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<strawberyargon> how much to discharge lifepo too? 2v, 2.25v, 2.5v ? done some searching need to do more... but not looking easy. heres my batt, it has datasheet link:
<strawberyargon> (discharge per cell)
<strawberyargon> how is cycle life affected?
<strawberyargon> thanks muchly. off to on monday :) first time, first plane trip :) :|
<strawberyargon> the data sheet for that 12v batt, it only goes down to 2.5v per cell in most of the graphs. in one it goes down to 9v (2.25v per cell) and the cutt off is 8v - 2v per cell
<strawberyargon> i dont think i want to dischage it to the cut off, and it looks like the capicity drops off quickly? im not sure
<strawberyargon> made a low voltage disconnect circuit using ne555 thx to internet for instructions :)
<strawberyargon> theres ready made modules from china too
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<rjeffries> wpwrak do I detect a pulse for activity re: your anelok password security device?
<wpwrak> rjeffries: indeed, indeed :)
<rjeffries> I assumed it was no longer being developed...
<rjeffries> oh my, that's good news
<wpwrak> rjeffries: got me a 3D printer, now making a nicer and especially more maintainable case
<rjeffries> did you pursue idea of it using two MCUs (It's been a while...)
<wpwrak> and i'm also (finally) getting the components for the next iteration. let's hope they clear customs unscathed.
<wpwrak> yes, i'm keeping the dual MCU for now
<rjeffries> I like that concept. assume your 3D printer has adequate ventilation. we need you to stay alive. LOL
<wpwrak> there are also MCUs in this class that have some degree of memory protection where one could perhaps just run communication stacks with limited access. but that's an optimization :)
<wpwrak> 3D printer is in my guest room, some 8 m from my office, behind a door :)
<wpwrak> i had it for a bit in my office, but the smells do get a little annoying with time
<rjeffries> two MIT grads were found dead. cause: carbon monoxide supposedly from 3D printer. wow
<wpwrak> ewww
<wpwrak> that's about as bad as that guy who played video games non-stop for days, until he died
<rjeffries> smart people sometimes do dumb things.
<rjeffries> re anelok: any thoughts re using NFC as a way to make a fute version work with e,g, Android phone?
<wpwrak> you have BT for wireless communication. NFC isn't all that useful. maybe for pairing, but meh.
<whitequark> wpwrak: actually, disagree
<whitequark> yubikey does that for their token
<wpwrak> what i'd be much more intrested in is a fingerprint sensor or such, as added factor to complement the PIN. but that still seems to be tricky.
<whitequark> I assume it works with U2F, which removes the hassle with pairing as well as brings some physical proximity into the mix
<wpwrak> whitequark: NFC often needs very close proximity. not so nice for a device that you operate (i.e., going through menus and such). i guess you could use your phone as a "table" and put anelok on top, but that's kina messy.
<whitequark> no no
<whitequark> first set up a transfer, then press the phone against the device
<wpwrak> having said that, i haven't done a detailed evaluation of NFC. if it should be able to replace BT, that could be interesting. but that would be for later.
<whitequark> this has the advantage that it makes unauthorized access by a rogue app or something harder
<wpwrak> for that, the idea is that you acknowledge the operation. i.e., phone/PC sends a query with account information. anelok searches if it finds something that matches. if yes, asks user if it should send the auth information.
<wpwrak> so that you don't have to go manually through your entire database all the time
<wpwrak> 2FA is a nicer fit: since you only have to prove possession of the token, you can be a bit more lax with acknowledging. but yes, proximity becomes a concern then.
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<rjeffries> is your use of BT one where there's a trusted app on the phone that decrypts messages anelok sends?
<rjeffries> about fingerprint sensors (which have become very good) I am one of the people who have fingerprints that can not be recognized. not just by my Nexus 5X phone, but the system the local police department uses.
<rjeffries> there's some small percentage of folks who have fingerprints that are not disticnt. too bad I did not become a crimianl, would have been a real value add
<wpwrak> the idea is that you can have HID (keyboard), and then build better things on top of it.
<wpwrak> e.g., you could have an encrypted channel between anelok and, say, the web browser. then browser would decrypt the password and then send it on to the remote site.
<wpwrak> or, if the remote site supports it, and the browser plays along, anelok could even have an encrypted channel directly to the remmote site. so even if your PC is full of nasty critters, they only see gibberish
<wpwrak> (untraceable fingerprints) i guess one of your ancestors was a time-travelling criminal ;-))
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<paul_boddie> wpwrak: Did you see that Harald Welte has made the ATUSB available again?
<wpwrak> paul_boddie: of course. i updated the files for that :)
<wpwrak> so that other plan towards world domination is coming along nicely, too ;-)
<paul_boddie> I noticed and then updated the qi-hw wiki. That's why I wondered.
<paul_boddie> It's interesting that the whole MIPS Creator CI40 IoT thing features a WPAN board, but the details are a bit mysterious.
<paul_boddie> And it did make me wonder whether that flavour of networking was still a thing. But when I was looking at this, I hadn't seen Harald's blog.
<wpwrak> (wii) aah, thanks ! quite forgot about that one
<wpwrak> #s/wii/wiki/
<wpwrak> the resident expert on the future of wpan would be eintopf :)
<paul_boddie> I was looking at wireless/radio stuff for experimentation, and it looked like 802.15.4 had been pushed aside by other stuff.
<wpwrak> bt is certainly getting stronger
<wpwrak> and there are others, less mainstream, too
<paul_boddie> You see Bluetooth Low Energy (or whatever it is called) used/hyped a lot these days.
<paul_boddie> Then there's that LoRaWAN stuff as well.
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