !copyleft !freesoftware friendly hardware - RSS http://en.qi-hardware.com/feed/rss20.xml - !freedomincluded to sell !nanonote soon...
<wolfspraul> ahh
<wolfspraul> it was that
<wolfspraul> yes please
<wolfspraul> I will push out the 11/1 community news tomorrow
<wolfspraul> so the timing is excellent
<wolfspraul> or maybe you wait until tomorrow, then if someone looks at the feed first they see the latest news, then maybe they subscribe...
<wolfspraul> right now the latest news is just an editorial, and before that is a bit old...
<djbclark> wolfspraul: sure, just ping me or give me a New_York time to do the post tomorrow.
<wolfspraul> Monday morning is fine, whenever you get up :-)
<djbclark> wolfspraul: k
<djbclark> BTW to get under 140 did ur1, so
<djbclark> News of !qihardware !copyleft !freesoftware friendly hardware - RSS feed http://ur1.ca/28ak8 - !freedomincluded !nanonote + !librewrt soon.
<djbclark> If you think ur1 / url shortening is bad I can try to trim other things.
<wolfspraul> hmm
<wolfspraul> I have an idea...
<qi-bot> [commit] kyak: gmenu2x: catch up with the latest git version, input.conf has changed. http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/44b60e7
<kyak> xiangfu: seems ok now
<xiangfu> kyak: thanks.
<kyak> xiangfu: np!
<wolfspra1l> djbclark: we have a shortener for example for the commitlog urls, so I just setup this one http://qi-hw.com/f/rss
<djbclark> wolfspra1l: ah cool I'm sure I can make that one fit... sec... although ping does its own annoyinng thing if URL is too large... which is probably a good tip-off that I should start using something else... I remember someone mentioning a decently nice gnome app...
<djbclark> News of !qihardware !copyleft !freesoftware friendly hardware -  RSS http://qi-hw.com/f/rss - !freedomincluded !nanonote + !librewrt soon :)
<djbclark> and going to look for more freedomy ping.fm replacement now :)
<djbclark> Ah Gwibber
<djbclark> Erg doesn't do linkedin...
<wolfspra1l> man, I just arrived in Shenzhen, the firewall has some pecularities here
<wolfspra1l> first my openvpn traffic is so throttled that I rather go naked through the censors (i.e. unencrypted)
<wolfspra1l> at least it's faster
<wolfspra1l> now I cannot even use flickr!, need to turn openvpn back on
<wolfspra1l> we need to crank up and make all this a lot more user friendly
<djbclark> wolfspra1l: You may find http://en.flossmanuals.net/CircumventionTools useful :)
<wolfspra1l> I want a 'magic' network layer that will just try whatever works, measure speeds, use anything from unencrypted to steganography to vpn to whatnot, and flip between them for every packet as needed!
<wolfspra1l> get my data through the pipe! :-)
<wolfspra1l> even dns tunneling if it has to be, I don't care
<wolfspra1l> djbclark: yeah but I need China quality
<djbclark> wolfspra1l: I assume you are aware that is a thing
<wolfspra1l> I need a layer that will just try ANYTHING
<wolfspra1l> without asking, jsut try try try, get the data through
<djbclark> wolfspra1l: Zealous CircumventionBot? ;-)
<wolfspra1l> for China the user interface of the current tools is just way too innocent
<wolfspra1l> I want something that will just go bezerk to get data from a to b
<djbclark> wolfspra1l: There are some tools that suck less. I'll ask a friend who works on things like that when I see him on XMPP next...
<wolfspra1l> that's what the other side does as well, in China at least, so have to match it :-)
<wolfspra1l> I just want a slider where I basically tell the computer at what 'danger level' I am currently communicating
<wolfspra1l> if I set the slider to 'high', the magic layer will not go below a certain encryption level
<wolfspra1l> if I set it to low, it will throw all my data into the data mining and archival forever machine, what the heck :-)
<wolfspra1l> he, anyway
<wolfspra1l> :-)
<kristianpaul> I tought Gnome network manager was able to do it so ;-)
<kristianpaul> wolfspra1l: you should try a n2n tunnel some day, at least is faster that openvpn (troughtput)
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: [keymouse] new package http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/9f1726e
<sujan> hi i just flashed my nano using the script .. i also copied nupdf into /usr/bin .. i created the data folder in home folder and added one simple pdf file.. while i tried to open the file, screen goes blank and stays like that.. i had reboot at the end.. any suggestion why i'm facing that problem?
<xiangfu> sujan: it's probably because uClibc 0.9.32 problem.
<xiangfu> sujan: you can try old images. which is uClibc 0.9.30. test nupdf again.
<sujan> ok thanks
<sujan> can i install that using opkg?
<xiangfu> sujan: no. you cann't. we must reflash the whole rootfs system. (root.ubi)
<wpwrak> hates power failures and fsck. power down for ~1 h, then 1.5 h of wrestling with super-nanny fsck and patronizing ubuntu to get my system back :-(
<kristianpaul> :-/
<heberth> kristianpaul:  hi!!
<kristianpaul> heberth: hola
<heberth> que mas como va todo por aca?
<kristianpaul> bien
<heberth> comenteme como van los proyectos ..
<kristianpaul> eso es una charla larga ;-)
<kristianpaul> pero !
<kristianpaul> heberth: http://en.qi-hardware.com/wiki/News
<kristianpaul> http://en.qi-hardware.com/wiki/Main_Page <-- Some pictures of our work, read News for more...
<kristianpaul> damn i forgot the 1.8V jtag
<kristianpaul> arg.
<kristianpaul> why i guessed it was 3.3V..
<kristianpaul> VJTAG(2) JTAG input voltage limits 0.5 to 4.0 V
<kristianpaul> so..
<kristianpaul> hmm the ben have 1.8V TP somwhere..
<kristianpaul> let fidn it !
<kristianpaul> well soemby and ##fpga said is okay with 3V3
<kristianpaul> so lets try
<kd35a> hi, i tried to use reflash_ben, but got some weird results, and googling the error doesn't give me much
<kd35a> (the downloads are shortend)
<kd35a> now when i try to boot my device, it does nothing, usb booting won't either work
<qi-bot> [commit] Erwin Lopez: Added .bit with hbridge pins and with testing pins http://qi-hw.com/p/sie-ceimtun/551a96e
<kd35a> i tried both power+u, and shortcut the usb boot-pin under the battery while powering on
<kd35a> now when i have the battery in/usb plugged in, the device makes a clicking noice
<kd35a> btw, just so that i undertood the shortcuting of the usb boot-pin correctly, i shortcut the two pins in that area right? not usb boot to gnd?
<kd35a> does anyone know what could have happend/gone wrong? is the mtd0 (NAND boot partition) "zerod out" so it won't boot?
<kristianpaul> kd35a: ( usb boot to gnd) no way
<kristianpaul> kd35a: do you have last xbusrt tools inst?
<kristianpaul> also reflash script?
<kristianpaul> how many times did you tried to reflash the nanonote?
<kd35a> kristianpaul: i just downloaded xburst-tools_0.0+201007-1_i386.deb, so from what i know it's the latest
<kristianpaul> ok
<kristianpaul> yeah it seems
<kristianpaul> what abotu the second question?
<kd35a> kristianpaul: reflash-script also just downloaded, just tried once
<kd35a> just tried once --> answer to third question
<kristianpaul> try again
<kristianpaul> please
<kristianpaul> but before
<kristianpaul> are you using the usb cable that came on Ben box?
<kristianpaul> are you suign a usb HUB?
<kd35a> from the script "__VERSION__="2.1.1""
<kristianpaul> yeah is last
<kd35a> kristianpaul: nope, i'm using another usb-cable, and i do not use an usb-hub
<kristianpaul> is first time you tried to reflash?
<kd35a> the problem is that when push the power button, power+u, shortcut usb boot+power - the device does nothing, and i can't find it with lsusb
<kd35a> kristianpaul: yes, first time
<kristianpaul> let see
<kristianpaul> you seemed have no uboot
<kristianpaul> thats why nothing happen after poweron
<kristianpaul> or do you get some messsages and no boot?
<kristianpaul> otherwise you'll have to do usb boot fitting the two pins under the battery
<kristianpaul> it should who soemthing in lsusb
<kristianpaul> jsut try again
<kd35a> when i do dpkg -L xburst-tools | grep bin/, i get the same answer as what's told on the wiki
<kristianpaul> ok so thats OK, let focus on usb boot
<kristianpaul> do you have the rubber thing that came on a small plastic bag in your Ben box?
<kd35a> nope, i just got the device (second hand from a friend, the box is coming later)
<kristianpaul> carbon rubber*
<kd35a> i tried with a key
<kristianpaul> oh well
<kristianpaul> ouch
<kristianpaul> you'll get some time getting it to boot
<kristianpaul> just try again
<kristianpaul> try fir usb boot pins before plug usb cable
<kd35a> also tried with those rubber things on old-school keyboards
<kd35a> ok, shall try again
<kristianpaul> yeah those shold work
<kristianpaul> should*
<wpwrak> one more item: it takes some time for the ben to discharge. remove battery, disconnect usb, wait 30 seconds (!), short the usb boot pins (and keep them shorted), connect usb, wait a couple of seconds, then release the usb boot pins.
<kristianpaul> hey that go for the wiki !
<kristianpaul> writing
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: 30 seconds, long time i think
<kristianpaul> but guess same as in laptops
<kristianpaul> szie dind matter seems
<kristianpaul> dint*
<kd35a> the device still doesn't show up with lsusb :(
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: yeah, 30 s is fairly long. you can probably get away with less. but ... the minimum, or rather, the delays that i found weren't sufficient, are quite large.
<kristianpaul> kd35a: you relly need a trusty tool to fit the pins
<kristianpaul> as the rubber that came within the box
<wpwrak> kd35a: sometimes, it takes a few tries. it virtually always works, but sometimes it's hard to make a good contact.
<kristianpaul> indeed
<kristianpaul> dont give  up !
<kd35a> wpwrak: kristianpaul ok, shall try some more times
<wpwrak> kd35a: also, make sure you don't break the contact on the usb boot pins until a few seconds after plugging in USB.
<kd35a> i read something about this device beeing "unbrickable", is that realy true? sounds too good to be true for me...
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: you went here before  http://www.sase.com.ar/?
<wpwrak> kd35a: (note that you don't need the power button in all this)
<kristianpaul> kd35a: (unbrickable ) sure it is in most cases
<kristianpaul> your looks like a usual one, just in trying to fit the thing right way
<wpwrak> kd35a: (unbrickable) i think it's true. short of electrocuting or hacking it in two, there's little you can do to kill it, it seems :)
<kristianpaul> :-)
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: (sase) no, first time i hear of it
<kd35a> I DID IT! :D
<kd35a> it's alive :D
<kristianpaul> good
<kd35a> and now i should do something like this? http://en.qi-hardware.com/wiki/Updating_Ben_with_usbboot
<kristianpaul> just run reflash script
<kd35a> same error again
<kd35a> ./reflash_ben.sh -b maybe?
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: wow, 7 months between paper submission and the conference.
<wpwrak> kd35a: (alive) congratulations ! :)
<kd35a> nice, ow i've got a bootloader at least...
<kristianpaul> what happen next?..
<kristianpaul> it sound like you may need to erase some temp files and try flash again
<kd35a> i but b="TRUE", others to FALSE
<kd35a> s/but/put/
<kristianpaul> oh i never tried that -b
<kd35a> ok, got the same error as before "error while flashing kernel:
<kd35a> Error - can't read bulk data from Ingenic device:-110"
<kd35a> kristianpaul: -b didn't work, just read it on the wiki, so tried to change the variabels
<kd35a> what are the tmp-files i need erase?
<kd35a> kristianpaul:
<kristianpaul> are in /root/.ben
<kristianpaul> i think
<kristianpaul> /root/.qi
<kd35a> kristianpaul: same error again while flashing kernel
<kristianpaul> paste please
<kristianpaul> just for confirm :=
<kristianpaul> :)
<kd35a> flashing kernel...
<kd35a> ===
<kd35a> fatal error occured - ABORTED
<kd35a> ===
<kd35a> error while flashing kernel:
<kd35a> Error - can't read bulk data from Ingenic device:-110
<kristianpaul> hm
<kristianpaul> try on console
<kristianpaul> run sudo usbboot
<kristianpaul> then type boot
<kd35a> done
<kristianpaul> well you should flash your nano by hand then
<kristianpaul> the required files are in /root/.qi
<kd35a> as stated in the wiki i linked earlier?
<kristianpaul> yup
<kristianpaul> i wonder what's wrong with your reflascript
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: yeah 7  moths long time..
<kristianpaul> months*
<kd35a> ok, kernel flashed, rootfs on it's way in
<kristianpaul> almost done :)
<kd35a> thank's kristianpaul and wpwrak! realy appreciate your help :)
<qi-bot> [commit] Erwin Lopez: Pins corrected again http://qi-hw.com/p/sie-ceimtun/0345656
<kristianpaul> ha
<kristianpaul> why no body tell me that pico-gate exists..
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: as in "*1G*" logic ?
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: 1G?
<kristianpaul> one gate?
<wpwrak> 74AUP1G125 and such
<kristianpaul> ahap
<wpwrak> yup
<wpwrak> or do you mean another kind of "pico-gate" ?
<kristianpaul> no that one
<kristianpaul> yes 1 gate
<wpwrak> that stuff's been around for a while ;-)
<kristianpaul> heh yes i have a 74245 for my jtag programmer
<kristianpaul> i jsut ignored that it was more..
<viric> What can I buy cheap to have a TTL serial line (tx/rx) in Linux, connecting one usb device?
<viric> Better if I have to solder little :)
<wpwrak> viric: you mean linux in general ? and where is usb ?
<viric> I think I want something like those ftdi chips
<viric> I have a computer only with usb connectors
<kristianpaul> ouch
<viric> and a device with a ttl serial line like the nanonote
<bartbes> I'd love to do some bitbanging..
<viric> (or is it 3.3v?)
<wpwrak> viric: it's only 3.3 V on the ben
<wpwrak> bartbes: what's stopping you ? :)
<bartbes> I don't have an ftdi cable
<viric> wpwrak: how do you access with a PC that serial port?
<wpwrak> viric: hmm, i use idbg :)
<viric> bah, you cheat :)
<wpwrak> bartbes: the ben can do some nice bitbanging ... in fact, the ft232 kinda suck at this
<viric> what is 'bitbanging'?
<wpwrak> bartbes: the ft2232 works, but i don't trust the ft232 anymore.
<bartbes> so how would I do that?
<wpwrak> bartbes: make a board that goes into the micro-sd slot and connect whatever you fancy to it.
<bartbes> and how would I code that (not that I can make a board at all, but hypothetically)
<wpwrak> viric: control of i/o pins by setting them directly to 0 and 1 under software control.
<wpwrak> bartbes: see ben-blinkenlights :)
<viric> aah.
<wpwrak> bartbes: or, for something a little more complex, f32xbase/c2ben/
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: c2ben is just pcb/sch stuff from what i can see and make..
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: yup. connects to a c8051f326 or c8051f320 microcontroller. it's for in-circuit programming.
<kristianpaul> is that for prorgamin your MCU?
<kristianpaul> ahh ok
<kristianpaul> :-)
<kristianpaul> beutifull :)
<wpwrak> (i've already mentioned it here. maybe you've seen it already.)
<kristianpaul> yes i remenber
<kristianpaul> i like mostly how look the PCb in the picture
<wpwrak> what's especially nice about it is that i finally got the uSD board geometry right. in all the things i did before, it was a little off.
<wpwrak> i should have scraped off the copper at the edge. or, better, the toner that left it there. i could just not print the edge, but it helps a lot when positioning the paper.
<wpwrak> hmm, qucs doesn't want to simulate crosstalk in a ribbon cable :-(
<kristianpaul> .
<kristianpaul> Could not open parallel port (null) :-/
<wpwrak> huh ?
<kristianpaul> I'm running xc3sprog trying to program the cpld
<kristianpaul> but so far the jtag cable is not detected..
<wpwrak> hmm, simulation says that crosstalk should be troublesome on a ribbon cable. even if only ~20 cm. glad the ones i made for f32xbase are much shorter :)
<kd35a> hi again :p now i'm trying to get WiFi to work with the SPECTEC SDW-823
<kd35a> i moved the .rom and .cfg file to /lib/firmware as stated in the wiki (http://en.qi-hardware.com/wiki/Ben_NanoNote_Wi-Fi#Ben_Nanonote_Wi-Fi_howto)
<kd35a> but when putting in the wifi-card in the microSD-slot, i get this http://pastebin.com/vQ3hA3dk
<kd35a> a new output every 0.5s, you can see it's repeating from the dmesg
<kd35a> the last few lines are from removing the wifi-card
<kd35a> i downloaded the latest .config you use when building openwrt-xburst, and in that one kmod-ks7010 is marked for "built-in"
<kd35a> so i guess i don't need to recompile the kernel, but something won't work, and google gives me nothing, ideas??
<kd35a> makes sandwich, brb
<wpwrak> interesting site: http://machinedesign.com/?p=1
<wpwrak> hard to search, but they do seem to have some good articles. e.g., about wires. http://machinedesign.com/article/wiring-1115
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: something similar to your machine. but seems to be able to handle lots of different materials: http://machinedesign.com/article/fab-it-now-0522
<kristianpaul> oh yes is the fab@home
<kristianpaul> from MIT Media Lab guys
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: this one is from cornell
<wpwrak> grr. Gerber is pure anarchy :-( some of the codes kicad uses seem to be completely undocumented. they're easy enough to figure out, but one has to wonder ...
<wpwrak> well, doesn
<wpwrak> t actually seem to be real gerber. just a similar-looking fake. it also has real gerber, but then loses the ability to pick apertures. grmbl.
<kristianpaul> ahh i was confused then
<kristianpaul> i tought was from then but in fact is the fab@home
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: (gerber) seems to be same problem with custom gcodes and mcodes
<wpwrak> yeah, i guess everyone feels a need to make up their own :)
<kristianpaul> i have tow 3d printing machines, and i dont know why there is no starnd
<kristianpaul> indeed
<kristianpaul> s/tow/two
<kristianpaul> i dont know if is same with CNC machines
<wpwrak> wow, even two machines ! i know of the cupcake. what's the other one ?
<wpwrak> with cnc it's probably similar. mine doesn't even speak g-code but RML-1, some bastardized HPGL
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: cupcake and reprap
<kristianpaul> reprap is son of cupcake :p
<kristianpaul> i could resist build one ;-)
<kristianpaul> we need a kicad developer evuanlly join this channel
<wpwrak> how does reprap compare with cupcake ?
<kristianpaul> cupcake printed reprap plastic parts
<wpwrak> (kicad developer) yeah, would be useful to have someone who'd take care of all the pesky little details we need :)
<kristianpaul> also cupcake electornic is useable in reprap
<kristianpaul> well reprap works but i really need tune sofware a bit more to achieve better resolution, but that will be next year i hope so..
<kristianpaul> damn i hate xilinx now more than yday ;-)
<wpwrak> (pics) nice ! but how do the two compare - accuracy, speed, work area ?
<wpwrak> enjoying the proprietary tools ? :)
<kristianpaul> work area is better in reprap also speed (but you loose accuracy)
<kristianpaul> accuracy can better is a sofware thing
<kristianpaul> is not same sofware made from academics than in the wild of a comunity
<kristianpaul> (propietary) trying to avoid it, and when use it, is just cr4p..
<kristianpaul> i think i'll save my CPLD if i find out how make this xilinx impact to work.
<kristianpaul> at least SIE and my avnet fpga kit dont have thta issue :)
<kristianpaul> rafa: there??
<kristianpaul> rafa: i ned your help with SIE and jlime !
<kristianpaul> need*
<kristianpaul> argg "WARNING:iMPACT -  Module windrvr6 is not loaded. Please reinstall the cable drivers. See Answer Record 22648."
<kristianpaul> :-/
<kristianpaul> and YES even in linux the module is called windrv..
<kristianpaul> heh no more message !
<kristianpaul> and one point for the use of non privative drives
<kristianpaul> drives*
<kristianpaul> drivers*
<kristianpaul> id 0000...
<kristianpaul> well at least i said detected something unknow now
<kristianpaul> lets see if if have wire issues..
<wpwrak> those very first bringups are always unpleasant. too many unknowns.
<kristianpaul> indeed
<kristianpaul> i hate ltp port and now my day sucess i depend on it :/
<wpwrak> no open alternative for this communication ?
<kristianpaul> is jtag
<kristianpaul> i could try use my bus pirate
<kristianpaul> actually i did some dig and my cpld is not supported
<kristianpaul> by open alternatives
<kristianpaul> right now the comunication is held by and open driver, that fakes propietary one
<kristianpaul> but no luck yet..
<kristianpaul> openocd or urjtag are the open ones
<wpwrak> sounds suckish
<kristianpaul> ohh
<kristianpaul> Can't open /dev/parport0: Permiso denegado
<kristianpaul> oops
<kristianpaul> thats old
<kristianpaul> now
<kristianpaul> INFO:iMPACT:1578 - '1':  Device IDCODE :        00001111111111111000111111111111
<kristianpaul> INFO:iMPACT:1579 - '1': Expected IDCODE:    00000110111001011000000010010011
<kristianpaul> i'm close :)
<wpwrak> picking up static ? :)
<kristianpaul> that or a bad quality connector
<kristianpaul> i just push it and i got a partially recognized device
<kristianpaul> wee !
<kristianpaul> ha
<kristianpaul> there are many unknow devices founded
<kristianpaul> before i had just one ..
<wpwrak> the reprap looks pretty mean. not as tamed as the cupcake :)
<kristianpaul> sure thats theplan
<kristianpaul> cupcake just was the buy for something that is supposed to work after you assbled
<kristianpaul> reprap is for reasearch and more fun :)
<wpwrak> can the reprap also extrude a support material ? (for overhangs and such)
<kristianpaul> sure
<kristianpaul> is sofware thing
<kristianpaul> even it can support a second head to extruder non-pastic but and soluble support material
<wpwrak> kewl. so it's quite a bit more capable than the cupcake then.
<kristianpaul> yep bit is DIY and nor wait other sell you the kit
<kristianpaul> s/bit/but
<wpwrak> if it was designed for making it from 2D parts (like the cupcake), i could just mill it :)
<kristianpaul> there is reprap milled
<kristianpaul> well sor of
<kristianpaul> damn it works sometimes
<kristianpaul> i was about to program and then got error..
<kristianpaul> is kaptop tape good avoid static?
<wpwrak> what is kaptop tape ? :)
<kristianpaul> or a nnanote is not good to for a trusty 3V3 power supply
<wpwrak> how long is your cable between jtag device and the board ?
<kristianpaul> no more than 13cms~
<kristianpaul> may be is my parallel cable
<kristianpaul> i just dont have one and made it from ribbon cable plus the ltp male and female connectors
<wpwrak> 13 cm should be safe
<kristianpaul> ok this is getting worse ramdon now i have 32 unksnow devices..
<wpwrak> (kapton vs. static) dunno
<wpwrak> they multiply ;-)
<wpwrak> wolfspraul: btw, how did your "street job" go ? (the uSD-to-breadboard cable)
<qi-bot> [commit] Erwin Lopez: Yet another .bit fix http://qi-hw.com/p/sie-ceimtun/4618f64
<wolfspraul> wpwrak: he, no idea. You are too fast :-)
<wolfspraul> I work on 20 things in parallel, so it's slow unless it's at the top of the priority list, which this isn't.
<wolfspraul> plus I'm mostly interested in a clean, documented, fast & efficient process
<wolfspraul> not an address book with some wild contact infos...
<wpwrak> wolfspraul: (process) yeah :) i'm just curious how it turned out. now that i have explored a bit in this direction as well, i now have a better understanding of the issues.
<wolfspraul> oh wow, the 11/1 news on the planet look crazy! :-)
<wolfspraul> well, it's fun...
<wpwrak> (planet) very space-efficient ;-)
<rafa> wolfspraul: hey, morning for you :)
<rafa> wolfspraul: you asked me to give you some screenshot after boot finished. The next beta 4 version (which will have a version without packages with patented technologies) looks like this after boot :
<rafa> and if you go into "more" :
<kristianpaul> oh calc !
<kristianpaul> rafa: xcalc??
<kristianpaul> NightSky !!
<kristianpaul> so many fun games !
<rafa> kristianpaul: he.. no so happy. It is not xcalc.. it is gtapecal.. a gtk1 simple calculator.
<rafa> kristianpaul: NightSky.. I like it
<kristianpaul> and the sound record icon, is jsut there. or is ... (suprise !!)
<rafa> kristianpaul: the sound record is the best thing .. you will have a lot of fun with that
<kristianpaul> great :)
<rafa> kristianpaul: because I have been having a lot of fun after I set properly the mic to record :)
<wolfspraul> rafa: wow, nice!
<wolfspraul> and all these apps are working?
<rafa> yep
<rafa> wolfspraul: and there is the wikireader plugin for mydict.. so Dict has two tabs.. english dictionary and english wikipedia
<kristianpaul> ohh !
<kristianpaul> rafa: when this marvelous distro will be released ?
<rafa> kristianpaul: the standar one is ready (well, we just need to add some extra txt info into "Help" for the new applications)
<kristianpaul> great
<kristianpaul> and grat work !
<rafa> kristianpaul: the version without packages with patented technologies is the same, just that mplayer just will play theora and ogg
<rafa> kristianpaul: and also we need to finish the idea about how to provide packages for that special version
<kristianpaul> ha my cable is full of static
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: cntr/cam/: added PCB-cutting process http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/1702234
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: "oh my god, it's full of sta...tic"
<kristianpaul> what on the..
<kristianpaul> sie repo is a mess
<kristianpaul> there are miissing files in order to compile the xc3sprog  fork..
<kristianpaul> :-/
<kristianpaul> it looks like an archive not a repo..
<kristianpaul> i'll drop a  mail
<kristianpaul> wolfspraul: you missed the last new about Jlime support for SIE ;-) coming
<wolfspraul> add it to the 12/01 news
<kristianpaul> sure
<wolfspraul> 11/01 was already overloaded anyway
<wolfspraul> plus, keep in mind, for anything Jlime we first have to solve the patent issues
<kristianpaul> and 12-01 will by sure
<kristianpaul> ahh true
<kristianpaul> well
<wolfspraul> we cannot first include/link/etc. and then at some point later fix the patent issues
<wolfspraul> :-)
<wolfspraul> that order will not go down very well
<wolfspraul> but I understand they are on it, so it's all good. just keep in mind - as long as those issues are not 100% solved yet, we shouldn't link yet.
<kristianpaul> ok
<kristianpaul> i forgot that before mail to list :/
<kristianpaul> but i'm adviced now :)
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: (forgot) you mean the mail where you mentioned the name "jlime" in the context of the fpga stuff ? if that would imply an infringement on some mp3 patent, then i think we could as well get you hanged for just breathing ;-)
<kristianpaul> :p
<kristianpaul> i'll cnahge my nick soon ;-)