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<Guest43589> DanC: Do you think you could rerun the scheduling poll you did for office hours specifically for weeknights?
<dckc> oahi. I didn't run the original poll, but I could probably do that.
<dckc> I gather you're Lyre? (can you set your /nick?)
<Guest43589> Oh. Who did it then? Lol
<Guest43589> Looks like I'm getting my wires crossed.
<Guest43589> Yeah, I'm lyre.
<dckc> doesn't matter that much who did it originally. (probably ocdtrekkie ) I can take the ball
<Guest43589> Is my Nick different from username? Cuz this has been my name in freenode for like, 15 years or something. :O
<dckc> Guest43589 is what I see here.
<dckc> yes, nick is different from username
<dckc> oh wait... I did do the original poll using doodle
<Guest43589> I think mattermost is filtering things weird.
* Guest43589 uploaded an image: Screenshot_20200120-152005.png (292KB) < >
<Guest43589> That's what I'm seeing.
<CcxWrk> MSG(nickserv): info Guest43589
<CcxWrk> [Guest43589] (captainc1@gateway/shell/
<Guest43589> Er.. not mattermost, matrix/riot.
<dckc> I hope to check out matrix soonish.
<Guest43589> Maybe I should login via an actual irc client to see what I look like.
<dckc> IRC doesn't seem likely to survive to the next generation
<CcxWrk> Yes, you need to set your nick in some special way. Forgot the link for it.
<Guest43589> I thought I'd already done it! Spent like half an hour on it a week or two ago.
<dckc> quick poll: doodle or frameadate / sandstorm?
<CcxWrk> dckc: My personal opinion of current state of Matrix is that the fastest way to get it into shape would be to scrap it entirely and redesign from scratch. :-/
<Guest43589> dckc: whichever you prefer.
<dckc> re Matrix: really? mozilla just picked it as a winner
<Guest43589> Migrating away from irc though, not integrating with irc so much. Matrix seems stronger and more coherent when it's not acting as a bridge.
<dckc> so... weeknights... 7pm Central? Other times?
<dckc> 10pm central?
<Guest43589> Maybe do an hour by hour spread between 6pm Central and 9 pm Central.
<dckc> CcxWrk, would you take a look at the poll, please?
<dckc> where did everybody go?
<Guest43589> Looks good to me. Could you maybe put "(Central Time)" in the title?
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<ocdtr_web> I voted in the poll already, saw it via GitHub notifications of wiki editing activity.
<ocdtr_web> FWIW, I am always +1 on doing these things in Sandstorm grains where possible.
<ocdtr_web> If we are avoiding the friction of using Sandstorm, we aren't going to be as motivated to fix it. And if those of us organizing Sandstorm development can't tolerate using Sandstorm it doesn't bode well for getting anyone else to. :P
<ocdtr_web> @dckc: If you are really committed to using the wiki, I strongly suggest you edit the wiki's home page. Maybe just nudge the existing content down a bit and add links to current organizing discussions.
<ocdtr_web> Currently your wiki pages, except for notifications, are nearly invisible. You have to expand the full pages list, then expand the "Show more pages..." button, and then happen to know which two or three wiki pages you've recently updated.
<ocdtr_web> The wiki home hasn't been edited since 2016. If someone clicked on the wiki when browsing Sandstorm's GitHub, they'd assume it's mostly abandoned and move on.
<ocdtr_web> Guest43589: Your username appears on IRC as G.u.e.s.t. without the dots. Based on your screenshot, it appears whenever someone calls you by name, Matrix is replacing your actual IRC nick here with your username as you expect it to be.
<Guest43589> Ugh. Ok.
<ocdtr_web> I don't think it's a big deal once someone knows. But that's why people keep asking who you are. :P
<ocdtr_web> If there were a bunch of GuestNumber users in here, it would be a problem.
<Guest43589> It's a problem for my self-image! I have a very fragile ego.
<dckc> yes, I should edit the wiki's home page. I thought about it a couple times but then cheated and just went straight to office-hours
<dckc> central time in the title: done
<dckc> Guest43589, re "so it's not going out last minute" thanks for making the agenda doc early; but I also find it particularly effective to announce an agenda right around T-24hrs.
<Guest43589> Noted. I'll send out a ping then too.
<ocdtr_web> I think it's particularly nice to have one in advance I can jump into and go add something to that I think of.
<dckc> cool...
<ocdtr_web> But then yeah, 24 hours prior we should make sure an email about the upcoming event is right there in their inbox.
<dckc> of course, the bulk of the value comes in scanning over the progress during the week and boiling it down to a handful of itmes
<dckc> items
<dckc> and yes... right in their inbox. complete with dial-in number.
<dckc> the stress test is: suppose I'm in an airport and all I have is a printed copy of the agenda (or in this decade: a copy cached on my phone but no real-time internet). Can I dial in and participate effectively?
<ocdtr_web> The calendar feature sadly doesn't support adding to your own calendar. (Why not, I don't know? Trash CMS.) But it'd be nice to just have something you can sync to your own calendar for the event, which has both the dial-in number and the notes share link at least a week in advance.
<ocdtr_web> Then you get a calendar reminder in your calendar app of choice or your phone, and the info to connect to it is already there.
<ocdtr_web> And of course, if we're using some sort of standards-compliant calendaring, we don't have to help people figure out what time it's at in their time zone, because their calendar app will do it for them.
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<dckc> sigh... I wish hcaledar were more widely deployed