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<TimMc> And just because something is "deprecated" doesn't mean you can rely on the replacement yet. :-)
<TimMc> Is there a way to use Davros's web publishing feature with HTTPS and a custom domain?
<TimMc> I've got serving up an index page just fine, but if I wanted TLS, I'd have to...
<TimMc> Oh, I think I see -- I can handle this entirely in nginx, never mind. Thanks for rubber-ducking. :-P
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<ill_logic> Did you guys say it was an issue that you couldn't log into my instance when I'm hosting office hours links?
<ill_logic> Or are you fine editing anonymously?
<ill_logic> I added my link for now.
<JacobWeisz[m]> It's fine, just a different convention that I expect, I suppose.
<ill_logic> I think I'll open it up when I get around to it, just for guests.
<ill_logic> I didn't like the idea of depending on Gmail for authentication (or give it access) but for quick guest things it's okay.
<ill_logic> Hmm... crazy thought. You could give it ProtonMail powers, or PGP. So your login links would only go to you.
<JacobWeisz[m]> I know PGP login was a thing intended to be someday added.
<JacobWeisz[m]> I don't use Gmail, so email login feels safer to me. :P
<ill_logic> Oh no kidding. Well I guess you don't even need email for PGP login.
<ill_logic> That would be rad. And/or maybe SQRL made by Steve Gibson, though it seems his reputation is questionable based on what some netsec people say.
<ill_logic> I like his show 🤷‍♂️
<isd> Reminder: office hours