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<mkk_> [Riking28, skywater-pdk] Some of the created public channels have had no messages ever - perhaps time to consolidate those so people don't have to go looking for the discussion?
<mkk_> [Riking28, skywater-pdk] On a different note, does anyone have digital designs they're planning to put on the shuttle, published on GitHub etc yet?
<mkk_> [Sylvain Munaut, skywater-pdk] Given that OpenRAM support is still pending I think a lot of them are waiting ...
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<mkk_> [Jean M. Cyr, skywater-pdk] @Sylvain Munaut Not to mention that most tools won't install nicely on Ubuntu.
<mkk_> [Sylvain Munaut, skywater-pdk] Huh ?
<mkk_> [Sylvain Munaut, skywater-pdk] I built and use everything on ubuntu just fine.
<mkk_> [Jean M. Cyr, skywater-pdk] Hmm. I'm seeing lots of missing dependencies, which can be taken care of, but depending on a specific version of an .so file is a no-no, which is what I'm seeing.
<mkk_> [Sylvain Munaut, skywater-pdk] missing dependencies ? Well you need to install it ... But "specific version of a .so" ? You should be _building_ them, not try to use the binaries that have been built for the Docker obviously ...
<mkk_> [Jean M. Cyr, skywater-pdk] I stay away from Docker. You're suggesting that I build my own .so files? Like that unheard of module used by the openroad stuff insisting the version 3 is required though version 3.0.9 is installed! Don't recall the modules name.
<mkk_> [Kevin Baragona, skywater-pdk] Legal question: If you are using a non-free PDK, and generate GSDII based on it, are you generally forbidden from releasing the GSDII for free? (I suspect this may be a problem because the final mask files will necessarily contain data based on the non-free PDK, which could be reversed)
<mkk_> [Sylvain Munaut, skywater-pdk] Depends on the license you have on your "non-free" PDK ...
<mkk_> [Weston Braun, skywater-pdk] Relatedly, what about generating GSDII files from a non-free layout package (like cadence) for stuff like IP blocks?
<mkk_> [Tim Edwards, skywater-pdk] @Kevin Baragona: No, you cannot publish GDS generated from a non-free PDK. That is why you cannot find GDS files online anywhere, except those made using the SCMOS technologies from MOSIS, which are real processes that have been "obfuscated" by making all the design rules much more conservative (the goal is to make the rules scalable, but one side effect was to obfuscate them to the point that it was p
<mkk_> [Tim Edwards, skywater-pdk] @Kevin Baragona: Also some "academic" processes like freePDK45 that are not associated with any real manufacturable process.
<mkk_> [Kevin Baragona, skywater-pdk] @Tim Edwards thank you!
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<mkk_> [Jean M. Cyr, skywater-pdk] @Sylvain Munaut Example of stumbling on Ubuntu 20 64-bit. liblemon-dev package does not exist.
<mkk_> [Sylvain Munaut, skywater-pdk] Ah well I'm on 19.04 and it's there :p
<mkk_> [Sylvain Munaut, skywater-pdk] And looks like it's going to be re-added in 20.10 so you're just really unlucky.
<mkk_> [Sylvain Munaut, skywater-pdk] But it's like a 5 min job to build that package for 20.04 ...
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<mkk_> [Jean M. Cyr, skywater-pdk] Yep, it's there in 18.04 as well. I'm not about to start assembling packages. So I guess I'm screwed!
<mkk_> [Sylvain Munaut, skywater-pdk] You can just manually install it in the same prefix you're building the openlane tools ...
<mkk_> [Anish S, skywater-pdk] the docker setup really isn't that bad...
<mkk_> [Jean M. Cyr, skywater-pdk] I like stuff that 'just works'!
<mkk_> [Sylvain Munaut, skywater-pdk] Well then use Docker ...
<mkk_> [Anish S, skywater-pdk] fair, unfortunately it seems like openlane is at the point where all the effort is being put into features instead of making it "just work" atm
<mkk_> [Sylvain Munaut, skywater-pdk] You shouldn't try a native install if you're not very familiar with your distro and how to build for it.
<mkk_> [Anish S, skywater-pdk] it took me only around ~20-30 mins to get the container installed and set up to a point where i had a script that would launch the container, run the build, and save the outputs
<mkk_> [Jean M. Cyr, skywater-pdk] Seriously! Is that the project's position?
<mkk_> [Sylvain Munaut, skywater-pdk] The project position is to use the provided docker image.
<mkk_> [Sylvain Munaut, skywater-pdk] that's the "it just works, it's tested" option.
<mkk_> [Anish S, skywater-pdk] ^