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<diegoviola> is it ok if i flash cwm with heimdal, or i need to do it with odin?
<diegoviola> sgs3
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<_paco_> do it with heimdal/open source
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<diegoviola> ok
<diegoviola> heimdall flash --recovery recovery.img <-- that's all i need to flash cwm right?
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<_paco_> where u got that from if its from official site then its ok
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<diegoviola> ERROR: Failed to detect compatible download-mode device.
<diegoviola> i'm getting that
* diegoviola sighs
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<diegoviola> nvm solved it
<diegoviola> i had to press vol up to confirm in download mode
<diegoviola> sigh
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<Thiagovfar> CM10, i9100 doesn't support device encryption as of latest nightly. What's missing for it to work?
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<karthik050782> help me to get cm10 for galaxyr with hw acceleration
<karthik050782> getting "E/SoftAVC ( 120): Decoder failed: -2"
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