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<JacobWeisz[m]> The build process for Sandstorm is kinda weird. But it's documented!
<JacobWeisz[m]> Basically it copies everything from everywhere else in the repo into a temp folder. And they've since reorganized the whole repo and broke everything.
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<JacobWeisz[m]> Ian, I have no idea why a Sandstorm server.c++ file is in the build process.
<JacobWeisz[m]> All I know is that it is where I am failing.
<JacobWeisz[m]> has my current progress. The latest commit readds the readme for building Sandstorm, I updated (most) of the file locations so works, and currently it explodes on a ton of capnproto stuff when I "make dev".
<JacobWeisz[m]> I did try installing capnproto from the git repo so I'd have the latest.
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<isd> I doubt the problem is it's expecting a _new_ version of capnproto :P. let me have a look.
<JacobWeisz[m]> I also tried apt-get installing capnproto first, that didn't work either.
<JacobWeisz[m]> My luck, it wants some version in the middle of those two.
<isd> Oh wow, this doesn't use sandstorm-http-bridge.
<JacobWeisz[m]> I have no idea where server.c++ came from. Maybe someone Sandstorm team wrote it for them?
<isd> Some of this looks like copypasta from the app index.
<JacobWeisz[m]> I found at least one random line that was copied from util.h, it seemed like
<JacobWeisz[m]> I imagine copypasta is a healthy starting point.
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<JacobWeisz[m]> Okay, I'll try adding that in my next attempt. I am betting there are some directories not included in the current staging script, so I'll have to review that yet.
<JacobWeisz[m]> I already had to change one or two things, like gfind which is the MacOS version of find.
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<JacobWeisz[m]> Yup, pkg-config was all that was the problem.
<JacobWeisz[m]> I'll fix up the instructions, review what is and isn't being pulled in by for mossing stuff, update all the branding to, and email the guy for the publishing key.
<JacobWeisz[m]> I think I'm gonna move more of the instructions into the actual scripts though. At least the setup one.
<JacobWeisz[m]> sshing into the VM just to install some packages seems like it was done without really knowing the standard vagrant-spk flow of things.
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<isd> +1
<isd> (Also probably the instructions shouldn't suggest that you to re-do vagrant-spk setupvm...)
<JacobWeisz[m]> Yeah, I'd need to replace that with having the files already in the folder and having move them to the right place.
<JacobWeisz[m]> I was gonna update the Vagrantfile and maybe use Buster (no reason not to for the diy stack) until I realized this strategy doesn't even commit the Vagrantfile anyways.
<JacobWeisz[m]> I mean, the upside to this strategy, arguably, is that the vagrant-spk VM is never out of date...
<isd> The downside being reproducibility.
<JacobWeisz[m]> I'll get everything working well with the current build strategy first, and then work on changing it around after that, I think.
<isd> +1
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